Hello Dear Friends!
My favorite time of year, autumn, is officially a week away! Already, we’re seeing signs of it. I hope you experienced a blessed summer. I was able to get away to the mountains, read a couple of books and tend to some other projects.
I’ve been particularly seeking Holy Spirit for direction with this blog and other areas of ministry. One instruction I received from Him was to “throw off every encumbrance” that would take time away from working on other media projects that have been a long time coming. Because . . . the time for it is now.
This means I will not be able to write new weekly devos right now that I have been privileged and blessed to do for well over a decade. And although very worthwhile and anointed, each devo usually requires days of focus through deep study, seeking God, writing and editing.
So, in the meantime, if you would like to receive archived weekly devos in your inbox, you can subscribe to them on the iBelieve platform here. (We began posting them in 2007 from an earlier website and also across the Salem Web Network.)
This said, I plan to post occasional updates on this blog. So, please check back here if you’re interested.
Also, I’ve been working through a learning curve to produce more actual videos, per Holy Spirit’s instruction and after receiving a confirmation through a prophetic Word that God is putting a demand on me to come out from behind the scenes and share wisdom He has poured into me over the years.
If you’re on TikTok, you can find my new profile @margaretdmitchell. When I get up to speed on recording shorts, you’ll likely see them posted on other platforms.
For now, I’m excited for all God has for us, especially over the next five months and throughout 2025. I believe we’ll see more important shifts in our own individual lives as well as at large. I hope you keep a journal, as do I, so you can see the progression of how God moves.
Know that I pray for you daily and would love to hear from you!
For His Glory,
Please add me to devotion.
Hi Sandra, Thank you for your interest in the devotions. You can subscribe to them on the iBelieve.com platform. Here is the link: https://www.ibelieve.com/devotionals/gods-love-at-work/
Looking forward to reading this progress!
I want to follow your updates when available. I discovered you through devotions by Diane Elbe, sent to me by a friend, several years ago. Exciting news about your projects now and in the future!