The obstacles and stains are gone. You’ve been budding for a long time. And now, it’s time for you to bloom!
Crescendo moments of freedom are coming into place any day now, beginning this week and especially over the next couple of months for many of God’s Josephs, Davids, Joshuas, Ruths, Esthers, Abigails and Enochs.
Now that your soul has been delivered and has received much foundational restoration, God will begin to bring about the new outward expressions and establishments of His anointed authority in your life this year, extending into the coming years. These include promotions you’ve held in your heart for a long time, even decades.
Part of the process may involve a little more big pruning for major shifts. This may be necessary for God to catapult you into a better and far better, more power-perfect life with Him. A beautiful and honorable life that more outwardly glorifies Him…And it can happen suddenly.
When it does happen, remember this:
1-Do not look back to anything familiar from which God delivered you. If anything tries to crop up, fully release it to Him. He has progressed you, as well as those people and places to which you were once tied. There will be no grace for you to go back and try to relive what was or extend it into your future. The carnal self that used to be has died off. Those old demons of disrespect, dishonor, condemnation and manipulation have been cut off by God. So, remain close to Him and do not fall for enemy counterfeits forward.
2-As God brings you full circle with other people and places you once knew (and some that are entirely new to you), it’s imperative to STAND FIRMLY IN YOUR IDENTITY IN CHRIST and not waiver. It’s of the utmost importance to be courageous and not fear! Where the enemy may try to pull you back into his former lies and your former behaviors with some of these people and places, do not fall for it. God has FRESH PURPOSE AND FULFILLMENT, to which YOUR IDENTITY IN HIM IS CLOSELY TIED.
By His mercy and grace, He has enabled you to overcome what used to be over you. And now, you will overtake in the best way, according to God and with God in new relationships, to bring about His blessed provision.
I hear The Lord say, “Away we go!”
Yes, He’s especially excited for you! He has been interceding for you and is gratified and honored by you receiving all He has for you in this new season of life to be a powerhouse blessing.
Therefore, this year, as many of you are set free to go live out your new, more blessed life in God, remember to continue to walk closely with Him every step of the way in grace, honor and meekness. Remember to trust God with the full spectrum of what was, what is and what is to come so you can remain free and powerful in Him.
From the heart of God to you, in Jesus’ Mighty Name.