Division & Decision

There are times in life when we find ourselves in a Joshua moment. When we have to leave all that’s behind and stand with God in the face of opportunity. And with this comes a fight of faith and a submission to the Great I Am, who knows the way of victory.

Joshua Moments

During quiet time recently, Holy Spirit revealed numerous Words of knowledge to me, impressing my spirit that many are at this moment in time. These people are standing as Joshuas, aligned with God, right on the cusp of all He has promised, waiting for Him to issue His next command.

What’s going on in your life that requires you to take courage in God for a new area and remain carefully obedient to Him for life itself like Joshua?

God is, as He has always been. And these Joshuas will be rewarded for their honor to Him as they continue to focus on Him, receive from Him and choose His higher ways.

They are waking up and seeing what they know to be demarcations of old and new, of life and death. They know what God has promised, and they are beginning to see long-awaited promises begin to break open. 

God’s way is coming into place, and there is so much grace in it all. 

These Joshuas are awestruck in wonder of what God will do next, right before their eyes. They know it will be as He revealed and even better in the surprises that He didn’t. They are experiencing God as wonderful in the adventure. Again.

They see it precisely as it is because they have followed Him here over time. They have peace because they trusted The One who never fails. They know there’s more to come. In fact, it’s just beginning. 

Valley of Decision

And now, it’s time for the valley of decision, where God flips what was into what’s to come; and His people firmly decide to take hold of His way as the way to go (Joel 3:14). God will lead the willing from old to new in a big way to position them into His higher purposes. 

God has need of them. He has prepared them. And He is with them all the way. 

As these Joshuas cling to God, they will receive His better and far better forward. They know He is their Life Source and nothing can harm them as they remain aligned with Him in His Presence, His divine protection. 

They have had to come away with God in a grand way and now it’s time to come away from the cycles of what was into what’s before them. They know they can continue do so because they’ve had a lot of practice in this area. 

Even though there are unknowns-to-them, they have decided to trust God here, no matter what. They are standing firm and embracing all He has for them as they focus forward with Him, leaving all else behind. 

And this time around, they will experience the victory. It was there for them the whole time but now they shall apprehend it, as honor produces honor. 

It’s Time

The time is right, where there will be no more laps required. “I will break them through,” says The Lord of Hosts. They will rush in and receive. It will be sudden, immanent and there will be much to do. 

It’s time for God to remove the valuable from the detestable. It’s time to detach from the former to enter into the future with new vitality and much divinely-purposed activity. It’s time to receive downloads—both spiritually and materially—that will facilitate an outpouring of beauty-for-ashes life, flowing through and beyond each person.

Just as it was with Joshua, it’s time for sudden departures (divisions) from some places and relationships. Some will even leave without saying good-bye because, when God flips it, it will happen fast. And this is precisely what many have looked forward to for a very long time. 

So, here we are: At the moment of division and decision in time, where many will choose to leave what has been familiar behind and step into what’s new to them to serve God and others in new ways.

Pray with me if you will . . . 

Dear Lord, 

Thank You for a better life forward. Thank You for promises fulfilled. Thank You for Your grace and mercy and leading and guiding. 

Help me to remain close to You through it all. Help me receive from You and make wise decisions that align with Your character and will.

May You have Your way in my life fully. 

In Jesus’ Mighty Name, 


This devo was graciously re-posted by the Salem Web Network, which includes iBelieve.com.


Faithful Disposition

Quietness is closely associated with meekness and characterizes “the spirit of disposition” from within (Vine’s). God is highlighting this Word to strengthen us in Him and His ways now and forward for what is and is to come. 

1 Peter 3:4 AMP expresses the meaning of quietness well by saying, “but let it be [the inner beauty of] the hidden person of the heart, with the imperishable quality and unfading charm of a gentle and peaceful spirit, [one that is calm and self-controlled, not overanxious, but serene and spiritually mature] which is very precious in the sight of God.”

Here, we can see the great value God places on a faithful disposition.

One commentary (HELPS Word-studies) offers us more detail, citing this kind of quietness as being steady and settled “due to a divinely-inspired inner calmness.” Also, being appropriate “by not misusing (or overusing) words that would stir up needless friction (destructive commotion).” 


Another commentary (Strong’s #2272) describes this kind of quietness as “keeping one’s seat” as in being still [and remaining] undisturbed and un-disturbing.” 

We know there are situations that especially require this of us in our lives and in society-at-large.

In this light, Holy Spirit highlighted 1 Timothy 2:2 TPT, which says, “And pray for every political leader and representative, so that we would be able to live tranquil, undisturbed lives, as we worship the awe-inspiring God with pure hearts.”

Here, this kind of quietness is only used in this verse and can reference “tranquility arising from without” (Vine’s).

One commentary (HELPS Word-studies) defines it as “without needless commotion” and “free from outward disturbance.” It describes “the tranquil lifestyle of someone who is composed (self-contained, discreet)” and avoids “what is flamboyant (ostentatious).”

There’s power and protection in this kind of quiet providence and progression (Strong’s #2263)

Trust during Troubles

Those of us who live in the USA have an idea of what’s coming soon, and this very strategic verse of 1 Timothy 2:2 will help us keep our priorities aligned in our divine assignments in the midst. 

How wonderful God is to remember us in advance to help us through. He knows His Kingdom must and will continue to be active on the earth He created, no matter what.

So, just as God sometimes roars and sometimes speaks in a still, small voice, we can know Him as our protective Father, who fights our battles and also reveals Himself as an authoritative, consuming fire.

Not fear or worry, but faithful trust in Him and obedience to His directives will lead us safely through. His peace is power. 

Not Speechless

For my friends who think quietness means speechlessness, it doesn’t in 1 Timothy 2:11 AMPC, which says, “Let a woman learn in quietness, in entire submissiveness.” 

Anyone who truly submits to God knows something of His power and protection. And because of their confident trust in Him, they can experience quietness as an inner calm, a strength that results when our focus and path are right with Him.

And the more we practice it, the stronger in Jesus we become.


2 Timothy 2:25 TPT says, “Then with meekness you’ll be able to carefully enlighten those who argue with you so they can see God’s gracious gift of repentance and be brought to the truth.”

Here, we see meekness used as a tool of light-bearing strength and the wisdom of good news to flip conversations. When we do our part, God’s grace-power will work through a peaceful, meek person to lead others into His truth. 

And isn’t this largely why we’re here?


Finally, quietness can mean rest, a gift of divine wholeness where all of the parts come together harmoniously and without persecution or hostile attack (Strong’s #1515). 

If you’ve been in a season of preparation for a long time, you know what endurance and day-by-day restoration feels like. You know that salvation is the way that leads to peace and you know it can, indeed, be walked out. 

I believe there are those who are about to live out a level of this kind of harmony they’ve dreamed of for a long time. Yes, God is about to deliver them into the promises they’ve held onto and believed for. And even in the transition, there’s a calmness in their souls (Strong’s #2271). Because they’ve been made familiar with God in the process as they have believed and obeyed Him.

This is not to say that all will be quiet around them. But Jesus will bring them through with an inner calm when their focus remains on Him. 

And in all of this, we can remember the importance of the power of presence—of simply showing up and experiencing God’s Presence at work through us in any situation. He is with us at all times to be our steely strength, even at the level of crucifixion. 

To Him be all glory, honor and praise. Amen.

This devo was graciously re-posted by the Salem Web Network, which includes iBelieve.com.

I Need You

During quiet time, Holy Spirit revealed to me that there’s coming a time when His beloved will need to know Him as their strength in new ways. 

As God continues to bring shifts into our lives, He would have us recognize and acknowledge our need for Him. Holy Spirit especially highlighted the Word “NEED” in capital letters, as we believe Him for greater things.

All of the Biblical definitions of the Word need involve elements of measure and time. They can reference:

  • What is suitable, fit, convenient, advantageous, enough.
  • What is indispensable, required, essential, intimate, right, proper.
  • What is pressing, distressing, compelling.
  • Even what is indebted—what is owed.
  • Or simply needing more of something.

Chase Him

Holy Spirit also revealed that we are to synchronize our voices with His and chase Him.

Yes, chase.

He highlighted several verses, including this one in particular: Psalm 34:10 TPT, where King David sings, “…those who passionately pursue the Lord will never lack any good thing.” 

Ironically, the Word “lack” in this verse is transliterated from a Hebrew Word that’s spelled “chaser.”

According to Strong’s, this Hebrew Word (chaser) means to “be abated, bereave, decrease, cause to fail, have lack, make lower, want” (Strong’s #2637). It can reference the loss of a loved one or a change in status. It can mean to want something that feels withheld, even in regards to worth.

Like King David, when we find ourselves in a time of need, we can cry out to God to meet them (Ps 34:4, 15). He assures us in Psalm 84:11 ESV that He “is a sun and shield;” and that He “bestows favor and honor. No good thing does he withhold from those who walk uprightly.” 

Matthew 7:11 assures us that God gives “good things to those who ask him!”

In Matthew 7:7-8 TPT, Jesus says, “Ask, and the gift is yours. Seek, and you’ll discover. Knock, and the door will be opened for you. For every persistent one will get what he asks for. Every persistent seeker will discover what he longs for. And everyone who knocks persistently will one day find an open door.”

Don’t Worry

Jesus also reminds us to forsake our worries and not chase after material needs, like unbelievers do (Mt 6:31-32). He asks us in Matthew 6:27 TPT “So, which one of you by worrying could add anything to your life?” Then, He offers us a strategy in Matthew 6:33-34 TPT which says, “So above all, constantly seek God’s kingdom and his righteousness, then all these less important things will be given to you abundantly. Refuse to worry about tomorrow, but deal with each challenge that comes your way, one day at a time. Tomorrow will take care of itself.”

Paul also reminds us in Philippians 4:6 TPT by saying, “Don’t be pulled in different directions or worried about a thing. Be saturated in prayer throughout each day, offering your faith-filled requests before God with overflowing gratitude. Tell him every detail of your life.” 

Synchronizing Voice

Especially in a time of need, we must remember that God’s voice is a “synchronizing voice,” meaning it perfectly times sound with action.

God says through the prophet Isaiah in 66:2, “But there is one my eyes are drawn to: the humble one, the tender one, the trembling one who lives in awe of all I say.”

King David offers us an encouraging strategy in Psalm 34:12-13 TPT by saying, “Do you want to live a long, good life, enjoying the beauty that fills each day? Then never speak a lie or allow wicked words to come from your mouth.” In Psalm 34:9 TPT he reminds us to “Worship in awe and wonder, all you who’ve been made holy! For all who fear him will feast with plenty.”

We can intentionally choose to agree with Him in Word and action. We can speak what He says and see mountains move and provision come. We can even experience a “miraculous escape” (Ps 34).

Grace is Necessary

His Spirit of Grace is necessary and works to help our voice align with His and fulfill our needs.

Hebrews 4:16 TPT says, “So now we draw near freely and boldly to where grace is enthroned, to receive mercy’s kiss and discover the grace we urgently need to strengthen us in our time of weakness.”

In 2 Corinthians 9:8 TPT, Paul says, “Yes, God is more than ready to overwhelm you with every form of grace, so that you will have more than enough of everything —every moment and in every way. He will make you overflow with abundance in every good thing you do.”

God’s grace is also necessary to fulfill the needs of others through us. Holy Spirit impressed my heart many years ago that He’s raising up His beloved ones who have a great desire to give to others. Many will find themselves in positions to do so in this new season.

In this light, Jesus reminds us how to give in Matthew 6:2-4 NIV by saying, “So when you give to the needy, do not announce it with trumpets, as the hypocrites do in the synagogues and on the streets, to be honored by others. Truly I tell you, they have received their reward in full. But when you give to the needy, do not let your left hand know what your right hand is doing, so that your giving may be in secret. Then your Father, who sees what is done in secret, will reward you.”

Pray with me if you will . . . 

Holy God,

Thank You for Your grace of provision.

We need You every step of the way to accomplish Your plan for us.

“Bend down, O LORD, and hear my prayer; answer me, for I need Your help” (Ps 86:1 NLT).

Thank You that “Your wonderful peace that transcends human understanding, will make the answers known to [me] through Jesus Christ” (Php 4:7 TPT).

To You be all glory, honor and praise.


This devo was graciously re-posted by the Salem Web Network, which includes iBelieve.com.

Timeline Devotion

In six to nine months, we’ll begin to see the discreet things that Holy Spirit revealed to us come into place rapidly. There’s a momentum that cannot be stopped with sudden shifts included. 

God’s prepared ones will know what to do, because they’ve been listening and obeying Him incrementally over time. They have been devoted to Him in His timeline for a long time and, therefore, will prove strong in His life plan for them.

Those who have committed to Him in the secret place have a sense of what’s to come. So, they won’t be surprised. They will be delighted in their new freedoms. And they’ll fit perfectly into their new normal, because God will meet them in His tangible, holy expectations. 

For these devoted ones, it will feel like an awesome finale and a whole new beginning. A relief will wash over them. 

But for the misaligned, it may feel shocking, even though they thought they were prepared. They may be blindsided or feel dumbfounded because their thoughts are not His and they have gone their own way. Those who remain won’t know what to do and will experience desperation. 

It’s a good time to pray about what’s to come—both personally and outside of ourselves. It’s a good time to be ready to share Jesus in ways that we never have. It’s a good time to be ready to meet “unexpected” needs as they present themselves. 

We can have our houses in order to be ready and available as the head, not the tail, to minister reconciliation and meet practical needs from a place of strength in Jesus to those hurting around us. 

We see this happening right now, especially in war-torn countries—how allies and border nations help refugees. Likewise, there are a lot of spiritual refugees who won’t have a clue about what’s next or right in the eyes of God in many situations. They will have exhausted their own arsenals of intellect. They won’t know what to do and will be ripe for the new thing God desires for their lives. 

And you and I can be the hands and feet of Jesus that meet the willing and bring change of direction to their lives.

How exciting is this?!

It’s largely why we’re here: To invite others into relationship with Jesus. It may not be pretty but it will be joyous. It may not even feel familiar but it will extend God’s Kingdom family. And it will reset beauty in us all. 

About five years ago, Holy Spirit revealed to me there would be massive shifts coming up that would feel unpleasant but, processed in alignment with Him, they would prove freeing. To go through these shifts properly and victoriously would require a commitment to Him and His ways. There will be no room or time for knee-jerk reactions, only obedience to His revealed will because they will happen so swiftly, one after the other. 

This mega transition will be an expanse of major life-changing events for many. But those who walk closely with The Lord will be ready. It will not throw them off course but free them to continue in the will of God in areas in which they previously felt bound. 

A lot will be swirling around them in the world, and even in their personal worlds, but they will know precisely what to do, where to go and how to do it, because they have already been advised in the secret place and will continue to be led by Holy Spirit. 

They will not be afraid because God’s direction has been made familiar to them by now. So, they will operate in faith and in Godspeed, as their normal. God will be with them all the way, even meeting them in their new destinations that will be refined for them and their aligned descendants to flourish.

This will be a time of clear decision, where many will get off the proverbial fence. There will be delineations and demarcations. It will not be church as usual, as powerless churches will be left in the dust, bypassed as God’s anointed ones do the true work of Christ, which is the Great Commission.

In the midst, there will be rich rewards for God’s beloved saints who walk out  righteousness, for those who move with Him and in Him as in Acts 17:28. There will be no regrets as they are delivered forward into the long awaited, manifest promises of God. 

And we all have the option to be one of them as we submit to God more deeply in this exciting time just before us.

So, Dear Lord, 

We need You and we trust You to help us. 

To You be all glory, honor and praise.

In Jesus’ Mighty Name,


This devo was graciously re-posted by the Salem Web Network, which includes iBelieve.com.

Sound Mind

To have a sound mind is to have a disciplined mind. A sound mind knows God, knows His principles, hears from Him in any situation, and submits to Him in obedience for His purposes.

One commentary describes sound-mindedness as “safe-minded, issuing in prudent (“sensible”) behavior that ‘fits’ a situation, i.e., aptly acting out God’s will by doing what He calls sound reasoning” (HELPS Word-studies).

This definition is referenced in 2 Timothy 1:7 NKJ, which says, “For God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of power and of love and of a sound mind.”

Sound-mindedness is from a root word that means “truly moderate” and “discreet” or “chaste” (Strong’s#4998). 

This root word can be traced one more level down into two Greek words: One being sozo, which means wholeness of life, and can specifically mean to save, heal, rescue and deliver out of danger, destruction and the penalty and peril of sin (Strong’s #4982). The other root word (phrén) references a person’s thought process, understanding or, more specifically, their “inner outlook (mind-set, insight) that regulates outward behavior” (HELPS Word-studiesStrong’s #5424).

Sound-mindedness as self-control is, in fact, a fruit of The Spirit mentioned in Galatians 5:23, against which “there is no law.” And we do grow in it over time.

This fruit is a mastery within one’s self that can flow outwardly, only by the power of Holy Spirit through a submitted vessel.

So, to have a sound mind is to have a mind that is synced with the life of Holy Spirit inwardly in our thoughts and outwardly in our speech and actions, which is the safest place to be because it’s life-giving. 

God’s truth is that all born-again believers have sound-mindedness in them and are capable of behaving in life-giving ways inasmuch as they grow in Him.

What’s interesting is the sequence of words used in 2 Timothy 1:7, which are those of power, love and then a sound mind. This sequence clearly reveals God’s order and way in which He moves in and through His chosen vessels: First with power. Then in love. Then with a sound mind. All three are necessary and work together in this order to bring blessing. 

We may need to press through the first part of 2 Timothy 1:7, which is to overcome any opposition of fear, timidity, cowardice or cringing that’s not of God. 

Knowing this helps set our minds rightly on Him and His way to experience His power, love and sound-mindedness in demonstrations. Sometimes, we have to intentionally choose to get past it and let it become our new normal in new circumstances and assignments as He calls us all up higher. 

A Biblical example of this would be how Peter and John behaved when they encountered the lame man in Acts 3:4-7 and then interacted with the crowd in verse 16. 

The New King James Version says, “And fixing his eyes on him, with John, Peter said, ‘Look at us.’ So he gave them his attention, expecting to receive something from them. Then Peter said, ‘Silver and gold I do not have, but what I do have I give you: In the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth, rise up and walk.’ And he took him by the right hand and lifted him up, and immediately his feet and ankle bones received strength.”

Here, as a vessel of deliverance, Peter acted in a manner of confident boldness, not in the least bit of fear, and even in front of a crowd on Solomon’s porch.

He spoke God’s truth to the crowd as a teacher in Acts 3:16 when he said, “And His name, through faith in His name, has made this man strong, whom you see and know. Yes, the faith which comes through Him has given him this perfect soundness in the presence of you all.” 

This kind of soundness means wholeness, completeness and divine health (Strong’s #3647). So, this was a faith-filled demonstration of true sound-mindedness with a purpose and tangible result of resurrection life (Ro 8:11).

And this is precisely what can happen and more when we walk with Holy Spirit in life-giving sound-mindedness. This is how a fountain of blessing comes through a life lived out with Him as our Lord.

Solomon himself reminds us of this wisdom in Proverbs 14:30 MSG, which says, “A sound mind makes for a robust body, but runaway emotions corrode the bones.”

So, Lord, 

We thank You for inviting us up higher. Please do that which only You can do, and make us vessels of your power, love and sound-mindedness. For Your glory and even for our own benefit and the benefit of others as in Psalm 103.

In Jesus’ Mighty Name, 


This devo was graciously re-posted by the Salem Web Network, which includes iBelieve.com.