Poverty vs. Enrichment

Recently, a dear friend shared something with me that was heavy on their heart. It involved a man, who is a beloved family member and doesn’t know our Lord. This man was facing the end of his life and chaos surrounded him. This man is also very wealthy.

For days, I prayed for the ailing man, but I didn’t sense anything from our Lord. I knew God doesn’t want anyone to perish, and my soul needed peace. Then, one day, Holy Spirit highlighted a scripture to me, letting me know He had heard my prayers.

The scripture was Jeremiah 33:3 and the part Holy Spirit highlighted was “I will answer you.”

This entire verse in the Amplified Version says, “Call to Me and I will answer you, and tell you [and even show you] great and mighty things, [things which have been confined and hidden], which you do not know and understand and cannot distinguish.”

In the past, I have seen this scripture as God revealing His mysteries to those who seek Him, especially His wisdom. But now, in this new season, I have come to see it as God showing up in impossible situations and showing off, revealing Himself to those who seek Him in new ways to them that will restore their hearts from their deepest cries to manifest expressions of His love, leaving them in awestruck wonder.

In short, I am believing for this spiritually, emotionally and physically poor man to be restored in such a way that he will come to believe in Almighty God and be enriched by the true richness of Christ.

I am believing God to flip this man’s storyline through Heaven coming down. I am believing God to restore this hopeless one to His fold of true fellowship.

I am believing this man’s wealth to land in the hands of the righteous when our Lord leads him home.

I know that nothing is too hard or dark or impossible for our God! Nothing! Not even a hard heart or a stronghold of deception. And certainly not leeches who try to take advantage of wealthy people in a weakened state.

God will show us His truth when we cannot see it for ourselves. He will make a way where this is no way. He is not limit to our legalities or our short-sighted vision or even our unbelief when someone stands in faith for us.

This man could have easily died by now. But he is still alive for a reason. There is hope for him. It’s not too late.

I believe his eyes will be opened. I believe he is about to experience a heart shift. I believe he is about to encounter God, as He reveals Himself in a way this man cannot deny. I believe this man will be delivered out of every root of spiritual, emotional, physical and financial poverty in his lineage when God shows up as Love, who came down. I believe every deception of darkness will depart as God reveals Himself to this man as The Grace of Truth.

Is there someone’s soul for whom you’re fighting? I encourage you to keep believing and praying for them. God is showing up profoundly during this harvesttime. He hasn’t forgotten those on your heart. God loves them even more than you do. So, cry out for them and watch what God does.

Remind Him that His Word says He doesn’t want anyone to perish. Remind Him of the dedicated believers in their lineage, who have gone before them, who would also like to see them saved. Speak life over them, repeatedly. And Thank God, as their life source, who will bring Heaven right into their darkness.

Watch as God works it out. The natural details may look and sound messy before the clearing. But rest assured, God is in the midst of the pieces, moving them all toward a good outcome.

If we will trust Him enough to hand it all over to Him, God, as Love, will win every time. He will reign over it all. His mercy will triumph over judgment. He will refresh you with His joy as He reveals to you that He will answer your prayers for them in ways that only He can. He will be glorified! And you will be awestruck by Him!

When God shows up, all will see that nothing can stand against Him. We are living in powerful times. The false powers in our world are no match for Almighty God. Stand with Him and agree with Him wholeheartedly in His truth. And then watch it manifest.

So, pray with me if you will…

Dear Lord,

Open our eyes to see You re-order Your priorities in the hearts of humankind and establish Your increased glory on the earth.

I declare that we will hear reports of victory-salvation and answered prayer. I declare that they will not be too late but will be right on time. I declare that we will be awestruck by our loving God, who shows up and shows off in our favor and for those impoverished souls for whom we pray.

In Jesus’ Mighty Name above all names.


This devo was graciously re-posted by the Salem Web Network, which includes iBelieve.com.

Safety In Truth

There is divine protection in living in God’s truth (He 13:6).

Here’s what God’s Word reveals:

Psalm 91:4 NKJV says, “…His truth shall be your shield and buckler.”

Proverbs 7:2 TPT says, “…Guard your life with my revelation-truth, for my teaching is as precious as your eyesight.”

And Proverbs 4:26 TPT says, “…Stick to the path of truth, and the road will be safe and smooth before you.”

So, we see here that God’s truth is our shield and that we can guard our vision and our very lives with it as we walk on its safe path.

We can believe that, no matter what our challenges, we can pass tests of truth with God’s help, because His nature is “…abounding in goodness and truth” (Ex 34:6 NKJV).

Psalm 112:5 TPT tells us that “Life is good for the one who is…conducting affairs with honesty and truth.”

But according to Romans 11:7-8, those with hardened hearts are unable to receive God’s truth and live frustrated lives.

So, what is in our hearts? What are we believing? What do we stand upon?

Luke 8:15 TPT reminds us in The Parable of the Sower that “The seed that fell into good, fertile soil represents those lovers of truth who hear it deep within their hearts. They respond by clinging to the word, keeping it dear as they endure all things in faith. This is the seed that will one day bear much fruit in their lives.”

King David was mindful that truth itself is an enduring characteristic of God. He understood that the holiness of truth would enable him to endure all that came against him, because the wicked “have no part with those who walk in truth” (Ps 1:5 TPT).

In the face of fear and lies, we can have the same resolve as we continue to trust God at His Word and align our character with His.

In Psalm 52, we seen an example of King David’s enduring faith in God’s truth, right in the face of betrayal. He said:

You call yourself a mighty man, a big shot? Why do you boast in the evil you have done? Yet God’s loyal love will protect me and carry the day! Listen, O deceiver, trickster of others: Your words are wicked, harming and hurting all who hear them. You love evil and hate what is good and right. You would rather lie than tell the truth. You love to distort, devour, and deceive, using your sly tongue to spin the truth. But the Almighty will strike you down forever! He will pull you up by your roots and drag you away to the darkness of death. The godly will see all this and will be awestruck. Then they will laugh at the wicked, saying, “See what happens to those great in their own eyes who don’t trust in the Most High to save them! Look how they trusted only in their wealth and made their living from wickedness.” But I am like a flourishing olive tree, anointed in the house of God. I trust in the unending love of God; his passion toward me is forever and ever. Because it is finished, I will praise you forever and give you thanks. Before all your godly lovers I will proclaim your beautiful name!

King David understood that good leadership is built on truth and that God rewards it (Pr 20:28, 14:14).

Pray with me if you will…

Dear Lord,

Make me a light of truth, according to Ephesians 5:9 TPT. “Pour into me the brightness of your daybreak! Pour into me your rays of revelation-truth! Let them comfort and gently lead me onto the shining path, showing the way into your burning presence, into your many sanctuaries of holiness” (Ps 43:3 TPT). Help me to present Your truth-in-love (Gospel) to others for the sake of Your Kingdom (2 Co 4:2 TPT, Ti 3:8 TPT). “…Keep me in your truth and let your compassion overflow to me no matter what I face” (Ps 40:11 TPT). Help me to “Hold on to loyal love and” not “let go, and be faithful to all that” I have “been taught. Let my “life be shaped by integrity, with truth written upon” my heart (Pr 3:3 TPT). “I will live enthroned with you forever! Guard me, God, with your unending, unfailing love. Let me live my days walking in grace and truth before you” (Ps 61:7 TPT).

In Jesus’ Mighty Name.


This devo was graciously re-posted by the Salem Web Network, which includes iBelieve.com.

Healing Fire

A few weeks ago, our Lord revealed a Word to me about His fire coming to touch people across the USA. He revealed that so many would be healed and delivered in churches, in families and in unexpected places that it would be undeniable by unbelievers—both the churched and unchurched.

We know that God heals daily and in more ways than one. Holy Spirit revealed that this would happen right in front of people’s eyes to the point that it would prove pivotal for an entire denomination that doesn’t typically practice healing today.

Our Lord revealed that people who have used wheelchairs for decades would walk again. And even as I wrote this devotion, He revealed to me that He will even touch those with down syndrome.

Shortly after revealing this Word, Holy Spirit directed me to Acts 3, especially verse 16 (TPT), which says, “Faith in Jesus’ name has healed this man standing before you. It is the faith that comes through believing in Jesus’ name that has made the crippled man walk right in front of your eyes!”

This key verse offers us insight:

First, the name of Jesus reveals His identity, which includes Yahweh-Rapha, The Lord Who Heals. The man believed that the name of Jesus contained all that he needed to be made whole. So, the man stood in faith in his heart for all of who Jesus was before he stood physically. He came to know, even more, the glorified Jesus, who restores all things (Ac 3:21).

Secondly, this restoration happened right before people’s eyes—the very ones who denied and killed Christ (Ac 3:13-15). Oh, what an undeniable witness and wake-up call this was for these onlookers.

Interestingly, too, is that the vessel from whom the restoration flowed was Peter, the one who received restoration from Jesus directly after denying Him three times (Mt 26:69-75, Jn 21:15-19). Peter had been empowered by Holy Spirit in the Upper Room and was especially compassionate to reach those who denied Christ because of what he himself had walked through.

So, Peter boldly professed the gospel to this crowd, urging them to repent so their sins would also be removed and that “times of refreshing” would “stream from the Lord’s presence” (Ac 3:19).

Our Lord set it all up perfectly purposed so that the man who received his healing was moved to the Beautiful Gate to showcase Jesus. In so doing, God set the stage for those who denied Him to receive their wholeness before the man received his (Ac 3:2). God used the man to reach others alongside Peter and John. The man received his miraculous healing and instantly became a voice of evangelism through worshipping God (Ac 3:9-10).

We can see that every step of this process was divinely strategic. When we consider that God makes everything beautiful in His time, according to Ecclesiastes 3:11, we can clearly see that our Lord perfectly timed the repositioning of this man around the 3 o’clock temple sacrifice, when there would be a crowd and when Peter and John were about to enter the temple.

Acts 3:2 TPT says, “As they came to the entrance called the Beautiful Gate, they were captured by the sight of a man crippled from birth being carried and placed at the entrance to the temple. He was often brought there to beg for money from those going in to worship.”

The Word “Beautiful” in this verse means timely and seasonable (Strong’s #5611). It means “an hour, the time of fulfillment” and “fully developed” (HELPS Word-studies). It means “beautiful in timing, hence fruitful.”

It was God’s time for this man to flourish and bloom as a witness to others, who also needed redemption from Jesus.

Peter and John saw with spiritual eyes what Holy Spirit highlighted to them. It was a captivating appointment, where the power of grace (represented by Peter) and the power of love (represented by John) met faith (in the man) that stood the test of time.

This whole scene is an expression of who Jesus is and the finished work He did for us at the cross. Acts 3:20-21 TPT says He is “the chosen one for you.” He is The One who “must remain in heaven until the restoration of all things has taken place, fulfilling everything that God said long ago through his holy prophets.” The Word “restoration” here specifically means the “restoration of perfect health,” (Ac 3:21TPT study note).

I believe we are at the forefront of a time of flourishing in divine health. I believe we will see stories like this one in Acts 3 happen on a multiplied scale. I believe it will spread, like the wind-powered fire it is, across the USA.

So, Lord, let Your fire fall for Your glory. Help us to go out in Your power to heal this nation (Mt 10:1, 7-8). In Jesus’ Mighty Name. Amen.

You can read the Word Holy Spirit revealed to me here.

This devo was graciously re-posted by the Salem Web Network, which includes iBelieve.com.

Obey Away!

May I share a personal testimony with you?

Nearly twenty years ago, I experienced a visitation from an angel, whose fierce presence was powerful beyond what I can adequately describe. I knew in my spirit, as he stood inches before me, that he was a high-ranking warrior and that he had come to reveal something life-giving.

I felt indescribably overwhelmed. And I was glad I was sitting in my prayer room at the time. Had I been standing, I would have surely fallen from shock and fear (Jdg 13:6, 9, 18, 20-21; Lk 1:12, 2:9).

I vividly remember my heart racing as I sat still, frozen really, and listened to this messenger. It was a Psalm 46:10 moment, and he had my full attention. This encounter helped me better understand why Moses wasn’t allowed to see God’s face at Sinai (Ex 33:23).

The message the angel came to reveal included four keys of strategy and a warning to help me navigate what God was bringing me through in the deep, behind closed doors.

The angel delivered the 4 keys and then said to me, “This is the only way you’ll get through this.”

God’s message resounded in my soul to the point that I knew I had to make choices of life over death by adhering to God’s ways. I knew that God revealed this strategy to me in a way that I could never deny. It was as important in my life at that time as it is right now.

Very recently, our Lord brought one of those important keys to remembrance, reminding me to adhere to it regarding my path of promise.

The key is “careful obedience.”

In God’s mercy to meet us right where we are, when the enemy attacks, when it doesn’t go the way we thought it would, it’s time to trust God as He trusts us to move forward with Him in His redeemed way.

That’s what Caleb did—the wholehearted one. The one who had a different spirit than his mainstream community. The one who was called out by God to fight battle after battle in Joshua’s army. The one who did it victoriously, knowing God better in it, having been made stronger through it and coming out on top. Caleb was established in the outward fruit of victory-salvation.

Caleb’s story teaches us that all is not lost when those around us disagree with what we know to be God’s will. As with Caleb, God helps us work out our salvation with fear and trembling, in reverence to Him above any fear of man.

One of the pseudo obstacles that presented itself to me recently was an unwilling spirit from others to move forward with an opportunity. But, like Caleb, I decided to turn to God, believing He will reveal His redemptive next steps to me. And so, I trust Him.

I have come to realize, even more, that Caleb’s story involves redemptive grace in action. I am excited to see how God works it out, as I do my best to carefully obey Him.

I share this testimony to put to rest any apprehensions or disappointments you may have experienced in your own destiny-journey. To encourage you about opportunities God has for you. Opportunities that the enemy would have you think you may have missed. Always remember that God is not without redemption when your heart is submitted to Him (Kairos – Strong’s #2540).

So, you will not be turned away when the community around you does not obey God. Instead, God will see your willing heart and make another way for you, even if He has to call you out from among them and set you on a new path, like Caleb.

We can receive our instructions and go forth, knowing God and His fierce angels are with us in battle. Therefore, may our fear of God be greater than any fear of man, including the unwilling behind us and the resistant before us.

This is what God’s command of “Obey Away!” means—to fully and firmly commit to His process of the establishment of His purposes and promises, above and beyond falsehoods that will fall away in His Presence. Keep going, no matter what.

So, let’s put our confidence in God as we remember and walk out His faithful truth in Deuteronomy 30:15-16 ESV, which says, “See, I have set before you today life and good, death and evil. If you obey the commandments of the LORD your God that I command you today, by loving the LORD your God, by walking in his ways, and by keeping his commandments and his statutes and his rules, then you shall live and multiply, and the LORD your God will bless you in the land that you are entering to take possession of it.”

Thank You, Lord, for helping us choose life. To You be all glory, honor and praise. Amen.

This devo was graciously re-posted by the Salem Web Network, which includes iBelieve.com.

Sweet Dominion

Sweet dominion. It sounds like home, sweet home, doesn’t it?

It reminds me of a moment in time when the Israelites’ victory felt like they could settle into their new space without intrusion. Where battles were won and expansion finally felt like establishment. Where the fruit was big and sweet. It was theirs. And the long journey was worth every step, even for future generations.

I believe God is expanding the establishment of His bride in this hour and that we will see it unfold more and more in the days ahead. Also, that the next few years will be pivotal for many in this regard as our Lord brings us into His promises to live them out for His glory, changing lives and even history for families and others they will touch.

Like the Israelites, your greatest heart’s desire has likely been your greatest battle. You may have even wrestled with God over it. At times, you may have wondered if it would ever come true for you. But God saw that your heart remained steadfast for Him in what felt like longsuffering. And He has not forgotten you.

Your reward will be better than you expect.

This brings to mind Caleb’s daughter, Achsah, who asked for more than her initial portion of land and received it immediately. Joshua 15:18 AMP says Achsah “[rode up to Caleb and] dismounted from her donkey, and Caleb said to her, “What do you want?”

Achsah answered, “Give me a blessing; since you have given me the [dry] land of the Negev (South country), give me springs of water, too.” So, he gave her the upper springs and the lower springs” (Jo 15:19 AMP).

When we take a closer look at this conversation, here’s what we find:

The Amplified Classic version of Joshua 15:18 says, “When Achsah came to Othniel, she got his consent to ask her father for a field. Then she returned to Caleb and when she lighted off her donkey, Caleb said, What do you wish?”

Obviously, this was a pivotal moment for Achsah. What’s especially interesting in this verse is the Word “lighted.” In Hebrew, “lighted” means “went through” and “descend.” It means “fasten” and “light from off” (Strong’s #6795).

This same Word “lighted” is used in Judges 4:21 in reference to a tent peg that went through a man’s (Sisera’s) temple and was fastened to the ground.

This helps us see Achsah’s story unfolding metaphorically, which is that her mind had to be established in the light and fastened to peace in order for her to release her beast of a burden that she went through to position herself for the outward establishment of righteous increase. In other words, she had to come away from where she had been—the former hardship, the battle (that helped get her to this pivotal moment) and fasten herself to the outward double blessing, for which she asked. Achsah had to come increasingly into the light of what God was highlighting to her to receive what He offered through His beloved Caleb.

Achsah became a beacon of light.

Achsah asked and received.

Her reward was a tangible living-water testimony of Isaiah 43:19 BSB, which says, “Behold, I am about to do something new; even now it is coming. Do you not see it? Indeed, I will make a way in the wilderness and streams in the desert.”

Achsah, received her land increase as the evidence of her hope, her belief, her faith to be established in God’s provision of restoration—the land of milk and honey.

Achsah would not be shortchanged.

She worked out her salvation and we can, too (Is 12:3)!

The Apostle Paul encourages us in Philippians 2:12 AMP by saying, “So then, my dear ones, just as you have always obeyed [my instructions with enthusiasm], not only in my presence, but now much more in my absence, continue to work out your salvation [that is, cultivate it, bring it to full effect, actively pursue spiritual maturity] with awe-inspired fear and trembling [using serious caution and critical self-evaluation to avoid anything that might offend God or discredit the name of Christ].”

God requires our surrender to His gracious and righteous ways so we can experience an increase of His goodness in the land. We can be transformed to serve the God, who “turned the desert into pools of water and the parched ground into flowing springs” (Ps 107:35).

We can pursue Him and obey Him. We can choose to not look back but look forward and step up to receive our promised inheritance as God helps us. Like Achsah, He is taking us full spectrum as we actively believe in Him (Jn 7:37-39).

So, “…Lord, do it again (Ps 126:4)! Turn our captivity, as the streams in the Negev. To You be all the glory, honor and praise.

In Jesus’ Mighty Name.


This devo was graciously re-posted by the Salem Web Network, which includes iBelieve.com.