Time For A Change – Part 2

God has not only shifted us into new alignments and assignments in this new season, He is now working through us to bring swift change beyond us. He is bringing darkness to light, sweeping out ungodly attitudes and even gatekeepers from positions in business.

I have witnessed our Lord, who sees it all, weeding gardens and cleaning houses in businesses; while He strengthens and continues to prosper those committed to working His way. 

This is John 10:10 playing out to the point of harvest on both sides, revealing life and lack.

God is purging evil workers (Phil 3:2). And we are instrumental.

Giants will fall. 

Jezebels will be thrown down.

False kings (like Saul) will come to the end of themselves.

It’s time for the Davids and Esthers and Josephs to ascend in position by God’s prevailing spirit of victory-salvation.

Friends, this is jailbreak time, where the light of truth gets laid bare on the table to be dealt with (Acts 5:19-21, 16:26, 16:37).

1 Corinthians 4:5 TPT says, “…he will bring all that is hidden in darkness to light and unveil every secret motive of everyone’s heart. Then, when the whole truth is known, each will receive praise from God.”

It’s time for greater manifest victory, and God is behind it, in it and on it. So, do your part, and watch the hand of our Lord move mightily through you. 

Get ready to see the greater boldness He instilled in you during past times of consecration to now roar like never before! Be on guard, ready to cross over from lack into provision, to be birthed into more of the manifest value of your identity and inheritance—in multiple areas over time.

As God’s instrument, the initial provoke that comes to you will be an alert that you are on task and on mission for higher breakthrough. Remember to tread carefully, led by Holy Spirit. As God intervenes through you, you will receive your reward that has been stored up, waiting for you, while those with unyielded hearts will receive what God has stored up for them (Ro 2:5). 

When Holy conviction invites you into a turning point for the better, stand up and speak truth to improve your situations and surroundings (Is 45:19 TPT). Be the breakthrough instrument God uses for your benefit and that of others. 

Romans 2:6 says, “For: He will give to each one in return for what he has done.” Verse 16 says that God will judge “the hidden secrets of people’s hearts. And their response to the gospel…will be the standard of judgment used in that day.”

In other words, God will allow the standard that evildoers set to produce the harvest they chose in their lives. And He is moving swiftly.

We are in a harvest of the manifest fruit of the heart. Therefore, those who lived by their own standards above God’s will now reap the consequences they chose. While others, who grew higher with our Lord, will reap and enjoy His Holy rewards.

Both have the opportunity to process their circumstances God’s way.

For God’s people, it’s time to come out on top! 

God’s appointed time of light has come, and it’s just the beginning. Our Lord revealed to me that we can expect to see even bolder manifestations of big shifts over the next three years.

We are living out these pivotal moments of truth right now and forward. God is turning situations in our favor as we step up, speak up and do the work in His strength, led by His Spirit. 

So, don’t hold back, and don’t back down. Stand firm, rise and witness God move on your behalf. Be awed and amazed as you see swift results, which is our new normal. 

He will do it. 

He will break those long-standing strongholds and end our longsuffering. Because it’s time to emerge boldly from the consecration, while remaining deeply rooted in Him as He takes us higher. 

We will emerge stronger in our Lord, empowered as an elevated force to go and do the work before us by His Spirit on new levels. 

We will come to know Him and His blessings even more. 

We will see this freedom extended even throughout our physical bodies. What the enemy tried to hide and work in darkness is now being exposed, uprooted and chains broken, as we receive God’s revealed ways of gracious healing.

Our secret scriptures to hold onto is Isaiah 45:5-6 TPT, which say, “…I will strengthen you for victory, even though you do not intimately know who I am. Yet through you everyone will know who I really am…”

“In that day, Lord Yahweh, Commander of Angel Armies, will be a crown of glory and a diadem of beauty for the remnant of his people. He will be a Spirit of justice for judges to render right decisions. And he will be strength and bravery for those who turn back the battle at the gate” (Is 28:5-6 TPT).

So, pray with me if you will…

Dear Lord, 

Thank You that “in You I find righteousness and strength…” In You, I “will triumph and shine” (Is 45:24-25 TPT)! You are not a God of chaos, so come and reconcile the pretty prose of 1 Corinthians 13 in our petty mess of today. Lord of our breakthrough, I trust Your spirit to break the chain reactions that have bound me, as I declare victory-salvation over every place in my life (Is 28:21). I thank You for helping me live out the benefits of Isaiah 45:19 TPT, which says, “…speak the truth and declare to you what is right!” Lord, You say in Isaiah 45:23 TPT that in Your “…own name, this word sent from my mouth in righteousness will not return unfulfilled…” So, my expectation is that You will do what You say and deliver Your people accordingly. Help me to get my part right as I partner with You to enter into new places. Thank You for ordering my steps and for rescuing us all for Your glory. 

In Jesus’ Mighty Name. 


This video-devo was graciously re-posted by the Salem Web Network, which includes iBelieve.com.

Time For A Change – Part 1

One of the ways God speaks to me is by giving me a revelatory nugget here and there over time that ultimately converges into a clarified message—a bigger picture of what He’s doing (Pr 20:24 TPT). I think of it as trail mix on a treasure hunt that leads to a prize—the realization of His transforming and eternal love in my life and in others’ (1 Co 13:13).

Does He speak to you like this, too?

I believe one of His purposes in doing so is to prompt us to dig deeper in prayer and Word for the fullness of His revelation—the unique and complete experience of a particular promise to us. Also, to gently lead us into the manifestation of His new and higher place for us without overwhelming us, especially where ungodly strongholds have been intact for what feels like a long time. 

For months, God has been highlighting Wilson Phillips’ song, Release Me. Then, for weeks, He highlighted the folk-pop hit, California Dreamin’, written and recorded by John and Michelle Phillips, Chynna Phillips’ parents. (Chynna is the lead singer of Wilson Phillips.)

All the while, Holy Spirit was highlighting darkness-to-light scriptures as well as messages about His anointing being hindered by adverse attitudes of the heart. 

I soon began to realize He was showcasing something about the area of family. Namely, that He is bringing change for the better and that it is time to see the impossible manifest.

God is answering prayers, especially concerning breakthrough restoration of our closest relationships. He is setting our souls free from toxic entanglements as we have intertwined ourselves increasingly with Him. 

God is manifesting what He has been helping us work through all along. We will experience the desires of our hearts in this area—more of His gift of love as seen in our closest relationships, even some of the ones God completely separated us from and others with whom we’ve had to set strong boundaries for a season.

If there is someone in our lives we have forgiven and for whom we have prayed, someone we have resolved in our hearts as much as we feel we can, someone with whom we have been patient beyond what we thought we could, know that God is giving us increased breakthrough with this person and that we will surely see Him do it.

God is unshackling us from the mockery of prideful legalism into His lovely grace so we can experience Him in this power we’ve never known on this level in this area. God will reveal Himself as our Spirit of Grace, who can and will do much to make up for times past as we continue to submit to Him.

Over time, as we have released hard-heartedness to God and have been made stronger in Him and His ways, He has delivered us and is now manifesting divine health in our relationships by His transforming love. 

God is the only One who can cleanse hearts and re-set these relationships. 

We need only to follow Him.

In so doing, we will see honor restored, respect for one another. 

As God has healed and matured us, we will come to know others in a new way. As past pain is swept away by our Lord, it will be replaced by His peace that surpasses understanding. 

No more will longtime festering wounds control these long-term relationships. 

Where God has been in the messy middle, we will witness Him having worked it out well in the end for a new beginning. We will come into a new understanding, with God and the others, as we submit to His authority in stewarding these relationships His way. 

We will discover it was part of His plan all along.

Love, which is ongoing and everlasting, will prove strong as God has aligned us to experience Love’s breakthrough and deep roots over time. Love will take us higher and broader over time as it now has freedom to grow in this area. 

It’s time to celebrate these beautiful (timely) changes (Ro 12:15-16). Yes, even in these beginning stages. For it is surely happening. We can praise God as He continues to complete the work in us and bring us together in a new and greater light.

You have stayed the course. Now, it’s time to experience the manifest victory in this area. It’s time to see and know the reflections of His creative, transforming love, where He makes all things beautiful in their time. 

So, pray with me if you will…

Dear Lord, 

Thank You for getting me to higher ground. Thank You that Your unfailing love delivers me from cycles of defeat. You know all the intimate details of my relationships. You have been with me through it all. Thank You that You protected me, that pain is not my portion and that You have now made a way for new beginnings. Thank You for restoring hope, confidence and trust as I remained on the righteous path with You (Job 8:13-14 ESV). Thank You for replacing roots of fear with Your perfect love. Thank You for softened hearts and shifting cycles of un-resolve into redemption. Thank You for helping me to rebound with honor. Thank You for giving me fresh vision and expressions of Your love as I continue to run Your race for me. Thank You for helping me to see others as You do and know You even more. Thank You for continuing to lead me into greater new beginnings in my relationships. For all this, I am grateful and look forward to moving on with them under Your guidance.  

In Jesus’ Mighty Name,


This video-devo was graciously re-posted by the Salem Web Network, which includes iBelieve.com.