Redeeming Your Time – Part 3

Redeeming our time is a divine expression of reconciliation. God takes regrets, missed opportunities and passed moments in time and reformulates them into something new, while He simultaneously reforms us inwardly. He brings something good out of all of it to benefit us and others. 

God’s power of redemption in our daily lives can break through the resistance of our minds and offer us fresh vision to gain manifest victory.

Nothing is impossible with Him. 

Isaiah 43:18-19 TPT say, “Stop dwelling on the past. Don’t even remember these former things. I am doing something brand new, something unheard of. Even now it sprouts and grows and matures. Don’t you perceive it? I will make a way in the wilderness and open up flowing streams in the desert.”

Friends, God will bring life where there was or is no life. He is life everlasting. So, when we invite Him into our dead, hopeless places, life begins to flow in and through us from Him as our river of life. When this happens, we will experience our prayers getting answered in new ways. 

We need only to have our eyes opened and be aligned with Him.

A few weeks ago, I walked into a store to purchase something small I had had my eye on. It was the perfect throw for a new chair.

When I walked into the store, Holy Spirit immediately drew my attention to the song playing on the store speakers. It was Fleetwood Mac’s Don’t Stop. Suddenly, I heard this song in a new way, as encouragement for my daily redemption from God. The lyrics went:

Open your eyes and look at the day. You’ll see things in a different way. Don’t stop thinking about tomorrow. Don’t stop. It’ll soon be here. It’ll be better than before. Yesterday’s gone. Yesterday’s gone. Why not think about times to come? … Just think what tomorrow will do.

Holy Scripture confirms this message by saying, “Set your gaze on the path before you. With fixed purpose, looking straight ahead, ignore life’s distractions…” (Pr 4:25 TPT). “…fasten your thoughts fully onto Jesus…” (He 3:1 TPT). “Keep your thoughts continually fixed on all that is authentic and real, honorable and admirable, beautiful and respectful, pure and holy, merciful and kind. And fasten your thoughts on every glorious work of God, praising him always” (Ph 4:8 TPT).

Yes, there is a backstory…

Once, when I walked through the deepest and longest character-building time of my life and could not see my way off of the ocean floor, our Lord revealed a few highlights of my life forward. He enabled me to see beyond where I was to where He was taking me. He even revealed a major shift to me that was years up ahead that would make room for more of His promises to come into place. 

These fresh visions of hope kept me going. 

Still today, He opens my eyes daily to see how He has brought me into new life and continues to do so. 

He is our trustworthy God of the impossible—our God of more than enough. He makes a way where we cannot see or find one on our own. He delivers us from limitations and sets us on a higher track with Him.

Hebrews 3:1 TPT reminds us that each of us is “invited to the feast” of our “heavenly calling.”

God desires that we keep moving in His direction, because this is where new life waits to be received. It’s the gift of redemption being worked out in our lives daily. 

We need only to humble ourselves, choose to trust Him at His truth and follow His lead.

So, has God revealed glimpses of your future to you?

Has He given you a vision in your heart?

Have you asked Him about it?

As we walk with Him and seek Him, He will reveal even more! The Lord of our lives will enable us to experience the convergence of small daily victories right up to His complete fulfillment of big promises to us. 

The key is to process this path His way, submitting to His strategies and course corrections. When we follow Him into new life, He will surely deliver us into the glory of His goodness and the fruit in the land.

Pray with me if you will…

Dear Lord, 

Thank You for making me holy and inviting me to the feast of my Heavenly calling (He 3:1 TPT). Take me higher in You, Lord. Show me what You have for me forward—the future You have planned for me (Je 29:11). Open my eyes to see it unfurl daily. Help me follow You into the great destiny you have for me. My life is Yours. I trust You to get me there—to receive all You have for me and nothing that’s not of You.

In Jesus’ Mighty Name, 


This video-devo was graciously re-posted by the Salem Web Network, which includes

Redeeming Your Time – Part 2

The best way to reconcile issues of the soul, unfinished business or any other outstanding matter is by the living, redeeming work of the cross. 

Colossians 1:17 TPT says that “He existed before anything was made, and now everything finds completion in him.”

The AMPC version reveals that God is our supreme binder, saying, “…He Himself existed before all things, and in Him all things consist (cohere, are held together). [Prov. 8:22-31.]”

So, we must do as Hebrews 4:16 AMPC says, which is to “find grace…to help in good time for every need [appropriate help and well-timed help, coming just when we need it].”

We can hold on to the Spirit of Grace and release matters to Him to bring complete wholeness, which honors Him (Ps 55:22 TPT, Phil 1:6). By God’s authority, we can also bind the enemy that tries to keep us spinning in un-resolve so that life doesn’t continue on without us (Lk 10:19).

The revelation God gave me on this is that His grace not only works outwardly as explosive power but also works inwardly as an implosion, where internal fragments are made whole or redeemed. 

Just as in the military command to “fall in,” this means that we must break away from a former or present place and meet with God to come into a new alignment under His authority for transformation. In this way, He will bind our matters into a glorious new whole to demonstrate His goodness (Ps 18:25).

So, as we trust our Kinsman-Redeemer, we can give Him all of our fragments, and ask Him to resolve them to His liking, and then grow them exponentially (multiplicity) for His glory (Jn 6:11, Lk 6:38, Is 43:1). We can ask Him to awaken our minds and hearts to see and know Him more in this way—as our God who redeems our lives on earth as it is in Heaven. 

Because redemption doesn’t stop at the altar of salvation (Ps 50:23 TPT).

Redemption continues to work on our behalf as we walk out our salvation, submitting our limitations to God and trusting Him with transformation and multiplicity.

Sometimes, it may look and feel worse before we see better. But God, in His faithfulness, will get us to the place of fewer hindrances and more shalom peace and abundant true (zoe, Strong’s #2222) life than we’ve ever known.

God is in the redemptive work with us, so we can “fearlessly and confidently and boldly draw near to the throne of grace” (He 4:16). Know there will come a time, when we will begin to see the outward work of His redemption. 

We will see the promised fruit. 

Just as God is the perfect binder, He is also the perfect sower, who multiplies good fruit in our lives forward. Luke 8:15 NIV says, “But the seed on good soil stands for those with a noble and good heart, who hear the word, retain it, and by persevering produce a crop.”

Multiplicity is a part of God’s redemptive work as explosive growth. Multiplicity is a time-saver. 

Job’s life is a noble example of abiding-ascension and multiplicity, where God restored him double for his losses. 

And God will do the same for us. 

We see God do double miracles of brokenness to abundance for the multitudes in John 6:11 NLT, which says, “Then Jesus took the loaves, gave thanks to God, and distributed them to the people. Afterward he did the same with the fish. And they all ate as much as they wanted.”

When I read this scripture, during this writing, Holy Spirit highlighted the Word “distributed” to me.

I believe He revealed it’s time for those of us who have followed Him in the deep implosive work of our souls to now explode on the scene into the distribution phase. In other words, it’s time to get the message out, to share the blessing or the feast of manifest miracles God has done in us with the world around us in whatever form He as ordained.

As we obey, God will use the life-work He did in us to extend life to others as He expands our reach outwardly by His explosive grace-power.

As Redeemer, He will do the impossible on our behalf.

As we go about this new phase of distribution with our Lord, as redeemed vessels with a message of redemption for others, a critical element to practice is the acknowledgment of Him “as our Provider of all we need each day,” as is written in Matthew 6:11 TPT. Abiding in Him is everything, as it was for Job. 

So, our righteous prayer today is…

Dear Lord,

Thank You for Your victory-redemption. Where I have felt defeated in the past, help me live in Your miraculous abundance as I abide in You and obey You. “Let my passion for life be restored, tasting joy in every breakthrough you bring to me. Hold me close to you with a willing spirit that obeys whatever you say” (Ps 51:12 TPT). Thank You, Lord, for making my path increasingly bright as I continue to come into greater life-union with Your righteousness (Pr 4:18, Ps 23:3).

In Jesus’ Mighty Name. 

And now, I declare over you that “…God himself, the heavenly Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, release grace over you and impart total well-being into your lives” daily (Ep 1:2 TPT).


This video-devo was graciously re-posted by the Salem Web Network, which includes

Redeeming Your Time – Part 1

Recently, Holy Spirit brought to mind Paul Anka’s 1975 gold song titled, Times of Your Life. I hadn’t heard this song in a very long time. I remember it as one that was popular among young people to reminisce about mostly good times forty-plus years ago, especially at proms and weddings.

But, this song heralds yesterday as hard to find and suggests that we reach back anyway to gather moments and collect dreams to pack away in our minds. It goes on to talk about setting suns and passing seasons and tomorrows, where we wake up and find that time slipped away. 

But God has something else to say about moments and time in our lives. 

His way says it’s not over. In fact, God has some big, new beginnings for us.

He has better for us now and forward than we ever experienced back then. Our latter can be greater, as He redeems our time—past, present and future. 

He’s waiting. It’s our choice. 

As we look to God and seek Him, not our past, as we release all that’s former to Him, He will awaken us to more of His true life for us now and forward. He will enable us to see as He sees and embrace His best. He will work all things for our good and for His glory, recompensing what we missed out on earlier. He will make it better than it would have been. 

Daily, He will encourage us and reveal Himself to us as merciful and gracious as we prioritize Him as our first and center and follow Him forward.  (La 3:22-23). 

Do you believe Him?

Do you trust Him?

Do you know Him in this way?

It’s not too late. 

God desires to change the trajectory of our lives to go higher, farther and deeper in and with Him. 

He is not limited, except by our unwillingness.

He will give us better memories and make the dreams He put inside of us still come true.

As we commit to prioritize the Spirit of Grace above all else in our lives daily, He will refashion, reframe, refocus, refit and refresh us in ways that will bring Him (and us) greater honor. He will offer us better memories than we ever had and could have made on our own. 

He’s that good.

He’s that powerful.

He’s God.

He will take us from survival to feasting on His abundance, as we receive His grace of salvation to work on our behalf: His perfect life-blood will work righteousness and justice into our lives (Ro 3:25; 5:9, 18, 21 TPT). His great Name will open new doors for us. His Word will illuminate our hearts in truth that sets us free from a disappointing past. He can rework our today and our future and bring something good out of it. He is everlasting, and in Him, there is no end to His love, life and goodness (Ps 18:25). 

It begins with an attitude of humility, seeking Him and dependence upon Him, because we cannot do it ourselves (Ro 5:6).

And God exalts the humble (1 Pe 5:6, Lk 18:14).

If you feel like all hope is gone, and your heart aches for “Christ in you, the hope of glory” to show up on your behalf (Co 1:27), it’s time to be led “to the rock that is higher” (Ps 61:2). It’s time for hope to be restored. If you let Him shine His light in your heart, you can then put this fresh hope fully in Him. 

He never disappoints.

Isn’t it time to believe Him at His Word and let Him work on your behalf to do authentic life His way (Jn 6:63)?

Friends, God will restore His root of love in us—His greater glory, and make us into His brightest lampstands as we walk with Him along His narrow path and remain in Him.

God can and will bring opportunities around again for new life to prove better than it would have been if we had known better and done better earlier. Even if some of our previous moments got cut short, due to an illness or perhaps an untimely passing of a loved one, that time is still redeemable. The goodness of God continues onto the next generation to be appropriated (Ps 78:6). God’s will for us is to offer us recompense for whatever was lost or stolen when we forgive, repent for any wrongdoing and submit to Him. God will even reveal His recompense to us in advance, so we can set our expectation on Him to fulfill His promise.

How exciting are these mysteries of God revealed?! 

Pray with me if you will:

Dear Lord, 

Thank You for Your mercy for me. I “cry to You, When my heart is overwhelmed; Lead me to the rock that is higher than I” (Ps 61:2 NKJV). I entrust my life to You to get me where You desire I be in my growth in You and in Your Kingdom for Your glory. Restore my hope. Redeem my time. Make something good out of every lost moment and disappointment. Do that which only You can do. And open my eyes to see it and receive it all Your way.

In Jesus’ Mighty Name,


This video-devo was graciously re-posted by the Salem Web Network, which includes