Division & Decision

There are times in life when we find ourselves in a Joshua moment. When we have to leave all that’s behind and stand with God in the face of opportunity. And with this comes a fight of faith and a submission to the Great I Am, who knows the way of victory.

Joshua Moments

During quiet time recently, Holy Spirit revealed numerous Words of knowledge to me, impressing my spirit that many are at this moment in time. These people are standing as Joshuas, aligned with God, right on the cusp of all He has promised, waiting for Him to issue His next command.

What’s going on in your life that requires you to take courage in God for a new area and remain carefully obedient to Him for life itself like Joshua?

God is, as He has always been. And these Joshuas will be rewarded for their honor to Him as they continue to focus on Him, receive from Him and choose His higher ways.

They are waking up and seeing what they know to be demarcations of old and new, of life and death. They know what God has promised, and they are beginning to see long-awaited promises begin to break open. 

God’s way is coming into place, and there is so much grace in it all. 

These Joshuas are awestruck in wonder of what God will do next, right before their eyes. They know it will be as He revealed and even better in the surprises that He didn’t. They are experiencing God as wonderful in the adventure. Again.

They see it precisely as it is because they have followed Him here over time. They have peace because they trusted The One who never fails. They know there’s more to come. In fact, it’s just beginning. 

Valley of Decision

And now, it’s time for the valley of decision, where God flips what was into what’s to come; and His people firmly decide to take hold of His way as the way to go (Joel 3:14). God will lead the willing from old to new in a big way to position them into His higher purposes. 

God has need of them. He has prepared them. And He is with them all the way. 

As these Joshuas cling to God, they will receive His better and far better forward. They know He is their Life Source and nothing can harm them as they remain aligned with Him in His Presence, His divine protection. 

They have had to come away with God in a grand way and now it’s time to come away from the cycles of what was into what’s before them. They know they can continue do so because they’ve had a lot of practice in this area. 

Even though there are unknowns-to-them, they have decided to trust God here, no matter what. They are standing firm and embracing all He has for them as they focus forward with Him, leaving all else behind. 

And this time around, they will experience the victory. It was there for them the whole time but now they shall apprehend it, as honor produces honor. 

It’s Time

The time is right, where there will be no more laps required. “I will break them through,” says The Lord of Hosts. They will rush in and receive. It will be sudden, immanent and there will be much to do. 

It’s time for God to remove the valuable from the detestable. It’s time to detach from the former to enter into the future with new vitality and much divinely-purposed activity. It’s time to receive downloads—both spiritually and materially—that will facilitate an outpouring of beauty-for-ashes life, flowing through and beyond each person.

Just as it was with Joshua, it’s time for sudden departures (divisions) from some places and relationships. Some will even leave without saying good-bye because, when God flips it, it will happen fast. And this is precisely what many have looked forward to for a very long time. 

So, here we are: At the moment of division and decision in time, where many will choose to leave what has been familiar behind and step into what’s new to them to serve God and others in new ways.

Pray with me if you will . . . 

Dear Lord, 

Thank You for a better life forward. Thank You for promises fulfilled. Thank You for Your grace and mercy and leading and guiding. 

Help me to remain close to You through it all. Help me receive from You and make wise decisions that align with Your character and will.

May You have Your way in my life fully. 

In Jesus’ Mighty Name, 


This devo was graciously re-posted by the Salem Web Network, which includes iBelieve.com.

Decision Words

Recently, Holy Spirit showed me the Words “Decision Words” and “strategy traits” in visions. So, as I began to prayerfully research the Words, this is what He led me to see:  

A decision can be an act or a process but either way, discernment is involved in decision making, such as a judgment in a courtroom. Decision can also mean a determination of victory by a score and not a knock-out, such as in boxing. The Word “Decision” stems from a Latin word that literally means “a cutting off” (Dictionary.com).

I’ll pause here and say, if you’re into metaphors, like I am, you’re already beginning to see some of the interpretation.

In Holy Scripture, the Word “decision” can mean firmly decided (or fixed) by God (Job 14:5). It can mean “destined for completion” by God (Is 10:22 AMP). It can mean to act in agreement with and submission to God’s decisions in battle (2 Sa 5:24). And it can reference something that has been separated out or cut away as a distinction of what is and is not acceptable to God (Ex 11:7). 

According to Strong’s, decision means to “sharpen” or “point sharply.” it means “to be alert, to decide” and to “move” promptly.

When we think about it, isn’t this what the Word of God does for us? And aren’t we, as arrows, purposed to be alert and move swiftly to hit the mark?

Hebrews 4:12 NIV tells us that “… the word of God is alive and active. Sharper than any double-edged sword, it penetrates even to dividing soul and spirit, joints and marrow; it judges the thoughts and attitudes of the heart.”

I believe that God will continue to demonstrate His delineation of good from evil in nations and individuals to the point that He will allow His law of reciprocity to work as He completes a work in each (Joel 3:14, Ph 1:6). 

I believe we will see that God is just and merciful and has compassion on those He chooses, according Romans 9:14-18.

I believe there are those of faith and noble character, like Ruth, who will go forward and be aligned and re-mantled with a restored covenant inheritance, as God reinstates borders, priorities and provision for those who continue to walk with Him.

Therefore, for new life, it’s important to align our thoughts, attitudes and words with the mind of Christ and the Word of God, quickly discerning good from evil and making Godly decisions. According to Hebrews 5:4 AMP, our senses are trained by this practice.

There are powerful and purposed strategies Holy Spirit has already given to us and specifics that He is revealing now and forward. Like Naomi, who was a wise and enduring strategist, they will help keep us aligned with Him, as we keep step with Him.

So, for those whose character has been marked by God, it’s time to receive His plans for next assignments and draw them up. It’s time to make firm decisions to commit to them. Because God is turning up the spotlight on His people as beacons to multitudes. 

Holy Spirit highlighted Proverbs 12:22 TPT, which says, “Live in the truth and keep your promises, and the Lord will keep delighting in you…” Through our active faith is how we please Him. 

“You will be learning some new things as you go,” says The Lord. “But I will be with you and help you learn them fast.” 

So, as we step out to boldly carry them out, His power will work through us and He will reveal more. The sequence He showed me in this process is “Decisions, wisdom, strategy, management and victory” in this order. 

Also, we are to pray for God to give us the right words, to speak boldly and travel equipped, as described in Ephesians 6:11 NLT, which says, “Put on all of God’s armor so that you will be able to stand firm against all strategies of the devil.”

God’s armor pieces for us are His “strategy traits.” His purposed plan and qualities, His direction and wisdom for victory in movements (Ep 6:13-19 NLT). 

In all of this, I am reminded of Romans 9:23 NIV, which asks, “What if he did this to make the riches of his glory known to the objects of his mercy, whom he prepared in advance for glory?”

Pray with me, if you will . . . 

Dear Lord, 

Thank You for Your rich mercy and truth that brings change. Please reveal more of Your strategies to me and strengthen me to commit to them. Help me to walk closely with You, to align tactically and swiftly with You (2 Sa 5:24). Thank You for redeeming my life on earth as it is in Heaven, for delivering me into Your promise of a blessed future (Je 29:11).

In Jesus’ Mighty Name, 


This devo was graciously re-posted by the Salem Web Network, which includes iBelieve.com.