Wisdom Strategy

A couple of weeks ago, I saw the Words “Wisdom Strategy” and “comfort zone” in Word-visions. Here’s what I believe Holy Spirit is revealing:

Our Lord is bringing us into a new comfort with fresh wisdom. There will be some forging ahead, but there will also be grace to help us as He brings us into more wholeness.

God is about to re-set some people. As they have fought for a long time to overcome evil oppression, He is about to establish them and their house in peace in a manifest way. This may involve a physical relocation, even beyond where they are right now.

“There is more,” says The Lord of Hosts. And there is coming a distinct shift into higher. This will be a place of rest and honor in a way some haven’t felt for a long time and on a new level. This is a place that is pleasing to God, where He will be worshipped without disturbance.

God is removing false strongholds to free some up to live out this desire beautifully with Him. These people will experience the manifestation of 1 Samuel 25:28 and 2 Samuel 7:11 in their lives, which is to say that they will know a place of rest for themselves and their families from enemies as they have overcome evil and become more like Him.

God is also bringing physical healing to many as a form of rest to help them continue their journeys to their new places. The deliverance of mental strongholds will prove pivotal. He is uncorking painful wrongs that have been bottled up and worked to conflict people’s souls. He is bringing these issues into the light of His truth, where the enemy can no longer hide. This release will bring a celebration, as His people become freed to move forward with Him. Years of distress will fall away. No longer will these people be held back. Many will be brought to the forefront for the world to see His righteous light through them.

God is moving to expand and establish His Kingdom through their offspring, like Solomon, where wisdom is poured out as strategy to guide and to build God’s house spiritually and physically. They will know how to do it by The Spirit of the Living God, as trust and obedience continues to grow (1 Ki 2:3-4).

Remember the good and evil in John 10:10 was played out through Solomon and Absalom, both sons of King David (by different mothers). One honored authority. The other ignored it. One built. The other tore down (Pr 14:1; 2 Sa 7:13, 1 Ki 5:2-5). The one who tore down was himself torn down, as he brought evil upon himself, similar to Haman in the Book of Esther (Es 8:7, 9:25; 2 Sa 18).

Here are some wisdom nuggets from Holy Spirit to help in the journey:

The wisdom for deception is discernment (1 Ki 3:11).

In decision-making, courage without wisdom can kill. So, remain close to God and carefully obey Him.

Don’t make decisions based on the pain of your past. The answer for pain is not more pain. So, don’t bring worse on yourself. Instead, look up to The One who will guide you into all truth and give you beauty for ashes.

Our hearts are like radars—-always searching for just the right thing. Since Jesus is our most right thing, when we find Him as our Treasure, He will lead us to find His expression of treasure for us (Matt 13:44). Don’t settle for less.

What we can’t figure out is forward. But God will bring us into the knowledge we need. So, trust Him on the front end and walk with Him accordingly.

It’s better to hear God and go than to logic it out and waffle. We are being faced with whether we will trust God in the big shift or continue in what we know, the latter of which will short change us.

Resistance to God’s way, including leaning on our own understanding, is an alignment with evil limitation and can manifest in disease and/or death. But as we resist evil and live submitted lives unto our life-giving God, we receive His abundant life increasingly (Ja 4:7).

The devil has his own version of transformation. The enemy wants to mess up our intimacy with God. He wants to mess us up so we mess up. He will try to provoke us with fear into believing God’s ways are not enough and to rely on ourselves to get the job done. But this false path leads to exhaustion and fruitlessness.

Condemnation doesn’t make room for grace and fear doesn’t make room for faith. Time is short so don’t waste it.

Dwell on The One who dwells in us rather than on problems that arise. Acknowledge and trust His powerful grace at work on your behalf and ask Him for a fresh infilling of His Spirit.

Getting too focused on now will cause us to settle for smaller than God intended. When we keep our eyes on God, we are positioned to receive His best.

God will give us new eyes to show us how we’ve grown. He is our peace, our first place, our champion, our victor.

God’s way is light, so we don’t have to add to it or take on unnecessary burdens.

When our compassion becomes over-extended and misplaced, we uncover ourselves from God’s protection. Remain in His Presence and let Holy Spirit do what only He can do for others who aren’t getting it.

If you haven’t experienced God showing up for you like this, He will grow you in your faith to believe.

He is our greatest comfort and He has given us access.

Pray with me if you will…

Dear Lord,

Thank You for giving us rest on every side so there is neither adversary nor evil confronting us. Help us to choose Your way consistently. Give us Your wisdom to build a new dwelling place in Your Name and Presence (1 Ki 5:5).

In Jesus’ Mighty Name,


Now,may “The Lord bless you and keep you; the Lord make his face shine on you and be gracious to you; the Lord turn his face toward you and give you peace.” (The Aaronic Blessing in Numbers 6:23-26 NIV.)


This devo was graciously re-posted by the Salem Web Network, which includes iBelieve.com.

Problem Solving: Obedience Strategy

One day, I was working around the house and noticed Pastor Rick Warren being interviewed on television. I turned up the volume just in time to hear him make a profound statement.

Pastor Rick described one of the most painful situations of his life and said that friends close to him immediately came to his and his wife’s aid. From this he learned and shared what best helped them in their most devastating moments: The ministry of presence.

Pastor Rick went on to advise viewers that, when people don’t know what to say to those in dire need, say nothing. Just be there and intentionally don’t say anything.

Isn’t this how it is when we meet God’s awesome, tangible Presence? When we experience Him as enough, we are comforted that no one gets our pain like Jesus. And we know that only He can fix it.

To be sure, resolving the impossible requires divine Presence and strategic action.

One beauty people of endurance are developed in is the humility of resolve.

As they are constant in prayer, laying down their issues, their limitations, their impossibilities at the foot of the cross. As they cry out to God and invite His Presence into their circumstances to redeem that which only He can. As they seek Him and find Him in the midst of their worst pain, when nothing else will do. And at the point where they encounter His perfect Glory-Presence, they experience His perfect shalom-peace for what’s needed most.

To function from this glorious place, we must put our hope in God. We and our issues must be submitted to God. This requires trust in God and a love for Him. It’s all a journey of seeing and receiving Jesus in the midst and coming into His higher perspective and ways through experiencing Him. Then, intentionally acting from His Spirit.

Overcoming requires the victorious implementation of God’s strategy—spirit, soul and body, as our entire being chooses life. When battles require our engagement, as led by Holy Spirit, our first place of engagement should be with Him to be empowered and guided. As we hear from Holy Spirit, He will bring us into more of His truth as strategy through revelation and wisdom.

Consider Joshua.

God commanded Joshua to not fear and choose courage for life. God released unique strategies to him for each battle as he needed them. To be victorious, Joshua had to trust God at His Word with his life and the lives of his troops. He had to obey God’s strategies as he executed them in physical battle. Joshua had to keep his heart and mind aligned with God’s promise of victory along the way. There was no room to consider anything less, because seconds do not sustain life in war.

We would do well to learn from Joshua, who was made stronger in God’s character and promises as he obeyed.

So, what battles have you been fighting? Have your strategies been working?

Here are a few points to consider:

Don’t engage in foolishness.

Engaging in wrong spirits, like strife, is a snare. So, don’t take the bait. Stand your ground by remaining in the beautiful, high, glorious place with God and let Him deal with perpetrators.

Get to the root to overcome.

As we dwell in God’s Presence, we can fearlessly to go deep, wherever He shines His light to be restored in our root system and foundation. Doing this will reset our expectations in life for God’s goodness.

Resist the devil and he will flee.

As we submit to God’s authority, the enemy flees (Ja 4:7). Many ugly things will just fall away as we dwell with the beautiful and strong Lord of our lives. The enemy cannot touch us in God’s Holy tabernacle.

Speak up and out.

Speaking up appropriately makes all the difference. Having meditated on God’s truth, praising Him, and declaring His promises over our lives and situations is powerful and helps bring needed change.

So, pray with me if you will…

Dear Lord,

Thank You for helping me overcome adversity in my life on earth through Your life in me and in Heaven. I invite You to bring resolve in my life and to begin with me. I invite You to reveal to me any issues in me for the purpose of overcoming them. Open my eyes to see Your invitations to Your beauty of life within me and all around. Help me to release wrong things to You and rise with You. Help me to fight fearlessly and strategically with You for Your glory. Thank You for graciously completing Your finished work of the cross in my spirit, soul and body. Help me to receive Your blessed life more fully and live it out abundantly.

In Jesus’ Mighty Name.


This devo was graciously re-posted by the Salem Web Network, which includes iBelieve.com.