Faith Time – Part 2

The Lord revealed to me that He is completing some assignments to bring His beloved into a higher perspective—one where wholeness resides—a beautiful, anticipated end to longings of the heart (1 Co 15:24). 

The image He gave to me was of a choir director bringing a choir to the close of an impactful song, where the glorious power of harmony comes to a punctuated end to position us anew. 

God is opening doors to places of beauty, revealing His greater goodness, the abundance of John 10:10. And there is such deep appreciation of these manifest opportunities, because they have felt like a long time coming. 

God has been breaking us into these places step-by-step, giving us a new perspective little-by-little; and in so doing, has increasingly made us insiders.

Suddenly, where we used to walk and wonder what it would be like to be in “that” position—in “that“ company, in “that” home or family or on “that” level—God is fulfilling a multiplicity of promises that He placed in our hearts. 

He is turning our reality.

Instead of being on the outside looking in, in a moment, we will find ourselves positioned on the inside looking out. With deep calm and gratitude in our hearts. 

We will experience a gentle exhale of “finally.”

God is bringing us onto His mountain to experience the solidity of His holiness, His glory and goodness. We will experience what we have prayed for for so long.

As we continue to fasten the gaze of our hearts on God, He will re-seat us higher with a firewall of protection around us (Ze 2:5).

Zechariah 2:5 NLT says, “And I will be to her a wall of fire all around, declares the LORD, and I will be the glory in her midst.”

Psalm 91:9-10 MSG say, “Yes, because God’s your refuge, the High God your very own home, Evil can’t get close to you, harm can’t get through the door.”

So, friends, in God bringing us up higher, things that used to pull us down will not even phase us. They will simply become a nonissue.

Drive-bys intended to harm will turn into by-passes as evil is turned away.

Are you willing to exercise the faith God put in you for His resurrection life to stream like a fountain upward and out of you?

If so, we must remember, too, that as we transition into these higher places with God’s perspective, we have to entrust Him, as our rear guard, with what’s behind us (Is 52:12).  

We must believe, by faith, as we take hairpin turns with Him, that He has better forward.

It’s time. And it’s right in front of us. 

We can renounce all lies of the evil one and continue forward, no matter what. Because when our assignments are complete, evil departs from those assignments (1 Co 15:24, 1 Sa 30-31).

Here are a few Bible characters who took a hairpin turn toward God and His will and, as a result, received a great harvest of restoration:

Ruth and Naomi, who returned to Naomi’s beloved Bethlehem (and God), received the security of a new husband and a new son, respectively (Ruth 1:16, 4:13-17).

Elijah, who sought God on Mt. Horeb when he was greatly troubled, heard from God; then returned the way he came, with a fresh victory-strategy and three new assignments from God that were destined for victorious outcomes (1 Ki 19:15-18).

David, who sought God before returning to Ziklag, the place of his assignment, recovered all (1 Sa 29:4; 30:3, 8, 18-20). Then, immediately afterward, when he shared his plunder generously, the evil assignment against him (through Saul) cancelled out (1 Sa 30:21-31; 1 Sa 31).

Notice, in each of these Bible character’s lives, their livelihoods were threatened. But they were led by The Lord into exponential new life; and they became conduits of new life for others.

Each of these Bible characters chose to seek God and a path of victory. 

Life didn’t end in tragedy, even though the enemy of their souls would have them believe otherwise. They kept going until they received their manifest victory.

They were surrounded by large and wide-open doorways of opportunity. They had to make pivotal decisions in a moment that would set their course higher in resurrection life. 

This should encourage us to make room for God’s truth and grace when making life-impacting decisions. He will be faithful.

Everywhere God leads us, we can walk on higher ground, because of the higher level of holiness God has brought us into by His Spirit and His dominant strength over His promises to us. 

The way these Bible characters got there was to turn to God first to seek and know His will for themselves and their circumstances. Then walk it out.

Their steps for a victorious outcome could be summarized like this…

  1. Seek God. Receive His strategy. Take the path of victory by obediently walking out your assignment, His way, until it’s complete. 
  2. When the fiercest part of the battle is over, do the right thing and share your plunder-blessings with others. Despite opposition.
  3. The attacks that come against you will be cancelled out when your assignment is completed in victory. In other words, the stronghold against you and your assignment will be broken. So, no matter what, don’t stop until you cross the finish line.

Friends, it’s time for God’s multiple promises to come into fruition in our lives.

And, not just one promise, but many over time, especially in the next five to six years.

By the dominant strength of His Spirit, our Lord is bringing them into place.

We will see them come to pass when we open our eyes and see it God’s way. Then choose to believe by faith for our longtime heart’s desires to come into fruition beginning right now. And exercise our faith to move forward, trusting and relying upon God (Jn 3:16, 3:36).

Psalm 34:8 MSG says, “Open your mouth and taste, open your eyes and see— how good God is. Blessed are you who run to him.”

Friends, let us taste and see and come to know that God is better than we’ve ever known.

It’s time to receive God’s priority and perspective that He has waited patiently for us to grow into.

So, if you’re willing…

  • Look up (to seek His heart and face). 
  • See Heaven above earthly things, even above the practical things He used to help build you so far along the way. 
  • Receive Him as the true revealer of mysteries who fortifies you. 
  • Praise Him for His rich mercy and patience, which He has also gifted to you as the fruit of His Spirit. 

He is wonderful, awesome God!

Lord, thank You for changing our perspective to see more of You and Your goodness in our lives. Enable us to receive all you have for us as we trust in You (Jn 3:16, 3:36; 1 Co 2:5). In Jesus’ Name. Amen.

This video-devo was graciously re-posted by the Salem Web Network, which includes

Faith Time – Part 1

During the first couple of days of August, The Lord revealed to me that it’s “faith time.”

In other words, this is His timing for His faith in us to begin to be worked out of us into His manifest promises. It’s time to step forward with Him in faith to complete divine assignments that He will use to help bring a generous harvest for His glory—one that will affect generations.

What might this specific assignment be for you?

For me, it’s a book re-write.

God revealed that, as we do a hairpin turn back to these assignments, our experience will be better and more efficient than before. His promised blessings are still waiting for us, and we will be on a new, more powerful trajectory as we let go of old mindsets and operate from more of His freedom and focus.

The projects God will have us complete are ones He will use to help re-set us on top of previous challenges and will even use to restore others, including people the enemy used as perpetrators against us. 

That is … when we keep the right attitude and they become willing. 

We all have the option to “run straight for the divine invitation of reaching the heavenly goal and gaining the victory-prize through the anointing of Jesus” (Phil 3:14 TPT).

We will get there through seeking Him, receiving from Him and carrying out His commission His way. 

This will, of course, require honesty and devoted time in His Presence, as well as operating in the authority He has given us.

He will release direction and wisdom to us as we go. 

He will reveal mysteries to us as revelation understanding.

God even promises to answer our cries for help every time we ask. He promises that we will feel His Presence in our times of pressure and trouble (Ps 91:15).

Psalm 91:14 TPT says, “For here is what the Lord has spoken to me: “Because you have delighted in me as my great lover, I will greatly protect you. I will set you in a high place, safe and secure before my face.”

Psalm 91:11 TPT says, “God sends angels with special orders to protect you wherever you go, defending you from all harm.”

So, friends, we don’t have to worry about difficulties during the completion process of our assignments when we can declare Psalm 91, knowing that God is on our side. 

We can step forth believing God will favorably answer our Jabez prayer, requesting blessings that include an enlarged territory and divine protection to remain pain free (1 Ch 4:10). 

If the journey has been difficult for you already, and you’re tired and don’t want to return to your assignment, Romans 12:12 TPT offers some direction and encouragement by saying, “Don’t give up in a time of trouble, but commune with God at all times.”

Friends, God is not finished.

And neither are we.

1 Corinthians 16:13 TPT advises us to “Remember to stay alert and hold firmly to all that you believe. Be mighty and full of courage.”

So, I encourage you to hold onto the promise God gave you as He brings it to completion through you, by His Spirit. 

This means that, while we move forward with The Lord, you and I will prevail over opposition by the power of His dominant strength, as He works His faith in us.

God will honor His Word as He fiercely fights with us and helps us gain the upper hand. 

God will give us everything we need to pursue and overtake that which comes against us and His plan, no matter how big the threat or mess.

Remember, too, that just because a battle may ensue, it doesn’t mean God doesn’t love us. It means the One who gives us victory and authority loves us enough to strengthen our relationship with Him. It means that, as we seek His face and obey His will, He instructs and protects us to the end.

So, we can choose to believe that the rewards will be worth the effort as we stay the course and God further establishes us and takes dominion through us.

God promises us that we “will be satisfied with a full life and with all that” He does for us. We “will enjoy the fullness of” our “salvation” (Ps 91:16)!

Friends, we are in a season where our long-held dreams are beginning to come to pass. Where the abundance of John 10:10 is coming into fruition. 

It’s time for the completion to come into place for the sake of a better, greater, more abundant Kingdom harvest.

Are you ready to give it one last push?

If so, pray with me…

Lord, help me to know You more and comprehend Your ways. Enable me to receive all that You have for me and nothing that’s not of You. For Your glory. In Jesus’ Mighty Name. Amen.

Join me next week for Part 2 of Faith Time

This video-devo was graciously re-posted by the Salem Web Network, which includes