Revelation Light

“God is pure light” (1 Jn 1:5).

The Spirit of Revelation, which is The Holy Spirit (Ep 1:17).

This Spirit of Revelation lives in us and is “the illuminator of men” (Vine’s). 

The revealing of Himself and His will to us as “The Light of Truth,” which sets us free (Jn 1:9). 

John 1:4 TPT tells us that “His light is life for all humanity.” 

Luke 2:32 TPT tells us He is “the Revelation Light for all people everywhere!”

Psalm 119:130 CSB tells us that “The revelation of your words brings light and gives understanding to the inexperienced.”

Revelation is “the illuminating power of the Scriptures; and of the judgments and commandments of God” to guide us (Vine’s; Ps 119:105, Is 51:4).

God’s heart and mind, even His face is revealed to us when He releases revelation to us as His “children of light.” (1 Jn 1:2, Lk 16:8). 

So, revelation comes through divine intervention, an encounter with God (Lk 4:4 TPT).

Revelation “designates God’s own self-disclosure or manifesting of himself, or things concerning himself and the world; the word itself, oral or written…by inner, immediate illumination of…hearts and minds by God…God is always the initiator and author of revelation” (Tyndale Bible Dictionary).

In Galatians 1:12 TPT Paul says, “No one taught me this revelation, for it was given to me directly by the unveiling of Jesus the Anointed One.”

Revelation is the great communication mode by which “something is presented to the mind directly” (Vine’s). It by-passes human reason, thinking and ability to position us as a receiver and a doer, according to God’s will for victorious living.

Revelation guides us into God’s best as “the will of God for the conduct of His children” (Vine’s).

God’s treasure of revelation enables us to have a closer walk with Jesus, applying wisdom to where we’ve been and where He’s bringing us. He gifts us with new knowledge and insight—removing past burdens with divine understanding, as well as the burden to try to figure the present out on our own—while strengthening us for the journey ahead. In this way, God frees us so we can continue on, guided by His heart of love as revealed truth.

Revelation light is also God’s strategic weapon against forces of darkness. The Spirit of Revelation uncovers darkness, brings truth to light and knowledge to wisdom as He wills.

Luke 12:2 AMPC tells us that “Nothing is [so closely] covered up that it will not be revealed, or hidden that it will not be known.”

We need only to see as God sees. 

In this supernatural way of seeing and understanding, revelation can be a secret weapon to help keep us on top of the enemy and advance us (Da 2:22, Ps 139:12). 

Especially as He makes us trusted gatekeepers (Ps 24:7), drenched in His mercy and doing relationship like 1 John 1:7 TPT, which offers us a strategy that says, “…if we keep living in the pure light that surrounds him, we share unbroken fellowship with one another, and the blood of Jesus, his Son, continually cleanses us from all sin.”

Revelation brings peace, even in the midst of chaos, because His Presence is powerful light that extinguishes darkness. Even in our minds, God can settle our wonderings about issues that try to loom through releasing revelation-understanding to us. In this way, He helps us walk in His clarity and powerful peace (Ps 55:22, 1 Pe 5:7). 

Paul tells us in Philippians 3:14-15 TPT that he ran “straight for the divine invitation of reaching the heavenly goal and gaining the victory-prize through the anointing of Jesus. So, let all who are fully mature have this same passion, and if anyone is not yet gripped by these desires, God will reveal it to them.”

Paul knew that revelation, as a spark of light, ignites us for victory and sets us in motion, aligned with God’s will and faithfully headed forward with Him and toward Him simultaneously.

God’s gracious gift of revelation also encourages us with clues along His timeline for us.

At will, God can reveal glimpses of our future to us: moments of experience and divine assignments in advance to set our minds on a right course and ready us (Ep 3:20).

At “the cross, Jesus supremely revealed God’s self-giving love” (Hayford Bible Handbook).

“God’s disclosure of Himself to mankind, including His nature, His moral standards, and His plan of salvation” is divine revelation (Hayford Bible Handbook).

Jesus as the mystery hidden and the secret kept can be received and experienced (Ro 16:25). He desires to share Himself and His mysteries with you for your own welfare and that of your family, your work and your nation. 

Do you know Him like this?

In Proverbs 1:23 TPT God asks us, “Don’t you know that I’m ready to pour out my spirit of wisdom upon you and bring to you the revelation of my words that will make your heart wise?”

1 John 1:9 TPT says that “…if we freely admit our sins when his light uncovers them, he will be faithful to forgive us every time…”

So, are you ready to come into more of His light and receive divine insight? 

If so, pray this prayer with me:

Lord Jesus,

I praise Your Holy Name. I desire to receive Your revelations. I repent of my sins and invite You into my heart as Lord and Savior. Fill me with Your Holy Spirit and release Your revelations to me. Bring me into Your marvelous light and drench me in your mercy (1 Pe 2:9-10). Enable me to receive revelations of Your secrets for Your glory.


And now, “I pray that the Father of glory, the God of our Lord Jesus Christ, would impart to you the riches of the Spirit of wisdom and the Spirit of revelation to know him through your deepening intimacy with him” (Ep 1:17 TPT).

In Jesus’ Mighty Name.

To God be the glory.


This video-devo was graciously re-posted by the Salem Web Network, which includes

Surrounding Wisdom – Part 2

God has been delivering His people out from under clouds of darkness into His marvelous light to declare His praise (Ro 13:11-14, Lk 11:33-36 TPT, Ep 5:8-21, 1 Jn 1:5-7).

Psalm 71:15 AMPC says, “My mouth shall tell of Your righteous acts and of Your deeds of salvation all the day, for their number is more than I know.”

God has used the longsuffering many endured in previous seasons to develop wisdom in them, posturing them for longstanding for the benefit of others (Ps 72:17).

1 John 1:7 TPT tells us, “…if we keep living in the pure light that surrounds him, we share unbroken fellowship with one another, and the blood of Jesus, his Son, continually cleanses us from all sin.”

God’s chosen will continue to grow in His wisdom as Jesus Himself grew in wisdom (Lk 2:40, 52).

These wise ones can attest to Psalm 84:11 TPT, which says, “For the Lord God is brighter than the brilliance of a sunrise! Wrapping himself around me like a shield, he is so generous with his gifts of grace and glory. Those who walk along his paths with integrity will never lack one thing they need, for he provides it all!”

Drawn to the Spirit of Wisdom, like wise men, God’s chosen get to share His wisdom: their new gift of life, how to live it and its “powerful moral result” (Tyndale Bible Dictionary).

And, as these wise ones go forth, The Spirit of Wisdom shields them, enlightens them and provides for them.

Wisdom can be defined as “the quality or state of being wise; knowledge of what is true or right coupled with just judgment as to action;…discernment, or insight” ( Some synonyms are: good judgment, clear thinking, discernment, solidity, understanding, balance, prudence, knowledge, foresight, intelligence and caution ( 

Wisdom is a gift from God. It is protective, powerful and creative as part of the nature of God. Wisdom can come through experience, revelation or both. It equips the saints of God with an advantage. Even the otherwise disadvantaged can be set on high by knowing and acting in The Spirit of Wisdom.

The word “surrounding,” as in surrounding wisdom, means “the act of encircling or enclosing” ( Some synonyms are: girding up, encompassing, throughout, insolating, protecting and neutralizing (

1 Corinthians 1:24-25 MSG tell us that “Christ is God’s ultimate miracle and wisdom all wrapped up in one. Human wisdom is so tinny…Human strength can’t begin to compete…”

“The gospel of Jesus Christ was both the power of God and the wisdom of God,” since Jesus is the life and the way—God’s truth (Tyndale Bible Dictionary). 

1 Corinthians 1:30 TPT says, “For it is not from man that we draw our life but from God as we are being joined to Jesus, the Anointed One. And now he is our God-given wisdom, our virtue, our holiness, and our redemption.”

Part of God’s good news is that He “will make holiness bloom” (Ps 132:18 TPT)!

The Lord is blooming holiness for those who have humbled themselves in a Job journey, remained faithful in the transformation process and come out as pure gold—full of His glory, shinning brighter than ever, grateful (Jo 23:10).

Psalm 66:10 TPT says, “O Lord, we have passed through your fire; like precious metal made pure, you’ve proved us, perfected us, and made us holy.”

1 Peter 2:9 MSG says, “…you are the ones chosen by God, chosen for the high calling of priestly work, chosen to be a holy people, God’s instruments to do his work and speak out for him, to tell others of the night-and-day difference he made for you—from nothing to something, from rejected to accepted.”

As the Lord highlights His especially radiant ones, others will see them in a new light. Relationships will be reconciled more deeply, because others will be drawn to Jesus in their hearts with His hand upon them (2 Co 5:20). 

Many will come to The Lord, as He makes everything beautiful in His time (Ec 3:11).

James 3:13, 17-18 TPT offer strategy and truth forward. They say, “If you consider yourself to be wise and one who understands the ways of God, advertise it with a beautiful, fruitful life guided by wisdom’s gentleness. Never brag or boast about what you’ve done and you’ll prove that you’re truly wise…the wisdom from above is always pure, filled with peace, considerate and teachable. It is filled with love and never displays prejudice or hypocrisy in any form and it always bears the beautiful harvest of righteousness! Good seeds of wisdom’s fruit will be planted with peaceful acts by those who cherish making peace.”

1 Corinthians 1:31 TPT reminds us that “…If anyone boasts, let him only boast in all that the Lord has done!”

I believe it’s time for true justice and prosperity to reign and that we will see an increase of wise rulers take their seats in the land (Ps 72).

In Jesus’ Mighty Name. 

To God be the glory. 

This video-devo was graciously re-posted by the Salem Web Network, which includes