Joy: Our Commanded Blessing

1 Thessalonians 5:16 TPT says, “Let joy be your continual feast.”

1 Peter 1:8-9 TPT say, “…through believing in him you are saturated with an ecstatic joy, indescribably sublime and immersed in glory. For you are reaping the harvest of your faith—the full salvation promised you—your souls’ victory!”

According to the Tyndale Bible Dictionary, there are two distinct types of joy: One is a feeling, which is not commanded. The other is an action, which is commanded.

In regards to joy being a feeling, this dictionary says, “Joy is a feeling called forth by well-being, success, or good fortune. A person automatically experiences it because of certain favorable circumstances. It cannot be commanded” (Ps 137:1-6).

In regards to joy being an action, this same dictionary says, “There is a joy that Scripture commands. That joy is action that can be engaged in regardless of how the person feels. Joy in adverse circumstances is possible only as a fruit of the Holy Spirit, who is present in every Christian” (Mt 5:11-12, Phil 4:4, 1 Thes 5:16, Jas 1:2).

Galatians 5:22 TPT affirms this by saying, “But the fruit produced by the Holy Spirit within you is divine love in all its varied expressions: joy that overflows, peace that subdues, patience that endures, kindness in action, a life full of virtue, faith that prevails, gentleness of heart, and strength of spirit. Never set the law above these qualities, for they are meant to be limitless.”

Limitless, overflowing joy, like all the fruit of the Spirit, is an expression of the love and victory we have in Christ (Ps 21:1).

Romans 5:11 TPT says, “…we overflow with triumphant joy in our new relationship of living reconciled to God—all because of Jesus Christ!”

So this divine victory, expressed as joy, is what we have inside of us—sealed in our spirit as believers. And, it can overflow as we rejoice in The Lord, regardless of circumstance.

God greatly honors our intentional choice to rejoice in Him, despite enemy resistance.

Romans 5:2 says, “…as we keep on celebrating our hope of experiencing God’s glory,” “incredible joy bursts forth within us.”

Proverbs 28:12 TPT tells us, “The triumphant joy of God’s lovers releases great glory…”

Rejoicing in The Lord honors God, which invites Him to pour out His Spirit, not only through us like a fountain, but also upon us from Heaven above.

I have experienced this many times during praise and worship sessions, especially when my heart’s cry has been desperate.

There’s nothing more overwhelmingly satisfying, joyful and powerful than the tangible, glorious Presence of Almighty God, where all of His fruit is expressed as love.

Psalm 84:10 TPT says, “For just one day of intimacy with you is like a thousand days of joy rolled into one!…”

If you’ve never experienced this level of intimate joy, I invite you to try:

Get alone.

Play some worship music.

Worship God for an hour, focusing entirely on Him.

Then, see what happens.

A breaking through of enemy resistance into a heavenly realm occurs.

In God’s Glory-Presence, even more breakthrough occurs (Ps 35:9, 51:12, 145:7)!

Peace, revelation and healing occurs as the power of God is released.

So, if you need a lift from whatever is weighing you down, rejoice in The Lord.

Joy is our strength.

We know this from Nehemiah 8:10 AMPC, which commands us to, “…be not grieved and depressed, for the joy of the Lord is your strength and stronghold.”

Friends, we have a decision to make to remain on the side of victory by intentionally choosing to rejoice in The Lord with gladness, no matter what our circumstances or how we feel.

Romans 12:12 TPT encourages us to let our “hope burst forth within you, releasing a continual joy. Don’t give up in a time of trouble, but commune with God at all times.”

Joy is a mighty weapon—as an escape from enemy traps (Pr 29:6 TPT) and a protective covering that the enemy cannot enter into (Ps 5:11-12 TPT)!

Friends, we have so much to be joyful for, beginning with our salvation. God has seated us in powerful victory. He has the final Word over our circumstances when we trust and obey Him (Ps 28:7, 119:2, 14; Pr 8:32).

Psalm 119:56 TPT reveals, “All this joy is mine as I follow your ways!”

Friends, my prayer for you is this…

Lord, Thank You for revealing to us “the pathways to life” and for filling us with “euphoria” (Acts 2:28 TPT)!

“…Let them all be glad, those who turn aside to hide themselves in you. May they keep shouting for joy forever! Overshadow them in your presence as they sing and rejoice. Then every lover of your name will burst forth with endless joy. Lord, how wonderfully you bless the righteous. Your favor wraps around each one and covers them under your canopy of kindness and joy” (Ps 5:11-12 TPT)

Lord, May Your strength be our “song of joy. At each and every sunrise,” may the “lyrics of” Your “love fill the air!” May You become our “glory-fortress, a stronghold in” our “day of distress” (Ps 59:16 TPT).

Lord, May Your victory heap blessing after blessing upon us as we rejoice before Your face (Ps 21:6). And, may Your Words of wisdom bring us joy…for Kingdom purposes (Pr 8:34).

In Jesus’ Mighty Name.


“Now may God, the inspiration and fountain of hope, fill you to overflowing with uncontainable joy and perfect peace as you trust in him. And may the power of the Holy Spirit continually surround your life with his super-abundance until you radiate with hope!” (Ro 15:13 TPT)!

“Go ahead–sing your brand-new song to the Lord! He is famous for his miracles and marvels, for he is victorious through his mighty power and holy strength” (Ps 98:1 TPT).

To God be the glory!

This video-devo was graciously re-posted by Salem Web Network, which includes

Crowned With Compassion: God’s Merciful & Mighty Move

Psalm 140:6 MSG reveals our desperate cry: “Listen, God! Mercy!”

And Psalm 138:3 TPT assures us that “At the very moment I called out to you, you answered me! You strengthened me deep within my soul and breathed fresh courage into me.”

Friends, our urgent voice can move God’s heart to extend mercy to us straightaway (Ps. 140:6 TPT).

In His mercy, God keeps reviving us by His might (Ps. 138:7).

God’s Word says, “He is so rich in compassion and mercy” (Eph. 2:4) and extends it according to His will (Rom. 9:15).

We know that the crossover to deeper compassion begins at the cross, the place of intersection where we exchange our limitations for His more beautiful betrothal.

Yes, God betroths us in compassion, which moves us toward faithfulness to His covenant (Hos. 2:19–20).

As His redeemed, we are seated and baptized in mercy. We are established in victory. After repentance, we are positioned to receive His best profitability, and we are re-launched (established). 

So, times of refreshing come after our repentance, after we turn away from our way and return to His (Acts 3:19-21). 

Consider the prodigal son (Lk. 11-32).

Upon his turn from the pig pen to home, His father was compassionate—deeply moved in His inward parts—to restore him to grace and truth. This story illustrates our Heavenly Father’s compassionate love for us, where He leans toward us (Eph. 2:8) and even runs to us.

As we run to God, He runs to us.

Luke 15:20 TPT says, “So the young son set off for home. From a long distance away, his father saw him coming, dressed as a beggar, and great compassion swelled up in his heart for his son who was returning home. So, the father raced out to meet him. He swept him up in his arms, hugged him dearly, and kissed him over and over with tender love.

In Psalm 69:16 TPT King David echoes this same precept by saying, “Oh, Lord God, answer my prayers! I need to see your tender kindness, your grace, your compassion, and your constant love. Just let me see your face, and turn your heart toward me. Come running quickly to your servant. In this deep distress, come and answer my prayer.” 

Friends, God literally “waits on high to have compassion on you” (Is. 30:18).

The moment we call out to Him, He answers.

God doesn’t leave us at dirty, guilty or ugly. He removes our sins. He redeems our “life from the pit and crowns” us “with love and compassion” (Ps. 103:4).

So, compassion is a crown.

God gives us beauty for the ashes we once endured, even if we caused them.

God is especially merciful toward the sins of our youth.

In Psalm 25:6, 11 TPT, King David prays, “Forgive my failures as a young man, and overlook the sins of my immaturity. Give me grace, Lord! Always look at me through your eyes of love—your forgiving eyes of mercy and compassion. When you think of me, see me as one you love and care for. How good you are to me! For the honor of your name, Lord, never count my sins, and forgive them all—lift their burden off of my life! Come closer to me now, Lord, for I need your mercy” (Ps. 25:16).

Matthew 11:28 TPT asks, “Are you weary, carrying a heavy burden? Then come to me. I will refresh your life, for I am your oasis.”

In His Presence, God lifts heavy burdens off of us, pours out His blessings upon us and strengthens our soul (Ps. 138:3). 

He transforms our lives as He brings us from darkness into His marvelous light.

Psalm 110:3 TPT assures us that “…in the brightness of your holy ones You will shine as an army rising from the womb of the dawn, anointed with the dew of your youth!”

This magnifies God and His Kingdom (Ps. 138:2).

Friends, God will fulfill the desires and dreams He put in us long ago, even ones we first knew were there in our teen years.

Psalm 126:4 TPT assures us, “Now, Lord, do it again! Restore us to our former glory! May streams of your refreshing flow over us until our dry hearts are drenched again.”

God knows just how to do it right. He remembers His promises and is faithful to fulfill them in His time and way. 

So, it’s important to seek God, forgive ourselves and others, and receive His times of refreshing. 

David intimately knew the life-restoration of God’s compassionate forgiveness.

Psalm 130:4 says, “But your forgiving love is what makes you so wonderful. No wonder you are loved and worshiped!”

David knew God’s compassion for his revival. He said, “By your mighty power I can walk through any devastation and you will keep me alive, reviving me…” (Ps. 138:7 TPT).

David knew God as His only hero-source for rescue, as the provider of the ransom price for God’s people (Ps. 25:15, 17, 21-22).

Jesus was filled with compassion at the sight of wandering sheep (Mk. 6:34). He was and is gentle to the ignorant (Heb. 5:2). He restrains wrath and shows mercy (Ps. 78:38). He is the balanced mediator, the light in the darkness who forgives sin when we repent (Titus 3:4-5). 

With Him, there is only ultimate victory.

There is no pain in His tangible Presence.

With Him, there is no victimhood in compassion, because He dissolves pain and restores us from a place of victory.

As the author and the finisher, God offers us a full, complete healing experience beyond the pain of sin, trials, and testing to higher ground. So, He included the elements of breakthrough and completion in His great and tender compassion. 

God desires to show us the pleasant part of John 10:10. The part that says, “I have come to give you everything in abundance, more than you expect—life in its fullness until you overflow!” This can only happen through faith in God, which pleases God.

Beloved, we can experience a fresh start, a new beginning that will lead to exponential blessings for us and beyond us as we continue to lean into our compassionate God and follow His lead.

Psalm 126:5-6 TPT assure us, “Those who sow their tears as seeds will reap a harvest with joyful shouts of glee. They may weep as they go out carrying their seed to sow, but they will return with joyful laughter and shouting with gladness as they bring back armloads of blessing and a harvest overflowing!”

Pray with me if you will…

Lord, “I bow down before your divine presence and bring you my deepest worship as I experience your tender love and your living truth. For the promises of your word and the fame of your name have been magnified above all else!” (Ps.138:2). “May my voice move your heart to show me mercy” (Ps. 140:6). 

I lay down every idol of unforgiveness toward myself and others. I choose to put Your way above my own. I invite You to rid me of any and all hindrances to Your great and tender mercy and compassion. If there is any wrongdoing in me that I need to repent of, please reveal it to me, so that times of refreshing may come to me. “Enrich my soul” in You, Lord, and “refresh my heart” in You (Ph.1:20). 

Thank You that Your “Light shines in the darkness for good people, for those who are merciful, kind, and just” (Ps. 112:4 GNT). Thank You that “At the very moment I called out to you, you answered me! You strengthened me deep within my soul and breathed fresh courage into me” (Ps. 138:3). 

Thank You for Your work of compassion in me that makes me useable for service in kindness without cruelty (Ps. 139:5). Thank You for clothing me in Your compassion so I can show mercy toward others, as You have shown it toward me (Col. 3:12, Lk. 6:36). Thank You for finishing the work You have begun in me (Ps. 138:8). Thank You for crowning me with Your compassion. 

Thank You for establishing (re-launching) me in greater blessings to be a blessing to Your Kingdom. In Jesus’ Mighty Name. Amen.

This video-devo was graciously re-posted by Salem Web Network, which includes

True Value: Our Intrinsic Worth

Psalm 139:17-18 TPT assure us, “Every single moment you are thinking of me! How precious and wonderful to consider that you cherish me constantly in your every thought! O God, your desires toward me are more than the grains of sand on every shore! When I awake each morning, you’re still with me.”

Friends, value is intrinsic to God.

Our truest value is God in us and God with us.

The origin of value is worth.

He is worthy.

His inherent worth, which is fixed, inseparable and innate, is sealed in our spirit, where His legal approval, substantiation and confirmation flow congruently.

1 Peter 2:7 TPT tells us, “As believers you know his great worth—indeed, his preciousness is imparted to you…”

But do we know this truth deep in our soul? In our mind, will and emotions? Do we know that Jesus is our validator, our strength, that He is our Treasure, and that we are His (1 Pe. 2:9).

Do we know that He is the Pearl of Great Price? Gold?

Do we know in our soul that, of everything God willed into creation, He values us most?

We were bought by Jesus’ priceless blood, which is worthy beyond measure.

He pursues us with His relentless love.

To reconcile us to His greatest intimacy.

He is a father to the fatherless, a husband to the husbandless.

He is our Creator.

And we are His handiwork.

He loved us while we were still wayward sinners and brought us into His Kingdom full of rich promises by His amazing grace.

A royal inheritance.

Of security and provision.

For us–His beloved sons and daughters.

The sum total of His precious thoughts of us are vast (Ps. 139:17).

He is our gateway to righteousness.

He gives us His understanding and priceless wisdom to triumph over fear and foolishness.

Praising Him is a strategy He gave us to triumph over wickedness that tries to defeat and destroy us, to steal our anointing, to diminish our hope.

God anoints our mind (Matt. 26:6-7) and our walk (Jn. 12:3). He provides Himself as our Anchor of hope–beyond ourselves and beyond others. He, as a trustworthy hope, who cannot be snuffed out.

God puts His own everlasting faith inside of us, so we cannot lose when we cling to it (1 Pe. 1:7). Faith—the great and consistent equalizer of value, honor, and respect—the confidence of our hope for God to produce His promise.

He helps our unbelief, to know Him as strong when we are not.

So, we can value what He values.

He renews our mind and puts a new heart and spirit in us, so we always have a compass of true life when we tap into Him.

We can receive His blessings that are tied to the condition and action of our heart.

“When our faithful obedience, which is the righteous action of the faith God puts in us, meets God’s faithful grace, a synchronicity of blessing occurs. Good fruit is produced. Treasures are discovered and recovered. Much of value is realized.”

We prosper as our soul prospers (3 Jn. 1:2).

Our soul prospers when we value God, above our ways, as our ultimate authority, who exalts us in due time.

With God we cannot lose.

But without Him we will surely fail.

Did you know that poverty is rooted in insecurity, the cracks of our foundation?

A lack of knowledge of God and His ways leads to a lack of trust in God, which leads to a lack of submission to God, which leads to a lack of His blessing.

Feeling insecure in any particular area of life is a red flag to trust God more. But it’s hard to trust God intimately when we don’t know Him specifically in Word, deed or character.

Our path to finding security in God is to repent from holding onto all that makes us feel insecure, all that opposes His truth, such as fear, hurts, injustices, unforgiveness and unbelief.

To honor God’s infinite glory-worth, we must repent from walking on any path of pain instead of His way, which is faith, love and truth.

When God highlights our insecurity to us, we can thank Him for inviting us up higher. We can simply pray and receive His help to overcome:

Psalm 118:5 TPT tells us, “Out of my deep anguish and pain I prayed, and God, you helped me as a father. You came to my rescue and broke open the way into a beautiful and broad place.”

In Psalm 139:24 TPT, David invites God to “See if there is any path of pain I’m walking on, and lead me back to your glorious, everlasting ways—the path that brings me back to you.”

Luke 3:5 NIV reveals God’s will, which is that “Every valley shall be filled in, every mountain and hill made low. The crooked roads shall become straight, the rough ways smooth.”

God’s Glorious Presence with us reveals His infinite, intrinsic worth. His substance. His essence. His true value in us and for us.

His will is to prosper us (Jer. 29:11).

He desires we know this.

Partnering with God, on the narrow path, honors Him as an expression of respect for His worth and the value He extends to us.

Pray with me if you will . . .
Lord, Thank You for Your worthy Presence in me. I renounce all forms of poverty and receive You as my inherent true value. By Your grace, lead me to experience a deeper inner awakening of Your truth, value, love, life and rest for my weary soul. Purge from me any contemptuous false treasure—especially the idol of hopelessness—by overthrowing it. Heal and deliver me from all that does not please You, so I can have a pure heart of honor toward You and others. Make me into a person of valor, determined to trust and obey You. Help me to guard against entering into any type of bondage forward. Enable me to receive Your finest blessings. Thank You, Lord, for doing that which only You can do. And now, I declare Psalm 139:5 TPT over my life: “You’ve gone into my future to prepare the way, and in kindness you follow behind me to spare me from the harm of my past. With your hand of love upon my life, you impart a blessing to me.” Thank You, Lord. I love You. In Jesus’ Mighty Name. Amen.

This video-devo was graciously re-posted by Salem Web Network, which includes

Radiance Of God: Indwelling & Outpouring

Isaiah 60:1 TPT – “Rise up in splendor and be radiant, for your light has dawned, and Yahweh’s glory now streams from you!”

You’ve probably heard of the adage “tickled pink.” Well, did you know that the color of radiance, according to Webster’s, is a deep pink?

And just like a beautiful deep sunrise, we can experience a divine spiritual daybreak.

We have a lot to look forward to in 2020.

And we don’t have to look back, because you came to deeply understand Romans 13:12 TPT, which says, “Night’s darkness is dissolving away as a new day of destiny dawns. So we must once and for all strip away what is done in the shadows of darkness, removing it like filthy clothes. And once and for all we clothe ourselves with the radiance of light as our weapon.”

Beloved bride, what does God have in store for you?

For what mission has He readied you?

What promises will He manifest?

You learned, during times of testing, that God’s radiant light is both internal and external.

And now you’re ready for more external.

His glorious Presence that you reached for in your time of tribulation brought you protection from that which tried to ensnare you. Holy Spirit gave you revelation when you didn’t understand, and revival of your soul when you felt like so much in you was dying.

God was your lifeline.

He went after the gold in you to forge you higher.

In character and purpose.

To become light.

As glory.

As fire.

To be the light of Christ in a dying world.




Holy Spirit is the Spirit of Glory, and the Spirit of Christ, who lives inside of His redeemed.

He is light as He is love.

He is omnipresent.

He is seated on His throne in Heaven, while He dwells in His redeemed through Holy Spirit.

Hebrews 1:3 TPT assures us that “The Son is the dazzling radiance of God’s splendor, the exact expression of God’s true nature—his mirror image! He holds the universe together and expands it by the mighty power of his spoken word.”

Just like He expands our soul to know Him more.

To receive Him more.

His Glorious Presence.

To drive out darkness.

In us and beyond us.

1 John 1:5 TPT reveals God’s nature and character of light, saying, “…God is pure light. You will never find even a trace of darkness in him.”

Daniel 2:22 AMP reveals His enlightenment to us, His omniscience, and His glorious indwelling Presence, saying, “It is He who reveals the profound and hidden things; He knows what is in the darkness, And the light dwells with Him.”

God sustains us to do what He has called and assigned us to do.

So we don’t have to fear, but trust and follow the glory light of God (Love) to bring us into the new places He has for us, knowing that two of the qualities of His glorious light is protection and provision.

God is faithful.

Acts 17:28 TPT reminds us that “It is through him that we live and function and have our identity; just as your own poets have said, ‘Our lineage comes from him.'”

Our Father is for us.

By His Spirit, as we abide in Him, in His radiant light and love, He will continue to lead us forward into greater abundance–spirit, soul, and body.

We are to wrap ourselves in light (Rom. 13:12), just as God wraps Himself in light (Ps. 104:2).

We are to release wrongdoings, forgive others and fan the flame forward.

As the New Year’s folksong goes, “Should auld acquaintance be forgot,” 1 John 2:9-10 reminds us to hold only love and light in our hearts toward others. It says:

Anyone who says, ‘I am in the light,’ while holding hatred in his heart toward a fellow believer is still in the darkness. But the one who truly loves a fellow believer lives in the light, and there is nothing in him that will cause someone else to stumble.

Now, just past the midnight hour, for the Glory of God and for His great Name’s sake (Ps. 109:21), let’s remain in the light of Christ. Let’s remember John 12:46 TPT and Isaiah 61:10 TPT, which say, “I have come as a light to shine in this dark world so that all who trust in me will no longer wander in darkness. I will sing and greatly rejoice in Yahweh! My whole being vibrates with shouts of joy in my God! For he has dressed me with salvation and wrapped me in the robe of his righteousness! I appear like a bridegroom on his wedding day, decked out with a beautiful sash, or like a radiant bride adorned with sparkling jewels.”

Friends, I pray that God will continue to reveal his mysteries that have been “difficult to grasp and understand” (Job 12:22) and that He will expand your sanctuary like a tent through this year. I pray God will continue to light up your path as you walk with Him into your promises, so much so that kings will be blinded by your radiance (Is. 62:2). In Jesus’ Mighty Name, God bless you. Amen.

This video-devo was graciously re-posted by Salem Web Network, which includes

The Grace of Renewal

Psalm 103:3-5 AMP tells us, “Who forgives all your sins, Who heals all your diseases; Who redeems your life from the pit, Who crowns you [lavishly] with lovingkindness and tender mercy; Who satisfies your years with good things, so that your youth is renewed like the [soaring] eagle.”

Friends, these verses are talking about our Lord, God, who desires we experience His renewal, which is to gain something beyond what is former. In other words, The Lord desires that we receive something better and something higher than we have previously known.

As we move into 2020, this could mean many things. Who else can know all of the blessings God has for us at the outset, especially since we live from the inside out?

For we Christians, who are spiritually born again by grace, this exit from the old and entrance into the new means that God progressively transforms us into His likeness internally—from darkness into His marvelous light—with the added benefit of His manifest promises (2 Cor. 4:16).

I like how Webster’s defines renew. It means:

  1. RESTORE: To freshness, vigor, or perfection. To make like new. 
  2. REGENERATE: To make new spiritually.
  3. a.  REVIVE: To restore to existence. b.  REBUILD: To make extensive changes in.
  4. REPEAT: To do again. 
  5. RESUME: To begin again.

Webster’s also says that renewal “implies a resurrection and restoration of what had become faded or disintegrated…”

Of course, we know that God makes all things new. So, the beauty of the renewal process is that God doesn’t leave us where we are, but He fills our soul with more of His radiance, His power and His strength as we go.

If necessary, Holy Spirit will even shine His light on the parts of our soul that have stopped believing and lost hope, the parts that are no longer “integrated” with His truth. If this happens, He will lead us to repentance, and bring those fragments into the wholeness of life-union with Him to rebuild the faith He gave us in our soul.

As we come near to Him, He comes near to us with His Presence and revelation-understanding—the truth that sets us free.

Psalm 51:6 TPT says, “I know that you delight to set your truth deep in my spirit. So come into the hidden places of my heart and teach me wisdom.”

Friends, this is one of the best invitations we can extend to our Lord.

Colossians 3:10 TPT assures us, “For you have acquired new creation life which is continually being renewed into the likeness of the One who created you; giving you the full revelation of God.”

As we follow Him into the secret place, The Spirit of Revelation, who is The Holy Spirit, helps us with the part of renewal that is repetition, which is the process of maturity, meaning the daily renewing of the mind with His Word, His perspective, and the restoration of His character.

Colossians 2:3 reveals, “For our spiritual wealth is in him, like hidden treasure waiting to be discovered—heaven’s wisdom and endless riches of revelation knowledge.”

So, God regenerates our spirit, revives our heart, restores our foundation of belief. He propels us forward and offers us more than we had before. 

To live this authentic life of abundance is to live a resurrected life on earth as it is in Heaven. And it requires an ongoing, intimate fellowship with our Lord. 

Even when it feels difficult.

Jesus understood this when He walked on earth in person:

One example is in John 10 when the leaders, who falsely-accused Jesus, tried to seize and stone Him. Confronted with these threats, Jesus declared truth and life. He said that He was in The Father and that The Father was in Him (vs. 38). 

Then Jesus “went back to the place where John had baptized Him” (vs. 40). 

So, you see here that Jesus Himself spoke truth and then returned to the place of new life in the face of captivity and death.

He didn’t get stuck in a bad place, and He didn’t even entertain stubbornness. He certainly didn’t get ensnared in strife.

Instead, Jesus remained in sync with the power of God and miraculously escaped the enemy’s attack. And He headed back to His new beginning—the cross point and centrifuge of true captivation, which is the Presence of Holy Spirit, who refreshes us.

Also, in John 10, as a result of Jesus’ walk, many people followed Him and believed (vss. 41-42).

Friends, God draws people toward His miracle of salvation and renewed life.

Are you willing to follow Him into new life, which is your best life?

He’s waiting for you.

Hebrews 10:19 TPT confirms this by saying, “And now we are brothers and sisters in God’s family because of the blood of Jesus, and he welcomes us to come into the most holy sanctuary in the heavenly realm—boldly and without hesitation.”

Friends, this is our inheritance. 

God never leaves us or forsakes us.   Even in the face of giants, the deliverance of spiritual renewal involves a continual process that strengthens our soul in The Lord. God faithfully guards us through this process to bring His faithful promises to fruition for us and through us. All for His glory. 

Therefore, we mustn’t get discouraged by what we see in our circumstances. But rather trust God at His timing and ways, which are true to His character and plan for our lives.

Isaiah 40:31 TPT instructs us in regards to His strategy to keep us strong in Him. It says, “But those who wait for Yahweh’s grace will experience divine strength. They will rise up on soaring wings and fly like eagles, run their race without growing weary, and walk through life without giving up.”

I like how one of the endnotes (c) for this verse in the TPT version references not giving up. It says, “The outer court is where we walk, the Holy Place is where we run, and we soar like eagles (into the heavenly realm) in the Holy of Holies.”

Don’t you love that?!

Friends, God is inviting us to soar with Him in this new year, this new season, and this new era. 

Let us come near to Him in the most intimate place and receive His revelation and wisdom. Let’s obey His leading and submit our hearts to Him fully, allowing Him to renew us however He sees fit along the way. Let’s experience His abundance in new ways and on new levels as He helps us overcome our limitations by His grace that empowers us to soar.

Ephesians 4:23 TPT tells us, “Now it’s time to be made new by every revelation that’s been given to you.”

Friends, I pray The Lord’s finest blessings to you in every facet of your life in this new year and beyond. 

To God be the glory!

Happy 2020!

This video-devo was graciously re-posted by Salem Web Network, which includes