Revelation – Salvation: His Glory & Grace – Part 2

Divine revelation is defined in Revelation 1:1 AMPC as “His unveiling of the divine mysteries.”

In 1 Corinthians 14:6 AMPC it’s defined as the “disclosure of God’s will to man.”

Divine revelation can be delivered through an angel (messenger) (Re 1:1) or a prophet (Lk 16:16, Pr 31:14).

Or it can be given directly from God, as He wills, to His beloved listeners, who have a heart for Him (Ep 3:3, Ga 1:12).

Treasure to treasure (Ps 119:162, De 26:18).

For our benefit and beyond.

For the adventure we’re on, to guide us in victory as we grow in Him.

But Divine revelation is so much more than revealing secrets we long to understand so we can better navigate life on earth. 

Receiving Christ as Revelation Light

Divine revelation is primarily about God making Himself more deeply known to us:

You see, in Luke 2:32, Christ is actually called “Revelation Light” (TPT version).

He, as Revelation Light, brings to light our hope in salvation for all nations (Is 42:6, Lk 2:32). 

So, God purposes to make Himself known through revelation, even as revelation itself. 

With Revelation Light, we are made truly righteous, as opposed to self-righteous.

Isaiah 51:4 in the MSG version says, “Pay attention, my people. Listen to me, nations. Revelation flows from me. My decisions light up the world. My deliverance arrives on the run, my salvation right on time. I’ll bring justice to the peoples. Even faraway islands will look to me and take hope in my saving power. Look up at the skies, ponder the earth under your feet…my salvation will last forever, my setting-things-right will never be obsolete.”

According to the Tyndale Bible Dictionary, revelation is “God’s own self-disclosure or manifesting of himself, or things concerning himself and the world. God is always the initiator and author of revelation. The zenith of God’s revelation was the coming in flesh of his beloved Son, Jesus Christ. Full and complete revelation comes when people encounter the personhood of God. The ultimate purpose of Scripture is to reveal Christ. By special revelation God purposes to share [salvation] with mankind in various ways. By inner, immediate illumination of their hearts and minds by God, the prophets and apostles spoke his Word as he gave them utterance.”

Paul said in Ephesians 3:3 AMPC – “…that the mystery (secret) was made known to me and I was allowed to comprehend it by direct revelation…”

Paul even boasted “about supernatural visions and revelations of the Lord” (2 Co 12:1).

But divine revelation is not just for Bible apostles. 

Pure, Devout, Teachable Heart

It’s for all God’s redeemed who have a heart for Him. 

And it manifests in our lives through Holy Spirit’s in-working of our faith. 

“In Scripture, faith is God’s warranty, certifying that the revelation He inbirthed will come to pass (His way)” (HELPS Word-studies).

So, to receive what God reveals to us, and to see it manifested in our lives, we must hold to our belief in Him and what he reveals.

Luke 11:34 TPT tells us, “The eyes of your spirit allow revelation-light to enter into your being. When your heart is open the light floods in. When your heart is hard and closed, the light cannot penetrate and darkness takes its place.”

Therefore, Divine revelation does not come to those who do not believe.

Unbelievers and those with hardened hearts are limited to a parable-level knowledge of God.

They do not know the deeper meanings of God’s Word.

Mark 4:11 AMP affirms this by saying, “…’The mystery of the kingdom of God has been given to you [who have teachable hearts], but those who are outside [the unbelievers, the spiritually blind] get everything in parables,'”

At best, our unbelief limits God revealing Himself and His treasury of wisdom to us. 

Proverbs 29:18 AMPC goes so far as to say, “Where there is no vision [no redemptive revelation of God], the people perish…”

Jeremiah 5:21 AMPC describes this as, “…foolish people without understanding or heart, who have eyes and see not, who have ears and hear not: [Isa. 6:9, 10; Matt. 13:10-15; Mark 8:17, 18.]”

Knowing this we can see that there is a direct correlation between revelation and salvation in that we receive revelation as we walk out our salvation.

So, we endeavor to say with confidence, like Simeon, who was careful and pure in heart, “With my own eyes I have seen your Word” (Lk 2:30).

Victorious Spiritual Warfare

Concerning spiritual warfare, Revelation Light is key to reigning victorious in the midst of spiritual resistance. As the rhéma Word of truth is revealed, it is to then be used for defense and offense: 

Ephesians 6:17 TPT tells us to “Embrace the power of salvation’s full deliverance, like a helmet to protect your thoughts from lies. And take the mighty razor-sharp Spirit-sword of the spoken Word of God.”

Friends, we are to live out our salvation, even from our heads, using revelation-knowledge given to us by God to voice His Word like a weapon.

Like Joshua, we must know God’s greater (and unique) strategies for victory as we fight with faith forward. We must understand God’s intimate instructions to win battles.

John 5:20 AMPC tells us that “The Father dearly loves the Son and discloses to (shows) Him everything that He Himself does. And He will disclose to Him (let Him see) greater things yet than these, so that you may marvel and be full of wonder and astonishment.”

Friends, this is the beginning of receiving revelation.

For His committed, God progressively reveals higher understanding as we are postured to receive it—especially as we are “consumed with awe” in worship (Pr 9:10).

For believers who have lost hope after a hardship, God shines a spotlight on dark areas of their hearts, to help them believe again (Job 12:22). 

For prodigals, God uses Revelation-Light to draw them homeward by increasing light in their darkness as they soften their hearts and step toward Him (Lk 15).

With revelation, God can make our hearts grateful in a split second. 

So, we are to “…grow in grace (undeserved favor, spiritual strength) and recognition and knowledge and understanding of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ (the Messiah)…” (2 Pe 3:18 AMPC)!

Pray with me if you will…

Dear Lord, 

Thank You for Your marvelous grace (1 Pe 1:13). I repent of any and all hard-heartedness and unbelief that has caused me to not experience You more deeply. Lord, take me beyond parables into Revelation-Light. Help my unbelief so I may gain the privilege of knowing You and your mysteries more deeply. I choose to prepare my heart and mind for action! I choose to stay alert and fix my hope firmly on the marvelous grace that’s coming to me. I choose to believe that when Jesus Christ is unveiled to me, a greater measure of grace will be released to me to accomplish Your will in co-labor with You. I choose to believe that “…[the time is coming when] the earth shall be filled with the knowledge of the glory of the Lord as the waters cover the sea…” (Ha 2:14). And I desire to be one who is filled with Your glory.

In Jesus’ Mighty Name,


And now, “I pray that the Father of glory, the God of our Lord Jesus Christ, would impart to you the riches of the Spirit of wisdom and the Spirit of revelation to know him through your deepening intimacy with him. I pray that the light of God will illuminate the eyes of your imagination, flooding you with light, until you experience the full revelation of the hope of his calling—that is, the wealth of God’s glorious inheritances that he finds in us, his holy ones” (Ep 1:17-18 TPT)!

In Jesus’ Mighty Name, 


This video-devo was graciously re-posted by the Salem Web Network, which includes

Revelation – Salvation: His Glory & Grace – Part 1

After a couple of days of studying for this video-devotion, my phone rang. 

It was a God thing… 

A divine appointment.

A dear friend had phoned to invite me to pray with her about her young-adult daughter. 

I listened to my friend’s story, and then we began to pray. 

Straight away, The Lord revealed that her daughter was heading away from Him. 

God showed me a vision of her walking far out into the otherwise barren night, toward a tiny guardhouse, that was set on the edge of a geographic border.

When the daughter arrived at the guardhouse, a guard walked out. He reviewed her I.D. and handed it back to her. He refused to allow her to cross the border. Then he walked back into the guardhouse. 

The daughter stood there alone. She didn’t push back. She didn’t even look upset. She simply stared down at her I.D., perplexed, facing her own void in a remote place, not knowing what to do next. 

This young-adult daughter had come to the end of the line God had set for her.

After a moment, she quietly turned back from where she came. She was oblivious to the night all around her, as though it were her normal.

Still looking down at her I.D., she stepped forward slowly, almost mindlessly.

As she did, light began to increase around her. Gradually.

The light grew brighter with each step.

At one point, she looked up, taking her eyes off herself. She became aware that her surroundings had changed.

They were lighter.

She felt lighter.

Realizing this, the daughter sped up her walk until, finally, the bright light of revelation came on in her conscience: Suddenly, she knew beyond a shadow of doubt that she was headed toward Jesus.

When she received this revelation, she took off running a very short distance, right into His arms.

Luke 11:34 TPT tells us, “The eyes of your spirit allow revelation-light to enter into your being. When your heart is open the light floods in. When your heart is hard and closed, the light cannot penetrate and darkness takes its place.”

This daughter ultimately returned (repented) to her loving Jesus, full of glorious light, love and victory.

Friend’s, this is where we are all called to live—close to Him.

Through this vision, The Lord reminded me that He can post His angelic guards at boundaries that prevent us from going too far from Him. God can post angels to help us and our loved ones return to Him. 

The one thing up ahead in our dark night, can prove to be the beginning of a mighty turning point toward God’s glory. 

I believe that daughter’s angel awaited her arrival, as Jesus’ eye was upon her the whole time. 

My friend and I now declare salvation over her, as we all await her return. 

Salvation means to defend, deliver, help, preserve, rescue, be safe and avenge. And, we know God’s Word will not return without accomplishing His will. 

The day after this vision came forth, Holy Spirit added to the message…

He further revealed that, while He would enlighten the conscience of my friend’s daughter, He would simultaneously boost my friend’s confidence to trust Him implicitly with her. While my friend awaits her daughter’s return, He will grow her trust in Him to do that which only He can do. Both mother and daughter will come to know Him in a new way.

God often works in parallels, and this was His plan! 

Holy Spirit highlighted Psalm 97:11 AMPC to me in regards to my friend’s daughter, which says, “Light is sown for the [uncompromisingly] righteous and strewn along their pathway, and joy for the upright in heart [the irrepressible joy which comes from consciousness of His favor and protection].”

In regards to her mother, Holy Spirit highlighted Luke 1:17:

Luke 1:17 AMPC says, “And he will [himself] go before Him in the spirit and power of Elijah, to turn back the hearts of the fathers to the children, and the disobedient and incredulous and unpersuadable to the wisdom of the upright [which is the knowledge and holy love of the will of God]–in order to make ready for the Lord a people [perfectly] prepared [in spirit, adjusted and disposed and placed in the right moral state]. [Isa. 40:3; Mal. 4:5, 6.]”

When I saw the Word “unpersuadable” in this verse, I realized God was about to give my dear friend a revelation of faith. He was about to reveal Himself as trustworthy and prove Himself as faithful. He was about to awaken her and her daughter and persuade them both.

Both will be made stronger in Him.

When the daughter returns, God will be at the center of their relationship, and they will see more of Jesus in each other’s hearts. They will be grateful, because they will know that He alone delivered them and set things right.

The Lord used this vision to highlight a particular precept to me for this hour:

We are beginning to see what His Word describes in Habakkuk 2:14 AMPC, which says, “But [the time is coming when] the earth shall be filled with the knowledge of the glory of the Lord as the waters cover the sea. [Isa. 11:9.]”

God is unfurling His plans in our lives to establish us more deeply in Him with awesome wonder. 

Isaiah 11:9 TPT says, “On all my holy mountain of Zion, nothing evil or harmful will be found. For the earth will be filled with the intimate knowledge of the Lord Yahweh just as water swells the sea!”

This is a new beginning for all of us, as we continue to yield to God’s plan, and come increasingly into His marvelous light. 

Hebrews 8:11-12 TPT assure us by saying, “And the result of this will be that everyone will know me as Lord! There will be no need at all to teach their fellow-citizens or brothers by saying, ‘You should know the Lord Jehovah,’ since everyone will know me inwardly, from the most unlikely to the most distinguished. For I will demonstrate my mercy to them and will forgive their evil deeds, and never remember again their sins.”

Join me next week for part 2 of Revelation – Salvation: His Glory & Grace.

This video-devo was graciously re-posted by the Salem Web Network, which includes

Solidarity: Fellowship to Strengthen – Part 2

God is gathering His saints (Christ-followers). 

His powerhouse (Ac 3:7, 16; 16:5, 2 Cor 1:21).

John 11:52 TPT tells us “…Jesus’ death would not be for the Jewish people only, but to gather together God’s children scattered around the world and unite them as one.”

God’s order is coming into place beautifully, being established through His mature bride for His return, by His Spirit. 

Seated (Eph 2:6).

Immovable (1 Pe 5:9).

Undivided and in agreement with Him.

The opposite of the anti-Christ’s one world religion (He 13:9, 2 Pe 3:17).

But to operate in true solidarity—by grace, a strong fellowship of faithful Christ followers who bring Heaven to earth and strengthen others—we must first be faithful in solitude.

Solitude is made of up of the Latin word “soli,” which, according to Webster’s, is plural for “solo” and can mean “accommodating one person.” (For the purpose of this devotion, that One person would be Jesus and in essence, means many serving The Lord and others for His Kingdom.) “Tude” in “solitude” is derived from the Latin word tudo, which means state or condition.

As Christians, we regard ourselves as being set apart from the world unto The Lord. We refer to solitude as our “secret place” with God. Sometimes, we call it our “alone time.” 

It’s where we commune deeply with God and are strengthened by His Presence, often in an attitude of prayer, worship, Bible reading or just being quiet before Him. 

Matthew 6:6 TPT says, “But whenever you pray, go into your innermost chamber and be alone with Father God, praying to him in secret. And your Father, who sees all you do, will reward you openly.”

One of the definitions of solitude that Webster’s uses is “A lonely place (as a desert).” 

This brings to mind Jesus being driven into the desert by Holy Spirit to be tested for forty days, while angels ministered to Him during and after (Mk 1:12-13, Matt 4:11).

Solitude is an arena for desperation. But the irony here is that it’s “also where God richly grants His presence and provision for those seeking Him.” It’s where “the limitless Lord shows Himself strong in the ‘limiting’ (difficult) scenes of life” (HELPS Word-studies).

Solitude is a place of preparation, where God breaks open the way for us to see and receive His higher through revelation and His glorious Presence.

Jesus especially experienced this soon before He was about to be crucified for our redemption. 

Matthew 26:42 TPT tells us, “…he left them for a second time to pray in solitude. He said to God, ‘My Father, if there is not a way that you can deliver me from this suffering, then your will must be done.’”

In-between the desert testing and His crucifixion, Jesus made solitude a practice: 

Luke 6:12 TPT says, “…Jesus went up into the high hills to spend the whole night in prayer to God.

Mark 1:35 TPT reveals, “The next morning, Jesus got up long before daylight, left the house while it was dark, and made his way to a secluded place to give himself to prayer.” 

Jesus also practiced solitude with His team of disciples: 

Mark 6:31 TPT says, “There was such a swirl of activity around Jesus, with so many people coming and going, that they were unable to even eat a meal. So, Jesus said to his disciples, “Come, let’s take a break and find a secluded place where you can rest a while.”

We all need solitude with God to grow and develop in our relationship with Him and get recharged from Kingdom work.

Abiding with Him day and night is the only way we can remain steadfast, wherever He sends us. 

Solitude is a place where our heart is strengthened (Ja 5:8): 

It’s where hope gets renewed, our passion is reignited, mysteries are revealed, healing happens and peace prevails. 

It’s where we exchange our low life for His high life: Our lust for His love. Our carnal appetites for His desires (Ga 6:8). 

It’s where crooked places are made straight in us (1 Th 3:13, 2 Th 2:17).

It’s where we become settled amid sifting (1 Pe 5:10). 

It’s where we are reminded to remain enthroned above the entombment of our past (Ep 2:6, Lk 23:53).

And it’s the only way we can bear good fruit in every season (Ps 1:3).

Psalm 1:3 AMPC says, “And he shall be like a tree firmly planted [and tended] by the streams of water, ready to bring forth its fruit in its season; its leaf also shall not fade or wither; and everything he does shall prosper [and come to maturity]. [Jer. 17:7, 8.]”

1 Corinthians 15:58 TPT encourages us to, “… stand firm, stable, and enduring. Live your lives with an unshakable confidence. We know that we prosper and excel in every season by serving the Lord, because we are assured that our union with the Lord makes our labor productive with fruit that endures.”

Our strong union with God blossoms outwardly and exponentially in union with other believers to extend His love without falter. His Spirit enables us to minister in overflow.

In Colossians 1:23 TPT, Paul encourages us to “…continue to advance in faith, assured of a firm foundation to grow upon. Never be shaken from the hope of the gospel you have believed in…this is the glorious news I preach all over the world.”

So, friends, will you dare to be made more solid (whole) with God for His glory?

He desires a house that will stand (Ma 12:25).

This is my prayer for us…

Dear Lord, 

“Could there be any other god like you? You are the only God to be worshiped, for there is not a more secure foundation to build” our lives “upon than you” (Ps 18:31 TPT). “You’ve set” us “free from captivity and now” we’re “standing complete, ready to fight some more” (Ps 18:36 TPT)! Thank You for comforting and encouraging our “hearts and” strengthening “them” [making “them steadfast and” keeping “them unswerving] in every good work and word” (2 Th 2:17 AMPC). “Through you” we “ascend to the highest peaks of your glory to stand in the heavenly places, strong and secure in you” (Ps 18:33 TPT). Thank You for unseating Your enemies and shoring up breaches, by Your Spirit, and through Your people. Help us to remain in You and honor You—Your Presence and grace of glory-power. Your peace. Thank You for the safety and power in numbers, that “wherever two or three are gathered…in” Your “name, there” You are “in the midst of them” (Ma 18:20 AMPC). Thank You for prospering us everywhere You send us, by Your grace, enabling us to leave “the church stronger and more encouraged than before” (Acts 15:41 TPT).

In Jesus’ Mighty Name,


This video-devo was graciously re-posted by the Salem Web Network, which includes

Solidarity: Fellowship to Strengthen – Part 1

Solidarity is a “…fellowship arising from common responsibilities and interests, as between members of a group…” (

God has been awakening His bride to be firmly rooted in Him and to blossom into soul-and-spirit maturity and solidarity for His uncommon purposes.

To be a shining witness of His glory to the world. For Kingdom purposes.

As we come together to serve God, His purposed-power will be in His sharp arrow of convergence. 

God’s order of solidarity-power will be established beautifully as His faithful followers yield to Him inwardly, and step into divinely-assigned positions—in every facet and level of society.

I believe we can expect to see more and more of His courageous followers take seats, at the top of their fields, as God disarms and unseats the unwilling. I believe we will see, an undeniable and consistent power of God flow through His beloved to make their mark as they remain close to Him.

I believe multitudes will be touched. By His Spirit.

I believe The Lord will showcase Himself in greater ways than we’ve experienced before and that it will progress, into a movement of exponential victory for the world to see. Drawing even more people into closer fellowship with Him through His power in His movement of solidarity.

The revelation God gave to me on solidarity is that it’s the reality of His multitudes of people being established (strengthened) in Christ—made undivided and whole—for purposes even beyond themselves.

We see this in reference to Paul and Barnabas in Acts 14:22 TPT, which reveals that “At each place they went, they strengthened the lives of the believers and encouraged them to go deeper in their faith. And they taught them, ‘It is necessary for us to enter into the realm of God’s kingdom, because that’s the only way we will endure our many trials and persecutions.’”

We also see solidarity referenced in Luke 22:32 TPT, where Jesus says to Peter, “But I have prayed for you, Peter, that you would stay faithful to me no matter what comes. Remember this: after you have turned back to me and have been restored, make it your life mission to strengthen the faith of your brothers.”

1 Thessalonians 3:2 AMPC says, “And we sent Timothy, our brother and God’s servant in [spreading] the good news (the Gospel) of Christ, to strengthen and establish and to exhort and comfort and encourage you in your faith.”

The Apostle Paul also operated in solidarity. In Romans 1:11 AMPC, Paul says, “For I am yearning to see you, that I may impart and share with you some spiritual gift to strengthen and establish you;”

When we take a closer look at the word “solidarity,” we see that it contains the Latin word “soli,” which, according to Webster’s, is plural for “solo” and can mean “accommodating one person.”

As a single body of many believers, we know that One person.

Friends, God is assimilating this body—His mature bridal party without spot or wrinkle—to unite with Him in accommodating His Kingdom purposes of end-time harvest. 

Solidarity is from the Latin word, “solidum,” which means “whole sum.” Solidarity’s root word is from the Latin word “solidus,” which is “solid.”

Solid can mean (Webster’s): 

  • Made firmly and well.
  • Of one substance or character: as…solid gold.
  • Intimately friendly.
  • Reliable.
  • Not interrupted by a break or opening.

Friends, God desires that the whole sum of His believers remain wholehearted, standing on His solid foundation and moving in obedience to His directives as we co-labor with Him to grow His Kingdom. 

So, as we become more like Christ individually, we are made increasingly solid in His nature, character and glory to co-labor with Him in great exploits. As we individuals gather collectively, as the body of Christ, to co-labor with God, multiplicity (growth) happens.

In the momentum of this multiplicity and solidarity, we must remember that commission implies submission, and a solid (firm, wholehearted) faith to follow God consistently (Col 2:5).

Colossians 2:7 TPT tells us, “Your spiritual roots go deeply into his life as you are continually infused with strength, encouraged in every way. For you are established in the faith you have absorbed and enriched by your devotion to him!”

1 Corinthians 15:58 AMPC says, “Therefore, my beloved brethren, be firm (steadfast), immovable, always abounding in the work of the Lord [always being superior, excelling, doing more than enough in the service of the Lord], knowing and being continually) aware that your labor in the Lord is not futile [it is never wasted or to no purpose].”

So, friends, as we step out in solidarity, we must remember that, although safety in numbers is a close cousin to solidity, and Jesus has dis-empowered the world from harming us, we must remain in agreement (solidarity) with Him to retain access to His protection. To be “free from harm or risk” (Webster’s). 

2 Timothy 2:19 TPT reminds us that “…the firm foundation of God has written upon it these two inscriptions: ‘The Lord God recognizes those who are truly his!’ and, ‘Everyone who worships the name of the Lord Jesus must forsake wickedness!'”

So, the basics of moving in solidarity are that we must come into a fuller knowledge of Christ (Vine’s), eat solid food (He 5:12, 14; 1 Cor 3:2), and stand on the solid foundation of God (2 Tim 2:19), as we move forward to reach and strengthen others—by His Spirit. 

Friends, I pray that God will “grant you out of the rich treasury of His glory to be strengthened and reinforced with mighty power in the inner man by the [Holy] Spirit [Himself indwelling your innermost being and personality]” (Ep 3:16 AMPC).

In Jesus’ Mighty Name.


Join me next week for part 2 of Solidarity: Fellowship to Strengthen.

This article was graciously re-posted by the Salem Web Network, which includes

Godly Courage: Our Breath for The Race – Part 2

A fresh breath of courage begins with fellowship with God in submission to Him. The purpose of this Godly courage is for God to demonstrate His power through His beloved followers as a witness to others and to otherwise build His Kingdom on earth as it is in Heaven.

Acts 4:13 TPT reveals to us that “The council members were astonished as they witnessed the bold courage of Peter and John, especially when they discovered that they were just ordinary men who had never had religious training. Then they began to understand the effect Jesus had on them simply by spending time with him.”

Hebrews 4:16 TPT instructs us to “…come freely and boldly to where love is enthroned, to receive mercy’s kiss and discover the grace we urgently need to strengthen us in our time of weakness.”

Ephesians 3:12 AMPC affirms that “…because of our faith in Him, we dare to have the boldness (courage and confidence) of free access ( an unreserved approach to God with freedom and without fear).”

Friends, when God graces us with His courage, we gain the ability to speak freely and boldly, void of doubt in our fellowship with God and in reliance upon His Name (Jesus). We can also speak in divinely-purposed ways publicly with perfect, bold assurance, as our confidence and demeanor remain in His Spirit, regardless of circumstance (Ac 4:29) (Strong’s Concordance). 

In Philippians 1:20 AMPC, Paul testifies, “…in keeping with my own eager desire and persistent expectation and hope, that I shall not disgrace myself nor be put to shame in anything; but that with the utmost freedom of speech and unfailing courage, now as always Christ (the Messiah) will be magnified and get glory and praise…”

So, we have choices to make: Will we come to God in courage, even when we can’t see the way (Mk 10:49)? And will we choose to partake of His offering of unfailing courage as true strength? 

Luke 21:19 NIV tells us to, “Stand firm, and you will win life.”

This means to be “un-swerved” from divine purpose and to be loyal “to faith and piety,” even in our “greatest trials and sufferings” (Thayer’s Greek Lexicon). 

God assures us victory through courage, even in a storm (2 Cor 6:4). 

When Jesus walked on water in the storm, He commanded His disciples to not fear and “have courage” as He came near to them and rescued them (Mk 6:50)!

Jesus taught His disciples to rely on and confidently demonstrate His unflinching, bold wind (breath) of courage as strength in the face of the storm. He took them beyond their own natural ability to see that, with His help, they could keep a warm heart and a good attitude as they endured victoriously. 

In this way, the disciples were strengthened in Christ.

They grew in faith. 

They learned that they could trust Jesus in the storm to bring them through. The only way they could have learned this and the only way they could have demonstrated any measure of confidence was to actually go through the storm with Jesus as He worked out their faith. 

They learned that Godly courage was the true wind in their sails.

So, we see in this example that when hostile, contrary winds oppose us, we can be met by God’s greater wind, which is His breath (or wind) of courage that strengthens us. This powerful inner bolstering, by the Spirit of Jesus (which is the Holy Spirit in us), invites us to step out and above all that rages against us with a confidence by faith that He is with us and He will sustain us to the end.  

In Philippians 1:14, God even promises His faithful followers that He will increase His infusion of courage during times of injustice.

So, will you believe God’s truth when the adversary lies to you through circumstances that try to take you down and under? Will you believe God’s goodness and take His courage?

Because of who He is and what He has already done for us, God expects us to keep a good, faith-filled attitude, even as we endure the storms of life. As we believe Him at His Word, remain in obedience to Him, reach for Him, keep our gaze upon Him, and worship Him throughout the journey, we are able. 

So, don’t get stuck in unbelief or hardness of heart. 

Endure, and you will see God’s truth come to pass in your life.

Jesus assures us in John 16:33 AMPC, saying, “I have told you these things, so that in Me you may have [perfect] peace and confidence. In the world you have tribulation and trials and distress and frustration; but be of good cheer [take courage; be confident, certain, undaunted]! For I have overcome the world. [I have deprived it of power to harm you and have conquered it for you.]”

Jesus adds in John 14:27 TPT, “I leave the gift of peace with you—my peace. Not the kind of fragile peace given by the world, but my perfect peace. Don’t yield to fear or be troubled in your hearts—instead, be courageous!”

To be sure, peace, heart, confidence, grace, faith, truth, obedience and endurance are closely tied to courage. 

So, Lord, we thank You for depriving the world of power to harm us. We thank You for Your gifts of perfect peace and confidence. 

In the areas where we have lost heart, we repent. We renounce all depression as a false feeling of defeat, a lie from the enemy of our soul that attempts to crush Your courage in us and render us incapable of completing our divine assignments (Pr 18:14). 

Thank You, Lord, that we don’t have to faint under pressure, but that we can come to You and receive a fresh wind of Your powerful courage that strengthens us and makes us bold in ways that honor and magnify You. 

By Your grace, and in faith, we receive Your fresh breath of courage now to effectively and efficiently fulfill our divine purposes and missions.

Thank You, Lord, that we can always be of good courage (2 Cor 5:6), that as we continue to place our heart in Yours, You will sustain a cheerful heart in us. 

Thank You for helping us hold onto our bold, courageous faith in You, Lord (He 10:35), and to continue on in victory (He 3:6), because we know that You will protect us, just as You say You will (Ac 27:25).

In Jesus’ Mighty Name that is above all names.

To God be the glory.
