Perpetual Jubilee

Jubilee is a new beginning celebration when liberty is proclaimed, debts are cancelled, land is restored to rightful ownership and those existing in bondage can lawfully return home (Le 25:10).

It’s a holy, consecrated, dedicated and appointed time and cycle of vindication that’s acknowledged by many Christians worldwide. 

The Word “Jubilee” literally means a ram’s horn. In Holy Scripture, a horn can symbolize Christ, salvation and strength. This horn is used as a trumpet (a wind instrument) and is typically blown on the Day of Atonement to announce a year of Jubilee throughout the land, according to Leviticus 25:9.

On the Hebrew calendar, Jubilee occurs every 50 years. This command of restoration was set forth in Leviticus 25 by God to Moses on the high place of Mt. Sinai. It was purposed to establish a pattern of conduct for God’s people that would help them live in the fullness of His promises.

Depending on which calendar one subscribes to, if you search out the next, upcoming Jubilee, you’ll find that some believe it to be six months after the Day of Atonement 2023, which is March 2024. Others, such as the Roman Catholic Church, have scheduled their Jubilee for 2025 (Gregorian calendar).

Holy Spirit is highlighting this right now, because many are entering into His promises during this calendar year of Jubilee. 

With all this said, as believers, we can see that Jubilee is an expression of the blessings of Abraham received through salvation in Messiah Jesus, who is our living, Perpetual Jubilee and that the trumpet blow is a call to access and action.

Nearly 20 years ago, Holy Spirit revealed to me that there would be major, life-changing shifts in 2024 and 2025. I believe He has been preparing us for these shifts and that, as we seek Him, He’ll reveal them to us as necessary. In an effort to set Godly expectations in our hearts that align with His will for these times. 

In this light, a couple of weeks ago, Holy Spirit alerted me about an important element of promises fulfilled for His people:

While studying the Books of Daniel and Hosea, He highlighted the judgment on those who became wise in their own eyes and lived idolatrous lifestyles. In particular, He highlighted Nebuchadnezzar, who erected a golden image and lost his mind, and the people of the northern kingdom, in the Book of Hosea, who declined rapidly for refusing to repent during their golden era. 

Holy Spirit then highlighted the defining scripture of Romans 1:22 TPT, which says that “Although claiming to be wise, they were in fact shallow fools.” The TPT study note for this verse says that, in the Aramaic language, the Word “fools” means insane. 

In other words, those who are full of themselves, those who are wise in their own eyes, those who go their own way and dishonor God by not submitting their minds to Him can end up confused and even insane.

Holy Spirit reminded me that forgetting or rejecting our first Love is spiritual adultery that can reap consequences of defilement, dethronement and death. He reminded me that it’s not about any golden image or golden era. It’s about the gold inside of us, which is Him. And that we would be truly wise to remember this.

This warning involves a spiritual principle of reciprocity, where we end up with what we choose. In these Biblical cases, this would be dishonor for living a less than holy life. God’s truth is that anything we put above Him, including our own ways, is idolatry. And believers, especially, don’t get a pass on this. 

Therefore, we must remember His warning as we progress further into His promises, especially the big, golden ones right before us. This is a time to make God’s thoughts our thoughts and His precepts our lifestyle, as He is always inviting us to a higher place. 

So, right now, it’s important to turn to Jesus and make Him our Perpetual Jubilee deep in our souls, so that we can honor and glorify Him in the earth and experience the blessings of Abraham that are bigger in front of us than anything behind. 

This is a wake-up call to not miss His best in this season. It’s a call to prayer and to speak truth to others so they, too, may enter into the blessings of our Lord. And it’s a reminder to continue to abide in Him as we enjoy much more fruit of His promises.

So, Lord, search my heart and “See if there is any offensive way in me, and lead me in the way everlasting” (Ps 139:24). Help me to walk in Your pure gold that is You in me.

In Jesus’ Mighty Name, 


This devo was graciously re-posted by the Salem Web Network, which includes

Good Times Are Coming

As I sat before our Lord one morning a couple of weeks ago, I noticed four out the five of my battery-operated candles on my mantle had grown dim. So, not only had most of them weakened. They weren’t syncing with each other.

As I stared at this misalignment of candles, I thanked God that His light never grows dim, even in our most challenging situations. He’s our constant source of light to guide us closer to Him and reveal His goodness. 

In this light, Holy Spirit showed me a Word-vision to encourage us that “Good times are coming” on the other side of personal loss and socio-economic upheaval-at-large.

And, for many, I believe it will happen like it did for Ruth.

He reminded me of how, when she was faced with a dead-end in Moab, He was there, leading her to all He was and is and had for her all along. He reminded me that her heart connection with her mentor-mother-in-law, Naomi, had been cultivated and blessed by Him as they grew together, even before they decidedly joined to turn back toward His expansive redemption.

I can only imagine that, over time during their pre-widow days, Godly seeds were planted in Ruth’s heart by Naomi, who shared stories of a land of God’s promise and provision, beyond famine, that she once knew and remembered well.

I was reminded that God blesses us through those for whom we have a heart and that a good (Godly) attitude is required, lest we prove reckless.

So, a message I believe Holy Spirit is highlighting right now is that He has cultivated a heart of righteousness in His beloved Ruths over time to step into His revealed promises of greater provision with greater responsibility.

There’s a new direction and door that awaits. And it’s the Door, who is Jesus and who offers us an open invitation through which undeserved favor is realized by His redemptive blood (Jn 10:7).

Ruth and Naomi ultimately experienced a gracious time of Jubilee redemption in Bethlehem. And we can experience Jubilee, too, as our inheritance in Jesus (Lk 4:19).

In Luke 4:18-21 TPT Jesus read from a scroll in a Nazarene synagogue, written by the prophet Isaiah (61:1), saying that “The Spirit of the Lord is upon me, and he has anointed me to be hope for the poor, healing for the brokenhearted, and new eyes for the blind, and to preach to prisoners, ‘You are set free!’ I have come to share the message of Jubilee, for the time of God’s great acceptance has begun. After he read this he rolled up the scroll, handed it back to the attendant, and sat down. Everyone stared at Jesus, wondering what he was about to say. Then he added, ‘Today, these Scriptures came true in front of you.'”

Jesus spoke these words after He returned to His hometown synagogue from the wilderness to proclaim the beginning of His public mission. So, my friends, this is His message to us right now for what’s in front of us, no matter what’s happening around us and no matter what we’ve been through. 

I believe that many of God’s Ruths and Naomis will begin to return to their promised land of a better legacy during this Jubilee cycle of 2024-2025 and that they will live it out with their Boaz. 

I believe it will prove to be a powerful expression of Ecclesiastes 4:9-12 NKJV, which says, “Two are better than one, Because they have a good reward for their labor. For if they fall, one will lift up his companion. But woe to him who is alone when he falls, For he has no one to help him up. Again, if two lie down together, they will keep warm; But how can one be warm alone? Though one may be overpowered by another, two can withstand him. And a threefold cord is not quickly broken.”

I believe they will enter into God’s willful and gracious outward blessings of Romans 12:2 AMP, which is having proved “[for yourselves] what the will of God is, that which is good and acceptable and perfect [in His plan and purpose for you].”

So, this is a place where dreams and divine purpose are finally realized as God’s undeserved favor is expressed in His many ways and measures. We know that the path there is to remain near to Him and walk with Him in faithful obedience. 

If you’ve been walking a long time, know that His good times are coming. They’re right before you. And they’ve been there waiting for you all along. He will guide you and cause your light to shine brighter as you continue to sync with Him. 

For His glory.

In Jesus’ Mighty Name, 


This devo was graciously re-posted by the Salem Web Network, which includes

Vision & Strategy

Visions are based on what we gaze upon and the message Holy Spirit desires to convey. This is why it’s so important to fix our focus on God, our One True Source of divine vision. 

Holy Spirit can work through our imaginations to show us glimpses of His plan for us. Combined with revelation knowledge, this makes for wise and powerful elements of strategy that can be walked out by active faith in God’s grace.

This said, God will often outwardly demonstrate elements of His plan. 

He will bring you into what you need and will place the people and information right before you. It’s important to listen carefully because it can often happen in a flash.

Most recently, He has been impressing me with new and somewhat surprising alignments that are precisely what’s needed to accomplish next-level assignments with Him. This is His perfect fit of need-to-know, next-step information and access. And, for me, it’s coming through new and unexpected resources.

In this regard, watch for moments with anointed people, who have precise solutions to help you overcome former obstacles. These are the ones who know God and have been there and done that. 

Holy Spirit may also offer a reminder that He’s in charge of the timing. In other words, this part of His plan has been there all along waiting for you to arrive. It just wasn’t His time for you to step into it until now. 

I attended a Christian event one morning recently, in which a certain speaker shared exactly what I needed to hear to get me over an obstacle. It stopped me in my tracks, and I instantly knew it was God for me. 

The scripture Holy Spirit highlighted as a confirmation was Proverbs 24:6 TPT, which says, “Wise strategy is necessary to wage war, and with many astute advisers you’ll see the path to victory more clearly.

Then, later that evening, I attended a very different event, which involved a rodeo and dinner at a ranch. As I stood and watched cowboys get bucked off horses and bulls, it was frightening to see how dangerously close they were to being trampled. 

In this regard, Holy Spirit highlighted Proverbs 29:18 CSB, which says, “Without revelation people run wild, but one who follows divine instruction will be happy.”

This Word “happy” means to be blessed, to be joyful.

But to “run wild” means to be “ungovernable” or unsubmitted to God, which leads to confusion, disorder, rebellion and “grievous excesses, which nothing but high principles can restrain.” (Pulpit Commentary).

I felt like all of these elements provided clear illustrations for me, and also for the body of Christ-at-large, that Holy Spirit is multiplying His wisdom to us by revealing the wise counselors we need right now and that the only way His next-step blessings will prove fruitful is to agree with His instructions of wisdom and sustain them by continually walking them out with Him.

Our hearts and minds must be in tune with Him to partner with Him in His “victory-vindication” in this time of blossoming and rebuilding (Is 62:2, 61:11 TPT).

Holy Spirit also highlighted Isaiah 62:10 TPT, which says:

Pass through, pass through the gates, and go from old to new. Prepare a new path for the people. Build! Build up a highway for them to come to me! Remove every hindrance and unfurl a banner for the nations! 

God is making a way for us, through others, to make a way for others. It’s a Heavenly highway on earth as it is in Heaven. And highways are built for speed. 

No longer will it take you what felt like forever, in the secret place, to get to a certain place. You are actually already there inwardly. And now, He’s just bringing you into the outward expression of it. In this, we can find peace.

So, to keep God’s vision is to strategically walk out obedience to His written and revealed Word. Psalm 19:7-11 ESV lays it out by saying:

The law of the LORD is perfect, reviving the soul; the testimony of the LORD is sure, making wise the simple; the precepts of the LORD are right, rejoicing the heart; the commandment of the LORD is pure, enlightening the eyes; the fear of the LORD is clean, enduring forever; the rules of the LORD are true, and righteous altogether. More to be desired are they than gold, even much fine gold; sweeter also than honey and drippings of the honeycomb. Moreover, by them is your servant warned; in keeping them there is great reward.

Did you hear that? “Great reward” is what we receive when we choose obedience to God’s plan for us. So, self-control is wisdom here and what more motivation do we need, except to do it simply from a heart of love and honor for Christ and His higher ways. 

Dear Lord, 

Please help us to receive, know and navigate all that is new to us Your way.

In Jesus’ Mighty Name, 


This devo was graciously re-posted by the Salem Web Network, which includes

Friendship Anointings

When God sends us into legacy projects to govern, He also sends anointed friends to help. It’s important to discern which people are true facilitators, aligned with His purposes, and which are not. 

In this new phase of building outward legacy, God desires that we lead strong in His anointing (powerful Presence) and include those who willingly facilitate His plan. Like Nehemiah, He desires that we not include those who work against it. After all, tolerating sin can bring His judgment.

Proverbs 18:24 TPT reminds us that “Some friendships don’t last for long, but there is one loving friend who is joined to your heart closer than any other!” The TPT study note for this verse warns us that “A man with too many friends may be broken to pieces.”

Therefore, remaining on the path of intimate, Godly wisdom is critically important right now. As we put God first, hear from Him and trust Him above our own understanding He’ll make known to us which anointed friends fit into our divine assignments. 

Weeks ago, I understood that, especially for those who are about to relocate, God was beginning to highlight these kinds of boundaries, because relationships can affect what He desires to do through us. 

God will even go so far as to direct His anointed ones to dis-integrate those who are not aligned with His purpose for these new assignments. This would include believers whom He directs to build other projects or those who do not have a heart for us or our assignments or those who deliberately come against us.

Very recently, Holy Spirit highlighted two specific dis-integrations to me as an answer to prayer: 

1. Angry People

Proverbs 22:24-25 TPT instruct us to “Walk away from an angry man or you’ll embrace a snare in your soul by becoming bad-tempered just like him.”

2. Gossips & Condemners:

Proverbs 17:9 TPT says, “Love overlooks the mistakes of others, but dwelling on the failures of others devastates friendships.”

So, we are not to include those who are easily angered nor those who separate friends through gossiping about offenses.

This said, I’d like to share one more dis-integration.

Many years ago, Holy Spirit warned me about greedy, envious slanderers. These are people who don’t want you to have what they want for themselves and are often actively working their own scheme against you to get it. It goes beyond jealousy and is a demonic spirit of murder. It can work through insiders, such as how Saul behaved toward David. 

The key scripture God highlighted to me at the time was: 

1 Corinthians 5:11 NASB, which says, “But actually, I wrote to you not to associate with any so-called brother if he is a sexually immoral person, or a greedy person, or an idolater, or is verbally abusive, or habitually drunk, or a swindler—not even to eat with such a person” (emphasis mine).

I have adhered to this precept for many years in regards to not even having a meal with those whom God reveals to me behave in slanderous ways. And you know what? I feel so much better. And you will, too, even as you continue to pray for their deliverance.

Not everyone will understand when you don’t show up at their gatherings and that’s okay. What matters most is our obedience to God, who sees every heart and hears every conversation. 

The enemy’s job is to try to get you off track from Godly wisdom. So, pay attention to what you sense about anything or anyone that seems off, even among believers. It’s important to remember that belief in Christ is relative in the souls of His people in that we all have varying levels of belief for each area of life, as God continues to perfect us all. None of us are fully there yet, since we remain to be His work in progress. 

So, to be clear, people who are unwilling to align with God’s best and attack His will and ways in you and His plan for you are the ones you do not need to include. This may seem obvious right now, but it can get confusing when these are people we know well. 

Although we may love them, and may even feel obligated to bring them along, they are not in places within their souls where they are able to comply with God in our specific assignments. And if we were to let them in, they would only prove to work against us and cause trouble to thwart God’s purposes. The best illustration of this is Joshua and Caleb being separated out, by God, from the unbelieving community-at-large. 

We can save so much time, energy and effort when we do what our Lord inclines us to do from the outset. We don’t have to tolerate manipulation. And we can always consult God, stay on His course of wisdom, and lend our ears and eyes to Him as our most prominent voice. He will show us the right way to go every time. And it will be the way that leads us closer to Him without compromise.

To God be all glory, honor and praise.


This devo was graciously re-posted by the Salem Web Network, which includes

Anointed Opportunities

The anointing (Presence) of God powerfully breaks yokes of bondage out and off of people.

His anointed ones are consecrated saints—kings and priests. The anointing is what renders them holy, separating them unto God (Vine’s). This would include Christ’s intimate followers, all of whom are chosen by God for specific callings and assignments to bring Him glory and make Him known in the earth. 

A couple of weeks ago, Holy Spirit revealed to me that He’s about to work His gracious and powerful Presence (anointing) through His willing ones, in whom He has developed deep compassion, to break yokes of bondage off of others in profound ways and measures.

I had a strong sense that this merciful and gracious movement will happen as needed to purpose people into their next assignments. He is enabling people to overcome their old confines of suffering to begin anew.

The deep, daily work of holy sanctification and Presence His people experienced in the secret place of the former season has multiplied into overflow to deliver others into expressions of resurrection life.

Weeks ago, Holy Spirit showed me “It’s your time” in a Word-vision. So, it’s time to get our minds aligned with the new life He is bringing forth through us and keep our focus on Him, leaving lesser things behind.

In this light, it’s important to understand what the anointing is and why the enemy attacks it so fiercely. 

Jesus’ title, Christ, means the Anointed One. His Presence as Holy Spirit is the anointing that lives in His reborn believers. This anointing or Anointed One is the best life in us, since He graces us and leads us into abundance in Him as we receive Him increasingly into our souls and act out of His Spirit, His nature, His character, His commands and His resurrection power. 

3 John 1:2 TPT says, “Beloved friend, I pray that you are prospering in every way and that you continually enjoy good health, just as your soul is prospering.”

I John 2:20 NKJV says, “But you have an anointing from the Holy One, and you know all things.”

Vine’s dictionary says, “The gift of the Holy Spirit is the all-efficient means of enabling believers to possess a knowledge of the truth.”

And according to the TPT study notes for I John 2:27, “…the ‘anointing’ is the Holy Spirit poured into us, bringing life, illumination, wisdom, fruit, and power from the indwelling life of Christ.” These notes go on to instruct us to remain in the anointing. In other words, we are not to lean on our own limited understanding or be swayed by lies but follow the path of God’s wisdom forward. 

So, the anointing of the Spirit of Christ, who is the Holy Spirit, enables our spirits to know as Christ knows. We can trust this truth and walk it out with confidence as we abide in Him. This is especially important because the anointing, or the Anointed One, also guards us and teaches us progressively as we hearken to Him.

1 John 2:26-27 MSG says that, “I’ve written to warn you about those who are trying to deceive you. But they’re no match for what is embedded deeply within you—Christ’s anointing, no less! You don’t need any of their so-called teaching. Christ’s anointing teaches you the truth on everything you need to know about yourself and him, uncontaminated by a single lie. Live deeply in what you were taught.”

So, here, we see a warning to not steer from what Holy Spirit reveals to us as His truth.

The AMPC version of this verse says to “abide in (live in, never depart from) Him [being rooted in Him, knit to Him], just as [His anointing] has taught you [to do].”

Friends, this is an illustration of the best intimacy. This intimate trust is where the power is found. As we come into it, it will feel new and different and light, because God’s burden is light. There is a Holy ease (grace) to it. So, don’t go back to the former hard things. Don’t even look back, like Lot’s wife. Do not linger.

Instead, continue to abide with the Spirit of Christ in you and follow His light-filled path of wisdom in front of you. 

Of course, the enemy of the human soul hates God’s power and light and attacks His Presence (anointing) in us fiercely through those who lack God’s truth; because God has the true power to break the enemy’s hold on people’s lives, which “dis-integrates” him from them (1 Jn 2:9-11 MSG)

This self-serving and defeated devil, who hates losing ground through God’s truth, did the same thing to Jesus (Jn 15:24 AMP). But he’s no match for those who believe and know Holy Spirit’s truth and act accordingly above all else. 

With the Anointed One in us, beside us, over us, before us, behind us and as our foundation, we can discern and overcome evil for Kingdom purposes and move on to do great exploits with Him. We can pray for people’s deliverance from evil and their infilling of Holy Spirit, while we keep moving forward with Jesus to fulfill destiny, just as the early saints did.

We can even ask for a double portion of God’s anointing, like Elisha did in II Kings 2:9.

We can walk through Mark 6:13 NKJV to “cast out many demons, and anointed with oil many who were sick” and heal them.

And we can rest assured God will deal with any antichrist spirit that “touches” His anointed (Ps 105:15).

To be sure, Holy Spirit will work uniquely in and through His willing ones to enable us to experience the joy of people set free. He will make us living testaments to His yoke-breaking power. Here, we will find that everything we went through in the secret place to die to selfishness to receive more of His anointing will be worth it; because our own limits and comforts cannot compare to the higher freedom and gift that our Lord offers to us . . . and others. 

For His glory. 

In the Mighty Name of Jesus.


This devo was graciously re-posted by the Salem Web Network, which includes