Faith Time – Part 1

During the first couple of days of August, The Lord revealed to me that it’s “faith time.”

In other words, this is His timing for His faith in us to begin to be worked out of us into His manifest promises. It’s time to step forward with Him in faith to complete divine assignments that He will use to help bring a generous harvest for His glory—one that will affect generations.

What might this specific assignment be for you?

For me, it’s a book re-write.

God revealed that, as we do a hairpin turn back to these assignments, our experience will be better and more efficient than before. His promised blessings are still waiting for us, and we will be on a new, more powerful trajectory as we let go of old mindsets and operate from more of His freedom and focus.

The projects God will have us complete are ones He will use to help re-set us on top of previous challenges and will even use to restore others, including people the enemy used as perpetrators against us. 

That is … when we keep the right attitude and they become willing. 

We all have the option to “run straight for the divine invitation of reaching the heavenly goal and gaining the victory-prize through the anointing of Jesus” (Phil 3:14 TPT).

We will get there through seeking Him, receiving from Him and carrying out His commission His way. 

This will, of course, require honesty and devoted time in His Presence, as well as operating in the authority He has given us.

He will release direction and wisdom to us as we go. 

He will reveal mysteries to us as revelation understanding.

God even promises to answer our cries for help every time we ask. He promises that we will feel His Presence in our times of pressure and trouble (Ps 91:15).

Psalm 91:14 TPT says, “For here is what the Lord has spoken to me: “Because you have delighted in me as my great lover, I will greatly protect you. I will set you in a high place, safe and secure before my face.”

Psalm 91:11 TPT says, “God sends angels with special orders to protect you wherever you go, defending you from all harm.”

So, friends, we don’t have to worry about difficulties during the completion process of our assignments when we can declare Psalm 91, knowing that God is on our side. 

We can step forth believing God will favorably answer our Jabez prayer, requesting blessings that include an enlarged territory and divine protection to remain pain free (1 Ch 4:10). 

If the journey has been difficult for you already, and you’re tired and don’t want to return to your assignment, Romans 12:12 TPT offers some direction and encouragement by saying, “Don’t give up in a time of trouble, but commune with God at all times.”

Friends, God is not finished.

And neither are we.

1 Corinthians 16:13 TPT advises us to “Remember to stay alert and hold firmly to all that you believe. Be mighty and full of courage.”

So, I encourage you to hold onto the promise God gave you as He brings it to completion through you, by His Spirit. 

This means that, while we move forward with The Lord, you and I will prevail over opposition by the power of His dominant strength, as He works His faith in us.

God will honor His Word as He fiercely fights with us and helps us gain the upper hand. 

God will give us everything we need to pursue and overtake that which comes against us and His plan, no matter how big the threat or mess.

Remember, too, that just because a battle may ensue, it doesn’t mean God doesn’t love us. It means the One who gives us victory and authority loves us enough to strengthen our relationship with Him. It means that, as we seek His face and obey His will, He instructs and protects us to the end.

So, we can choose to believe that the rewards will be worth the effort as we stay the course and God further establishes us and takes dominion through us.

God promises us that we “will be satisfied with a full life and with all that” He does for us. We “will enjoy the fullness of” our “salvation” (Ps 91:16)!

Friends, we are in a season where our long-held dreams are beginning to come to pass. Where the abundance of John 10:10 is coming into fruition. 

It’s time for the completion to come into place for the sake of a better, greater, more abundant Kingdom harvest.

Are you ready to give it one last push?

If so, pray with me…

Lord, help me to know You more and comprehend Your ways. Enable me to receive all that You have for me and nothing that’s not of You. For Your glory. In Jesus’ Mighty Name. Amen.

Join me next week for Part 2 of Faith Time

This video-devo was graciously re-posted by the Salem Web Network, which includes

Victory Strategy: Obedience – Part 2

One way God demonstrates His love for us is to give us victory over everything as we adhere to, rely on and trust in Him.

Romans 8:37 TPT tells us, “Yet even in the midst of all these things, we triumph over them all, for God has made us to be more than conquerors, and his demonstrated love is our glorious victory over everything!”

In Part 1 of this series, we learned that we receive this victory by faith-believing, which implies action.

So, we do have a part in our manifest victory.

We know that God is our source for victory based on Proverbs 21:31 TPT, which says, “ultimate victory comes from the Lord God.”

Psalm 20:7 TPT reiterates this by saying, “…Our boast is in the Lord our God, who makes us strong and gives us victory!”

Psalm 18:35 TPT tells us, “You empower me for victory with your wrap-around presence. Your power withinmakes me strong to subdue…”

Proverbs 4:9 TPT says, “You will be adorned with beauty and grace, and wisdom’s glory will wrap itself around you, making you victorious in the race.”

Friends, at the point where we invite Jesus into our broken places, we begin to experience victory.

Just like the woman at the well, who invited Jesus to share His victory with her, she ran with beautiful feet to proclaim the good news to her people (Ro 10:15, Is 61:1).

This is important to remember as we receive nations as our inheritance and carry His glory to make His Name known. 

Like Esther, who pushed against all odds to help rescue a nation of people, Psalm 44:5 TPT assures us that “Through [His] glorious name and [His} awesome power we can push through to any victory and defeat every enemy.”

So, in His compassion for us, even the distress and oppression established against nations must bow in the Presence of our Perfect Lamb.

Isaiah 61:4 further reveals that, “…they shall rebuild the ancient ruins; they shall raise up the former desolations and renew the ruined cities, the devastations of many generations.”

As I sought The Lord on this topic, He impress my heart with a particular message, which is this:

Those who are willing to depart from abominations that produce ashes, the ones who open their eyes and their hearts to Him and become convinced by faith-believing, will move from (abomi)nations to their inheritance of nations (Is 44). 

Like the woman at the well, once we let Jesus into every chamber of our hearts, shame and disgrace will go. Then, we will run with beautiful feet to nations as an evangelist, strengthened and made victorious by Jesus, to share His compassion with our inheritance-nations, as in Isaiah 61:1 ESV, which says, 

“The Spirit of the Lord GOD is upon me, because the LORD has anointed me to bring good news to the poor; he has sent me to bind up the brokenhearted, to proclaim liberty to the captives, and the opening of the prison to those who are bound;”

Lord, search our hearts (Ps 139:23-24)!

If there is any way in us that is displeasing, bring the conviction that leads us to repentance. 

Friends, we don’t want to miss this.

Unbelief feeds defeat. Strife is a snare and is rooted in a lack of true identity in Christ and a fear of man. Disrespect and defeat go hand in hand. They perpetuate a vicious trap. 

Proverbs 29:25 AMP reminds us that “The fear of man brings a snare, But whoever trusts in and puts his confidence in the Lord will be exalted and safe.”

So, we don’t have to abandon our place of rest to tend to someone else. 

This is important to remember as we move forward.

We can have compassion for others and not allow them to take advantage of our compassion and pull us down with them.

We can pray for others and put our full faith and trust in God alone to bring them up higher, based on their willingness. 

We can have respect for God’s process of sanctification, believing He will get them to maturity in Him, even as far as their full restoration in Heaven.

We can remain in a place of glorious victory-strength and extend grace to others, believing God is working as we interact and fulfill divine purpose.

Friends, when we love well, we bring life.

We respect others.

We must remember that we have been given a gift of victory, and that we fight from this place of victory, according to God’s Word.

2 Corinthians 2:14-15 AMPC say, “But thanks be to God, Who in Christ always leads us in triumph [as trophies of Christ’s victory] and through us spreads and makes evident the fragrance of the knowledge of God everywhere,  For we are the sweet fragrance of Christ…”

I pray that we will live up to these promises. I pray that we will not give up and that we will run to our nations with beautiful feet. I pray that we will be finishers and that we will always remember the One who makes us victorious. 

To God be the glory.

This video-devo was graciously re-posted by the Salem Web Network, which includes

Victory Strategy: Obedience – Part 1

1 John 5:4-5 NLT reveal to us that “…every child of God defeats this evil world, and we achieve this victory through our faith. And who can win this battle against the world? Only those who believe that Jesus is the Son of God.”

In these two verses, God has given believers in Christ a certain truth and a sure strategy for victory over evil, which is to win battles by a choice of obedience to His faith inside of us. 

Seated together.

The Greek Word for “victory” in 1 John 5:4 is niké and means “conquest.” This is “a particular expression of victory, resulting from receiving (obeying) the faith Christ imparts (i.e., His in-worked persuasion)” (HELPS Word-studies). 

Obeying this faith means to believe it as truth and set ourselves to act accordingly.

This is an overcoming faith that the TPT version of verse 4 describes as “the victorious power that triumphs over the world.” Therefore, we believers of Jesus Messiah defeat false powers and conquer the world by believing in Jesus as the Son of God.

This kind of faith-believing obedience means to have confidence in and put trust in Jesus as Lord. It means we are persuaded to do God’s will by the faith He deposits in us by His Spirit.

Faith-believing obedience is a pre-requisite to receiving the nature and character of God in our souls, loving others and receiving harvest blessings. It is necessary to overcome issues personally or corporately.

1 John 5:1 AMPC tells us, “EVERYONE WHO believes (adheres to, trusts, and relies on the fact) that Jesus is the Christ (the Messiah) is a born-again child of God; and everyone who loves the Father also loves the one born of Him (His offspring).”

1 John 5:2 TPT goes on to say, “This is how we can be sure that we love the children of God: by having a passionate love for God and by obedience to his commands.”

This said, it’s possible to have faith without believing in it, because we don’t recognize or understand faith. God deposits faith in His children. So, it’s there. But if we don’t know this or know how to apply it in our everyday lives, we won’t be victorious in our lifetime on earth.

The Israelites are an example of this. We know most of the Israelites got stuck in the desert due to their unbelief, which is disobedience. 

I believe their root issue was a lack of the knowledge of God’s grace and love for them due to their hard personal experiences in Egypt (worldliness).

The Israelites’ lives were indeed burdensome due to their enslavement to the world (Egypt), which was a consequence of their sin they had brought upon themselves. I believe, in their hardship, they grew weary and confused obedience to God with burden.

1 John 5:3 NLT says, ” Loving God means keeping his commandments, and his commandments are not burdensome.”

The AMPC version of 1 John 5:3 says God’s commandments are not “irksome (burdensome, oppressive, or grievous).”

The study note for 1 John 5:3 in the TPT version says, “God’s grace empowers us to love, which makes His commands a delight instead of a duty. The spontaneity of love is never crushed by the commands of a loving God.”

So, like the Israelites, if obedience to God feels burdensome to us, then we need deliverance from lies and unbelief into God’s truth of lovingkindness and grace.

It can be done. 

Joshua and Caleb received it.

Recovery can be as simple as repentance and receiving God’s forgiveness: forgiving those who caused us to feel hopeless; forgiving ourselves for behaving in hopelessness; asking God to enable us to see ourselves and others as He does—through eyes of truth, grace and equality; and helping us to awaken to His abounding love. 

In the New Testament (Mark 9:24 NIV), the father of a long-time possessed boy experienced a reality shift for Jesus to do the impossible when he turned his mind toward truth and grace, saying to Jesus, “I do believe; help me overcome my unbelief!”

Like this father and son, God desires to answer our urgent battle cries for impossible needs. He desires to bring us from a horrible place to a happy place—spirit, soul and body—by His Spirit and for His glory.

It can only happen in a place of faith-believing in The Lord and His goodness, because we won’t submit to anything (or anyone) we don’t believe in favorably, unless we are enslaved to deception. 

God has a new reality of breakthrough and increase for those who shift their hope and faith entirely on Him alone and obey His will.

We only receive that for which we believe. So, know Christ. Know your worth in Christ, Know His Word and expect His finest provision as you align with Him in every circumstance.

Since we prosper as our souls prosper, we live out what we believe. 

When we get it right, by the grace of God, we’ll see greater and greater harvests.

To Him be the glory. 

Join me next week for Part 2 of Victory Strategy: Obedience.

This video-devo was graciously re-posted by the Salem Web Network, which includes

Solid Foundation – Part 2

Ten days ago, The Lord highlighted the restoration of ruined cities to me (Is 61:4).

Three times. 

He then led me to Psalm 118:14-15 AMPC, which says, “The Lord is my Strength and Song; and He has become my Salvation. The voice of rejoicing and salvation is in the tents and private dwellings of the [uncompromisingly] righteous: the right hand of the Lord does valiantly and achieves strength!”

Psalm 118:15 TPT says, “…My loud shouts of victory will echo throughout the land. For Yahweh’s right hand conquers valiantly!”

Holy Spirit also reminded me of Isaiah 9:6-7 TPT, which says…

The responsibility of complete dominion will rest on his shoulders, and his name will be: The Wonderful One! The Extraordinary Strategist! The Mighty God…Great and vast is his dominion. He will bring immeasurable peace and prosperity. He will rule on David’s throne and over David’s kingdom to establish and uphold it by promoting justice and righteousness from this time forward and forevermore.

Friends, God is a finisher.

Even when circumstances look scattered, chaotic and impossible, God is sovereign and is still working to give ravaged places and even personal projects new life and bring them to a good, highly-purposed completion. 

He is never without a victory-strategy to bring greater restoration, making things better than before.

Even if we need an overhaul, it just means that our God is patient and will draw us nearer to make us more solid in Him. 

More solid like Him, the Foundation who laid His life down for us to live as “immoveable,” which means “will not budge.” And “stable,” which means unchangeable. And “steadfast,” which means “standing fast without buckling or giving way” (HELPS Word-studies).

“Mighty God” in Isaiah 9:7 means “the God of battle” and “Champion God” (TPT Bible study notes).

He will fight for us and never lose!

When God is in something, we can always trust Him to ultimately prove it to be victorious as we obey Him.

We must keep our faith in Him always, as He is seated in what He establishes and has a commitment to see us through.

What exactly is God igniting in you in this hour?

What is He leading you into?

How are you seeing Him touch your efforts?

What wonderful thing is The Wonderful One birthing through you for His Kingdom?

Verse 7 continues on, saying that God rules on the throne and over the kingdom “to establish and uphold it by promoting justice and righteousness.”

To “establish” here means to be set up, fixed, fitted, firm, made secure and enduring as we determine, with God, to be faithful.

As we rule and reign with Him, He sustains us, comforts us, refreshes us, strengthens us and stays our hearts with determination, truthfulness, right discretion and vindication that doesn’t quit. 

This is the God we serve. 

Never give up on His appointed times for justice.

They are solid ground that we can trust. 

God will not forget. 

Psalm 89:14 TPT assures us by saying, “Your glorious throne rests on a foundation of righteousness and just verdicts. Grace and truth are the attendants who go before you.”

Have you ever had an encounter with The Lord, where He reveals an important event up ahead for you that you know would be impossible without His intervention? Then He, not only confirms the event through two or three witnesses, but He consistently encourages you over time by revealing more and more bits until the event occurs?

By leading us in this “treasure hunt” style, God not only refreshes our hope, He awakens us more and more until the fullness of time for the event, where we fully mature to receive. 

We come to realize that The Lord had to go before us to set it up well in advance, because so many elements have to come into place over time in, not only our lives, but others.

All along, He leads us along a solid foundation of righteous character and conduct, further into vindication, as He sees it—justifiable.

This is a journey where we can trust Him implicitly as He leads us into His plan for righting wrongs.


The Lord gave me a Word of wisdom in this regard, which is…

When we get honest and grow to a place of knowing better and fully forgiving, we receive better than what would have been.

This is a divine re-set as in Isaiah 22:20-23 by His grace and truth.

This is what is meant as surpassing victory, and it begins by believing the victorious work of the cross, our secure place.

Romans 8:37 AMPC tells us, “Yet amid all these things we are more than conquerors and gain a surpassing victory through Him Who loved us.”

Surpassing means “a large amount or high degree; exceeding, excelling, or extraordinary” ( 

“Surpassing victory” means to “prevail mightily (Strong’s #5245) and to be “beyond conquer,” to the extent that we are “completely and overwhelmingly victorious” (HELPS Word-Studies).

I believe God, in His rich mercy and amazing grace, will do for the people and cities that turn to Him and prove to be uncompromising.

Revelation 3:21 AMPC assures us that “He who overcomes (is victorious), I will grant him to sit beside Me on My throne, as I Myself overcame (was victorious) and sat down beside My Father on His throne.”

“…Thanks be to God, Who in Christ always leads us in triumph [as trophies of Christ’s victory] and through us spreads and makes evident the fragrance of the knowledge of God everywhere,  For we are the sweet fragrance of Christ [which exhales] unto God…” (2 Co 2:14-15 AMPC).

To Him be the glory. 

This video-devo was graciously re-posted by the Salem Web Network, which includes

Solid Foundation – Part 1

The title of a sermon, I heard nearly two decades ago, has always stuck with me: It was Keep Your Tent Pegs Light.

While I don’t remember the sermon, I realize God has highlighted this title to me recently to remind me of an important message for this hour: 

That we are to continue to walk in holiness as we move forward with God and grow in His promises.

First, we must believe that we have one solid foundation, which is Holy Spirit, the Spirit of Truth and Christ’s resurrection life within us (Jn 14:17, 1 Tim 3:15).

1 Corinthians 3:11 AMPC tells us, “For no other foundation can anyone lay than that which is [already] laid, which is Jesus Christ (the Messiah, the Anointed One).”

Acts 17:28 says, “For in Him we live and move and have our being…”

We know that Christ, as our firm foundation, doesn’t change; but He changes us. 

In this, we get to trust Him as we walk through the process of transformation to greater promise, which is God instilling His higher standard as He defines our path and delineates our boundaries—first inwardly, then outwardly.

Like Abraham and the Israelites, who moved with God into the unknown-to-them, we are to grow in the grace of pulling up stakes, departing from our past and moving from glory to glory as God continues to pour into us and out of us. 

We are to continually acknowledge Him and rely on Him during increase, as graciously held pegs re-set into holy ground (Is 22:23).

Move by move, every time the ancients of faith pierced the ground with their pegs of identity, purpose and commitment, their faith had an opportunity to grow; and their houses became increasingly established in a secure foundation of glorious new dominion with The Lord.

Like them, we are to go from Him to more of Him in our soul.

From more of Him to much more of Him.

And from much more of Him to much, much more. 

Psalms 18:31 TPT asks, “Could there be any other god like you? You are the only God to be worshiped, for there is not a more secure foundation to build my life upon than you.”

So, in this journey of consecration and fruit production, we are to keep our fierce focus on God and live in the honor of worship to Him alone, turning from all wickedness (Is 26:13, Pr 3:6, Is 19:13). 

As we align with our Chief Cornerstone, He will strengthen us, reveal what we need to know and ultimately deliver us into an expansive reward to make His Name great (Ps 119:38). 

Our full dependence on God invites His fulfillment of promise (Jn 1:16).

Just like Joshua, who was known to be carefully obedient, and Caleb, who was known to be wholehearted, our reality-walk will expand and go long from believing God’s promises; to acting on them; then to experiencing the manifest heart of God, which is to have and to hold Him in the possession of good, exponential fruit. For His glory.

It is a walk where we experience all the pieces come together.

We can be encouraged in this process by Ephesians 2:20-22 TPT, which say: 

You are rising like the perfectly fitted stones of the temple; and your lives are being built up together upon the ideal foundation laid by the apostles and prophets, and best of all, you are connected to the Head Cornerstone of the building, the Anointed One, Jesus Christ himself! This entire building is under construction and is continually growing under his supervision until it rises up completed as the holy temple of the Lord himself. This means that God is transforming each one of you into the Holy of Holies, his dwelling place, through the power of the Holy Spirit living in you!

So, in order for our reality to change for the better, we have to embrace The Lord’s higher ways and keep Him first and center as He reveals Himself and delivers us. 

We must believe God at His Word beyond our circumstances and trust that He sees us as deserving such an inheritance through Christ, our Savior, who makes a way by grace where we could not go otherwise.

We must willingly come to operate in the kind of balance that excels in both God’s Spirit and applied wisdom to the practical—remaining on solid ground.

This balance is the key to, and the fruit of, a life built on a firm foundation that is stable and, therefore, does not waffle or waver but produces what God intended.

For those who are not there yet, there’s hope for those who remember Him—the repentant and the willing.

He offers us an example in Isaiah 19:18-23, where we see people in five Egyptian (worldly) cities turn and commit themselves to God in worship and intimately knowing Him as their Lord. As a result, God revealed Himself as a promise keeper: He healed and restored them, and He called them His people. 

So, friends, how about you?

Are you ready to faithfully walk on the solid ground of wholeness, where you will see your life come together in purposeful ways?

Are you ready to trust God more in a greater role? To establish His Kingdom even more in the earth through you as you abide in Him? 

There is no need to fear; but there is a need for faith, as God raises a standard, does a new thing and helps us move past our past in His overcoming grace (Is 43:18-19).

Join me next week for Part 2 of Solid Foundation

This video-devo was graciously re-posted by the Salem Web Network, which includes