Solid Ground

Has anyone else seen the recently-released Elvis movie? My husband and I saw it and I was glad I did.

The movie revealed a hardscrabble side of Elvis’ story that many, including myself, didn’t know in detail. At times, it was painful to watch, wondering how anyone could endure such extremes.

Viewing it from a Biblical perspective enabled me to see how the enemy tried relentlessly to work poverty and lack throughout this man’s life to gain ground…to steal, kill and destroy” (Jn 10:10).

God alone is our Holy Ground, our Solid Rock, our Solid Gold, our Dominion. He owns it all and is above it all. With Him everything He is and wills for us is possible. With Him, we don’t have to do it our way or the world’s way. We don’t have to depend on fools.

God’s truth in Psalm 23:1 TPT tells us that “Yahweh is my best friend and my shepherd. I always have more than enough.”

God instructs us in 2 Timothy 2:22 TPT to “Run as fast as you can from all the ambitions and lusts of youth; and chase after all that is pure. Whatever builds up your faith and deepens your love must become your holy pursuit. And live in peace with all those who worship our Lord Jesus with pure hearts.”

So, obedience to His instructions is how we can “stand on level ground” as we praise Him in the “great congregation” (Ps 26:12 NIV).

It’s only when we distance ourselves, lose sight of Him as our captivation and go our own way to put other things above Him (instead of in submission to Him) that we set ourselves on a trajectory that misses God’s best. Disobedience, even sins of our youth, can cause us to get caught up in enemy snares and miss longevity’s blessings (De 30:19).

If we don’t return to God through heartfelt repentance, we can miss God’s best life for us to the point of sin overtaking us, which always leads to some sort of death, possibly even physical.

This truth can be found in Romans 8:13 TPT, which says that “For when you live controlled by the flesh, you are about to die. But if the life of the Spirit puts to death the corrupt ways of the flesh, we then taste his abundant life.”

On earth, the kind of end God desires for us to come to is the end of ourselves—our selfishness, lusts of the flesh, all else that doesn’t please God.

Because God is with us, we can hit the wall of our wrongdoings and be awakened to new life as He reveals to us the error of our ways. In our moments of true confession, He can meet us with revelation, where we can come to recognize the only good thing in us at all, is Him and His virtue of goodness—nothing of our own.

This is the beginning of our deeper awareness of our greater freedom in Christ. This gracious revelation makes our dependence upon Him clearer and motivates us to be more obedient with a grateful heart.

God’s truth is that He exalts the humble, which are those who live in submission to Him. So, sometimes, our best prayer is, “Lord, fix me. Get me where You desire I be.”

Colossians 3:2 NIV warns us to “Set your minds on things above, not on earthly things.”

Chapter 3 goes on to advise us to “Put to death, therefore, whatever belongs to your earthly nature: sexual immorality, impurity, lust, evil desires and greed, which is idolatry. Because of these, the wrath of God is coming” (Co 3:5-6 NIV)

The NIV study note for verse 6 clarifies that the wrath of God comes “on those who are disobedient.”

Still, God will offer us turning points before it’s too late. He may gently work through others before we hit the wall.

Psalm 40:2 TPT reminds us that “He stooped down to lift me out of danger from the desolate pit I was in, out of the muddy mess I had fallen into. Now he’s lifted me up into a firm, secure place and steadied me while I walk along his ascending path.”

To be sure, God has a higher life for each of us.

Do you remember the story of the woman caught in adultery (Jn 8:3)? When Jesus bent over and wrote in the dust on the ground with His finger in John 8:8? The Word “ground” in this scripture means “standing-place” (Strong’s #1093). It is the place where we lay it all at His feet and stand with Him on solid ground. It’s the place where we live out destiny in preparation for eternity.

As Jesus wrote for the woman caught in adultery, He changed her story by giving her a new beginning and a new directive, a true life to be lived—reflective of His mercy and grace—to go and “sin no more” (Jn 8:11).

She could continue with her new life on God’s ascended way for her, because He gave her directives along with His grace-power to fulfill them. He lifted her out of her low-life stupor without condemnation (1 Co 15:34).

I believe that as this woman was set free by Christ, she came to know Psalm 55:22 TPT, which says, “So here’s what I’ve learned through it all: Leave all your cares and anxieties at the feet of the Lord, and measureless grace will strengthen you.”

I believe she knew that Jesus was where Heaven meets earth and that He loved her more than anyone else could (Jn 3:16-17, 1 Jn 2:15).

I wonder whether Elvis ever knew these truths beyond where his talent took him.

When God restores our lives, He restores our dignity, integrity and beauty. Heaviness falls away as we enter His weighty glory. Unchained, we find true answers and walk to a new melody. This is His promise of His grace, without which we would never make it in the land.

Truth always comes as we trust God, and it’s best if it comes sooner than later. Let’s not make deals with the devil (1 Jn 2:16). Let’s take it all to The Lord and follow His lead, so we can keep truly ascending and not get caught in a trap with no way out.

Pray with me if you will…

Dear Lord,

Thank You for releasing me into Your best plan for me. “See if there is any path of pain I’m walking on, and lead me back to your glorious, everlasting way—the path that brings me back to you” (Ps 139:24 TPT). Help me put my trust in You. Whatever has gotten out of control in my life, help me bring it into submission to You. And “Let my passion for life be restored, tasting joy in every breakthrough you bring to me. Hold me close to you with a willing spirit that obeys whatever you say” (Ps 51:12 TPT).

In Jesus’ Mighty Name,


This devo was graciously re-posted by the Salem Web Network, which includes

Reset Challenge

The Birds

Three weeks ago, I heard three individual birds sing on three different days. Where we live downtown, this is highly unusual, especially this time of year. 

On the first day, I was working at my desk in the 2 a.m. hour. The birdsong was coming from across the street. I looked out the window but didn’t see a bird in the darkness. Nonetheless, it stopped me in my tracks as I so enjoyed the sweet melody in the stillness of this early morning hour. 

On the second day, a bird sang again, early in the morning, just outside my bedroom window. It awakened me but I didn’t see the bird this time either. However, I enjoyed the melody nonetheless. 

On the third day, in the 7 a.m. hour, while making my bed, I heard a bird sing again, just outside the bedroom window again. This time, I looked out and saw her. It was a little brown bird perched on the branch of a perfectly symmetrical, but leafless, tree alone, singing with her whole heart. Her voice was loud, crystal clear, and her melody was indescribably beautiful. 

Each of these three times, I knew God sent the bird(s) to praise Him and to minister pure sweetness to my heart, which prompted me to praise Him along with them (Rev 4:11 TPT). I knew I was not alone, and I sensed there was more to it. So, I asked Holy Spirit what else He desired I see and know. 

Three Scriptures

First, He highlighted three scriptures. They are:

Luke 1:45 TPT, which says, “Great favor rests upon you, for you have believed every word spoken to you from the Lord.”

Then Psalm 55:22 TPT, which says, “So here’s what I’ve learned through it all: Leave all your cares and anxieties at the feet of the Lord, and measureless grace will strengthen you.”

And lastly, Psalm 72:7 TPT, which says, “In the days of his reign the righteous will spring forth with the abundance of peace and prosperity forevermore.” 

The Message

Holy Spirit then showed me a Word-vision, in which I saw “A New Day” spelled out. As He continued to build His message, this is what I believe it to be for anyone with whom it resonates:

It’s time for your whole heart to awaken and arise with your eyes wide open on Me to receive more of My new glorious day I have brought you to (Is 60). You have seen the beginnings of the manifestations of my greater promises. But there is much more in magnitude (excellence) that is very near. I require you to tangibly receive it as I bring you into it. In other words, there won’t be time for you to process long. I have given you that grace in the past in order to prepare you, in every way necessary, for the now that you see happening. It’s show time, daughter, which is the time I show up for you and align you physically into these greater promises. It’s time for you to receive them in manifest form, to fully step into them with your trust in Me, and not just dream about them anymore. It’s time for your heart to sing again as I make your dreams come true. It may feel like it’s happening fast and, in your face at times, but know that this is My doing and that you are ready. It’s not too much for you to absorb, because I revealed to you what would come to pass well ahead of time and even gave you wisdom and guidance in advance to help you advance now. So, you know what I AM doing and what you are to do. Just continue to faithfully follow My lead, and I will continue to reveal to you how to navigate, even more intricately, this new glorious place that I will continue to bring you into. Remember, I AM with you. I AM God and you cannot fail when you remain close to Me. So, keep stepping with Me, because I AM with you all the way. Remain in this life-giving place with Me, because it’s My time for you to reign with Me in greater, manifest ways and places that will make your heart sing again.

The Challenge

So, friends, God is commanding our attention. In this hour of shift, He is perfecting our hearts to align with His as we receive His invitation to stand alert and march forward with Him (Ep 6:15 TPT). Herein lies our challenge. Are we willing to let go of any old mind-sets, habits and schedules that would burden us in order to take on the new He requires of us? Are we willing to move onward in relationship with Him as light?

We know that God’s best requires a narrow path. And this narrow path may require some resets of attitude and actions of us in order to sustain the fullness of joy in God’s promises. His way of truth is the only way.

Divine resets begin in the heart and are purposed to help establish God’s holy and righteous intent for us in the earth. They are a necessary part of our growth process as they help strengthen us in Him to receive more of His blessings to be a blessing and to build His Kingdom.

So, for those who are willing, pray with me…

Dear Lord, 

Thank You that “You’ve gone into my future to prepare the way, and in kindness…You have laid your hand on me” for victory (Ps 139:5 TPT)! You say that by constantly using my faith, the life of Christ will be released deep inside of me, and the resting place of Your love will become the very source and root of my life (Ep 3:17). You say that then I will be empowered to discover what every holy one experiences—the great magnitude (excellence) of Your astonishing love in all its dimensions (Ep 3:18).

So, Lord, I believe You at Your Word, and I invite You to get me there. Reset my heart to rest in You as You show me the way along Your narrow path. I choose to trust You in this strengthening process.

In Jesus’ Mighty Name,


This video-devo was graciously re-posted by the Salem Web Network, which includes

Show More Time

A brand-new year can be exciting when we consider possibilities. But sometimes, when we’re faced with unfinished business, another year of expectations can make it feel hard to begin again.

When we find ourselves in the midst of extended projects, we need to remember that we are not defeated because God’s grace has not ended. The calendar or clock didn’t stop just because we have more to do. So, there’s no need for disappointment, because there’s grace for catching up (Ps 27:14 TPT).

God, in His perfection, will meet us right in the midst of our loose ends, to show Himself as peace and grace and compassion—the Shepherd who comes to lead us out into the clearing for the time we’re in.

He’s right there, revealing Himself as light, every morning, waiting for us to surrender our anxiety and delight in Him (Ps 46:10 TPT). He’s there in our afternoon praise breaks, to share His Sabbath rest with us from intense tasks.

Jesus’ heart is to dazzle us with the “radiance of God’s splendor” (He 1:3 TPT, Ps 80:1 TPT).

To offer Himself above worldly distraction.

To lift us, where the enemy has lied to us.

To open our eyes to find our security more in Him (above ourselves) as He keeps His promises ever before us.

Some of us are in need of a miracle of time to catch up. And there is grace for this as we show up and follow His instructions.

All of us are in need of God’s unlimited forgiveness like He extended to the servant in Matthew 18:26 TPT, in which the servant says, “Please be patient with me. Just give me more time and I will repay you all that I owe.”

Friends, God is offering us deliverance and has been all along. He has just waited for us to see and know that we needed Him more than we initially thought.

He is extending His triple grace to break through our impossible circumstances, level our mountains and carry us further along. He is doing for us what we cannot do for ourselves and just about wore ourselves out trying (Ps 55:22 TPT).

Could it be that our worse debt was the weight of self-reliance?

God is extending his promise of Matthew 18:27 TPT to us, which says that “Upon hearing his pleas, the king had compassion on his servant, and released him, and forgave his entire debt.”

God knows we are on an unfamiliar path and are prone to wandering from His ways. He sees our efforts and offers us His strength of grace in our weakness (Is 40:29). He knows it has felt hard for us to extend faith in some areas of the process. He knows it’s easier to settle for enemy lies when we are tired. He knows we can get caught up in feel-good comforts more than plowing through hard tasks diligently.

One of the reasons the journey has felt so hard is because it’s not about a single breakthrough project. It’s about groundbreaking for more projects to come forward. This first one is as much for training purposes as it is for anything else. If we will stick it out, it will prove to be more impactful than we knew from the start. It’s huge, but it’s not impossible with God, especially when we understand that light and multiplicity increase as we move forward with Him (Is 53:11 TPT).

So, if you feel like you’re stuck in a hole with no way out, then know our God of hope is joining you there to lead you upward and make it beautiful again.

It’s not over, and He hasn’t given up on you. Rather, God has made a way for you to overcome and finish well with Him. He would not have assigned you to a plan without helping you through it all, even in the pitfalls we can get ourselves into.

So, rise and shake off the hopelessness. Pick up the project again and meet God there. He will show you how He will bring it together in ways you did not know or see earlier. He will make it clearer and much easier now. He’s waiting for you to trust Him to make Himself known greater than before.

The key scripture our Lord highlighted to me is Mark 4:23 TPT, which says, “If you understand what I’m saying, you need to respond!”

Here are twelve more scriptures Holy Spirit highlighted to share with those who find themselves in this situation:

  1. “…God’s lavish gift is life eternal, found in your union with our Lord Jesus, the Anointed One” (Ro 6:23 TPT).
  2. “My revelation-truth is a gift to you, so remain faithful to my instruction” (Pr 4:2 TPT).
  3. “Now it’s time to be made new by every revelation that’s been given to you” (Ep 4:23 TPT).
  4. “Set your gaze on the path before you. With fixed purpose, looking straight ahead, ignore life’s distractions” (Pr 4:25 TPT).
  5. “Don’t allow yourself to be sidetracked for even a moment or take the detour that leads to darkness” (Pr 4:27 TPT).
  6. “Don’t give the slanderous accuser, the devil, an opportunity to manipulate you” (Ep 4:27 TPT)!
  7. “Put your heart and soul into every activity you do, as though you are doing it for the Lord himself and not merely for others” (Co 3:23 TPT).
  8. “Then, as you unwrap my words, they will impart true life and radiant health into the very core of your being” (Pr 4:22 TPT).
  9. “O God-Enthroned in heaven, I lift my eyes toward you in worship” (Ps 123:1 TPT).
  10. “…We look to you, our God, with passionate longing to please you and discover more of your mercy and grace” (Ps 123:2 TPT).
  11. “We acknowledge you as our Provider of all we need each day” (Ma 6:11 TPT).
  12. “Today, these Scriptures came true in front of you'” (Lk 4:21 TPT).

Pray with me if you will…

Mighty God,

Thank You for Your compassion. I repent of indifference and inaction. Thank You for redeeming me fully—my timeline in my assignments, my path and all of my brokenness (Ps 139:24 TPT). Thank You for aligning me for victory every single time I run to You. Thank You for lightening my load and making me a more faithful steward like You. May I always remember that You will make a way in my impossibilities and that Your heart for me is love. Thank You for the glorious gift of finishing strong with You as I pick up my assignment (cross) and begin again (Mk 8:34 TPT). And believing You are the God of Jacob, who fights for me (Ps 46:11 TPT).

In Jesus’ Holy Name.


This video-devo was graciously re-posted by the Salem Web Network, which includes

Redeeming Your Time – Part 2

The best way to reconcile issues of the soul, unfinished business or any other outstanding matter is by the living, redeeming work of the cross. 

Colossians 1:17 TPT says that “He existed before anything was made, and now everything finds completion in him.”

The AMPC version reveals that God is our supreme binder, saying, “…He Himself existed before all things, and in Him all things consist (cohere, are held together). [Prov. 8:22-31.]”

So, we must do as Hebrews 4:16 AMPC says, which is to “find grace…to help in good time for every need [appropriate help and well-timed help, coming just when we need it].”

We can hold on to the Spirit of Grace and release matters to Him to bring complete wholeness, which honors Him (Ps 55:22 TPT, Phil 1:6). By God’s authority, we can also bind the enemy that tries to keep us spinning in un-resolve so that life doesn’t continue on without us (Lk 10:19).

The revelation God gave me on this is that His grace not only works outwardly as explosive power but also works inwardly as an implosion, where internal fragments are made whole or redeemed. 

Just as in the military command to “fall in,” this means that we must break away from a former or present place and meet with God to come into a new alignment under His authority for transformation. In this way, He will bind our matters into a glorious new whole to demonstrate His goodness (Ps 18:25).

So, as we trust our Kinsman-Redeemer, we can give Him all of our fragments, and ask Him to resolve them to His liking, and then grow them exponentially (multiplicity) for His glory (Jn 6:11, Lk 6:38, Is 43:1). We can ask Him to awaken our minds and hearts to see and know Him more in this way—as our God who redeems our lives on earth as it is in Heaven. 

Because redemption doesn’t stop at the altar of salvation (Ps 50:23 TPT).

Redemption continues to work on our behalf as we walk out our salvation, submitting our limitations to God and trusting Him with transformation and multiplicity.

Sometimes, it may look and feel worse before we see better. But God, in His faithfulness, will get us to the place of fewer hindrances and more shalom peace and abundant true (zoe, Strong’s #2222) life than we’ve ever known.

God is in the redemptive work with us, so we can “fearlessly and confidently and boldly draw near to the throne of grace” (He 4:16). Know there will come a time, when we will begin to see the outward work of His redemption. 

We will see the promised fruit. 

Just as God is the perfect binder, He is also the perfect sower, who multiplies good fruit in our lives forward. Luke 8:15 NIV says, “But the seed on good soil stands for those with a noble and good heart, who hear the word, retain it, and by persevering produce a crop.”

Multiplicity is a part of God’s redemptive work as explosive growth. Multiplicity is a time-saver. 

Job’s life is a noble example of abiding-ascension and multiplicity, where God restored him double for his losses. 

And God will do the same for us. 

We see God do double miracles of brokenness to abundance for the multitudes in John 6:11 NLT, which says, “Then Jesus took the loaves, gave thanks to God, and distributed them to the people. Afterward he did the same with the fish. And they all ate as much as they wanted.”

When I read this scripture, during this writing, Holy Spirit highlighted the Word “distributed” to me.

I believe He revealed it’s time for those of us who have followed Him in the deep implosive work of our souls to now explode on the scene into the distribution phase. In other words, it’s time to get the message out, to share the blessing or the feast of manifest miracles God has done in us with the world around us in whatever form He as ordained.

As we obey, God will use the life-work He did in us to extend life to others as He expands our reach outwardly by His explosive grace-power.

As Redeemer, He will do the impossible on our behalf.

As we go about this new phase of distribution with our Lord, as redeemed vessels with a message of redemption for others, a critical element to practice is the acknowledgment of Him “as our Provider of all we need each day,” as is written in Matthew 6:11 TPT. Abiding in Him is everything, as it was for Job. 

So, our righteous prayer today is…

Dear Lord,

Thank You for Your victory-redemption. Where I have felt defeated in the past, help me live in Your miraculous abundance as I abide in You and obey You. “Let my passion for life be restored, tasting joy in every breakthrough you bring to me. Hold me close to you with a willing spirit that obeys whatever you say” (Ps 51:12 TPT). Thank You, Lord, for making my path increasingly bright as I continue to come into greater life-union with Your righteousness (Pr 4:18, Ps 23:3).

In Jesus’ Mighty Name. 

And now, I declare over you that “…God himself, the heavenly Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, release grace over you and impart total well-being into your lives” daily (Ep 1:2 TPT).


This video-devo was graciously re-posted by the Salem Web Network, which includes