Domain Name

In good and evil, names are directly linked with identity and domain. Domain being a field of action, thought or influence, as well as a realm or range of personal knowledge and/or governed territory (

Names reveal direction, purpose and unique character.

We see name changes in Holy Scripture that reflect transformation, like Abram to Abraham, Jacob to Israel and Saul to Paul (Ge 17:5, 35:10; Ac 13:9).

Name changes are linked with experiencing a change of heart and/or a way of life. They reveal God’s redemption for His people, His nations—from setting us up to raising us up to manifesting the expansion of His Kingdom through us. 

When we know and apply the Name of Jesus, we can take dominion as He wills. This must be rooted in love, as He put His laws in our minds and wrote them on our hearts to influence us to act accordingly (He 8:10). When we fully yield to Him, He expands His covenant of victory-salvation in and through us on earth. 

Alternatively, acting on sinful flesh weakens us. Therefore, pretense has to go as we are made stronger in Him. Pretense is anything that is not of God, such as lies, indulgences, addictions and even priorities that are out of order, according to Holy Spirit. 

Matthew 7:21-23 ESV reminds us that Jesus said, “On that day many will say to me, ‘Lord, Lord, did we not prophesy in your name, and cast out demons in your name, and do many mighty works in your name?’ And then will I declare to them, ‘I never knew you; depart from me, you workers of lawlessness.'”

Romans chapter 8 has a lot to say about the opposing domains of flesh and spirit. In verse 13 TPT Paul says, “For when you live controlled by the flesh, you are about to die. But if the life of the Spirit puts to death the corrupt ways of the flesh, we then taste his abundant life.”

Yes, we grow in grace, love and insight that enables us to choose excellence and be filled with His fruits of righteousness  (Phil 1:9-11). Yes, God takes us from glory to glory. And yes, when we know better, He expects us to do better. As we seek Him, He will invite us higher. 

Living in His domain of truth, love and overflow is a choice.

So, we are to serve God faithfully, as one after God’s own heart, and let His power flow through us as His delegated authority to take dominion for His Kingdom.

Acts 3:16 reminds us that “It is the faith that comes through believing in Jesus’ Name that has made the crippled man walk right in front of your eyes!”

God sets us up to help fulfill His Gospel. Obedience unto God is everything, as we prove our trust in Him as our Source for life, given even through wise strategy in life or death situations. This is how Moses and Joshua knew God in pivotal moments of Kingdom expansion.

We serve God on earth out of the complete victory Jesus already won for us. It’s a matter of choice to believe and take courage to do it His way above our own, the latter of which always leads to less than His best life for us.

So, let’s be reminded of John 10:10 TPT, which says, “A thief has only one thing in mind—he wants to steal, slaughter, and destroy. But I have come to give you everything in abundance, more than you expect—life in its fullness until you overflow!”

Pray with me if you will…

“Our Beloved Father, dwelling in the heavenly realms, may the glory of your name be the center on which our lives turn” (Matt 6:9 TPT). 

Thank You that You are the living God, who endures forever, that Your kingdom will never be destroyed and that Your dominion will never end (Da 6:26).

Thank You for rescuing us from the dominion of darkness and bringing us into the Kingdom of the Son You love, in whom we have redemption, the forgiveness of sins (Co 1:13-14 NIV).

We choose to humble ourselves unto Your will and ways to experience Your expansion through us. Help us rest in Your love and please You.

Thank You for enabling us to let go of lesser comforts that weaken us spirit, soul and body, as we reach for You as our true Source of comfort, love and strength. 

Restore and revive our lives. Open before us the right path and lead us along in Your footsteps of righteousness so that we can bring honor to Your name (Ps 23:3 TPT).

Thank You for Your delegated authority, Your power to act on Your Word by Your Name and see miracles come to pass on earth as it is in Heaven.

And help us to live with You every moment in Your house, beholding Your marvelous beauty, filled with awe, delighting in Your glory and grace (Ps 27:4 TPT).

In Jesus’ Name above all names, 


This devo was graciously re-posted by the Salem Web Network, which includes

Sweet Devotion

As I write this week, I am reminded there is beauty everywhere, even in hard places.

On this very day, this very hour, a longtime family friend is laying her husband to rest. At the same time, two of my relatives are preparing to meet our Maker as they near their final days on earth.

And there is more I cannot share.

Yet, God is with them all, and with me and with you.

His Presence is Love, Peace, Joy and Glory.

Undeniably so.

Beyond our understanding.

Our reach for Him is always sweet devotion to His heart.

I am reminded of the prophet and widow, Anna, in Luke 2:36-38, who “never left the temple but worshiped night and day” (NIV). Anna, thanked God for baby Jesus to whom she was drawn. She spoke about Him “to all who were looking forward to the redemption of Jerusalem.”

She spoke to hope and new life.

Anna encouraged a nation’s redemption.

Anna understood that “God-devotion makes a country strong;” and that “God-avoidance leaves people weak” (Pr 14:34).

Anna understood intimacy and purpose in the precept of 1 Chronicles 16:11 AMPC, which is to “Seek the Lord and His strength; yearn for and seek His face and to be in His presence continually!”

No matter what the circumstances, even in one’s latter years.

Other Bible characters knew this as well, such as King David, Daniel, Joseph and so many other disciples.

They all had a sense of identity and their role in God’s command in Acts 13:47 TPT, which says, “I have destined you to become a beacon light for the nations and release salvation to the ends of the earth!”

This blessing, this gift, this calling, the working out of victory-salvation in the hopeful hearts of the truly devoted will never be dashed.

Devotion means “constantly attendant” from sitting near (Strong’s # 2138a). It means “compliant” and “ready to obey” (Strong’s # 2138). It means yielded.

Devotion means “well-persuaded,” already inclined, i.e. already willing (pre-disposed, favorable to); easy to come to terms with” (HELPS Word-studies).

Song of Songs 4:1 TPT says, “…What devotion I see each time I gaze upon you. You are like a sacrifice ready to be offered.”

This kind of devotion our Lord desires is:

Undivided (Pr 3:7 TPT).

Single-hearted (1 Co 11:3 TPT).

Undistracted (1 Co 7:35 TPT).

Loyal (Lk 16:13 TPT).

Obedient (Pr 1:7 TPT).

Lavish (Ma 26:6 TPT).

Passionate (2 Co 8:7).

Extreme (Mk 14:3 TPT).

Undying (So 6:5 TPT).

Let’s also remember the benefits of devotion (Ps 103:2):

We are enriched by our devotion to God (Col 2:7).

“We cross the threshold of true knowledge when we live in obedient devotion to God…” (Pr 1:7 TPT).

Wisdom comes when our devotion to Him is undivided and when we avoid all wrongdoing (Pr 3:7 TPT).

As she put God first and worshipped Him alone, Anna was the picture of James 3:17 MSG, which says, “Real wisdom, God’s wisdom, begins with a holy life and is characterized by getting along with others. It is gentle and reasonable, overflowing with mercy and blessings, not hot one day and cold the next, not two-faced. You can develop a healthy, robust community that lives right with God and enjoy its results only if you do the hard work of getting along with each other, treating each other with dignity and honor.”

Anna’s intimate Redeemer, no doubt brought comfort, value and purpose to her in her widowed status. Therefore, it was easy for her to share about Him with those waiting in hope.

She was fearless in her devotion to God. She appears to regard Him as not only a Heavenly Father, but also a Heavenly Husband as in Isaiah 54:5 ESV, which says, “For your Maker is your husband, the Lord of hosts is his name; and the Holy One of Israel is your Redeemer, the God of the whole earth he is called.”

Anna’s attitude appears to be like David’s in Psalm 27:4 TPT, which says, “Here’s the one thing I crave from Yahweh, the one thing I seek above all else: I want to live with him every moment in his house, beholding the marvelous beauty of Yahweh, filled with awe, delighting in his glory and grace. I want to contemplate in his temple.”

Pray with me if you will…

Dear Lord,

Thank You for Your devotion to me. Thank You for watching over my family, my work, my community and my nation. I invite You to awaken my heart to You as I come near to You. I choose to yield myself to Your spirit. My soul and body. You will always be my first, my center, my Heavenly Husband—the source for all my needs. Nothing else compares to You or completes me as You do. As I offer myself to You, may You see perfect, obedient devotion each time You gaze upon me (SS 4:1 TPT).

In Jesus’ Mighty Name.


This video-devo was graciously re-posted by the Salem Web Network, which includes