Safety In Truth

There is divine protection in living in God’s truth (He 13:6).

Here’s what God’s Word reveals:

Psalm 91:4 NKJV says, “…His truth shall be your shield and buckler.”

Proverbs 7:2 TPT says, “…Guard your life with my revelation-truth, for my teaching is as precious as your eyesight.”

And Proverbs 4:26 TPT says, “…Stick to the path of truth, and the road will be safe and smooth before you.”

So, we see here that God’s truth is our shield and that we can guard our vision and our very lives with it as we walk on its safe path.

We can believe that, no matter what our challenges, we can pass tests of truth with God’s help, because His nature is “…abounding in goodness and truth” (Ex 34:6 NKJV).

Psalm 112:5 TPT tells us that “Life is good for the one who is…conducting affairs with honesty and truth.”

But according to Romans 11:7-8, those with hardened hearts are unable to receive God’s truth and live frustrated lives.

So, what is in our hearts? What are we believing? What do we stand upon?

Luke 8:15 TPT reminds us in The Parable of the Sower that “The seed that fell into good, fertile soil represents those lovers of truth who hear it deep within their hearts. They respond by clinging to the word, keeping it dear as they endure all things in faith. This is the seed that will one day bear much fruit in their lives.”

King David was mindful that truth itself is an enduring characteristic of God. He understood that the holiness of truth would enable him to endure all that came against him, because the wicked “have no part with those who walk in truth” (Ps 1:5 TPT).

In the face of fear and lies, we can have the same resolve as we continue to trust God at His Word and align our character with His.

In Psalm 52, we seen an example of King David’s enduring faith in God’s truth, right in the face of betrayal. He said:

You call yourself a mighty man, a big shot? Why do you boast in the evil you have done? Yet God’s loyal love will protect me and carry the day! Listen, O deceiver, trickster of others: Your words are wicked, harming and hurting all who hear them. You love evil and hate what is good and right. You would rather lie than tell the truth. You love to distort, devour, and deceive, using your sly tongue to spin the truth. But the Almighty will strike you down forever! He will pull you up by your roots and drag you away to the darkness of death. The godly will see all this and will be awestruck. Then they will laugh at the wicked, saying, “See what happens to those great in their own eyes who don’t trust in the Most High to save them! Look how they trusted only in their wealth and made their living from wickedness.” But I am like a flourishing olive tree, anointed in the house of God. I trust in the unending love of God; his passion toward me is forever and ever. Because it is finished, I will praise you forever and give you thanks. Before all your godly lovers I will proclaim your beautiful name!

King David understood that good leadership is built on truth and that God rewards it (Pr 20:28, 14:14).

Pray with me if you will…

Dear Lord,

Make me a light of truth, according to Ephesians 5:9 TPT. “Pour into me the brightness of your daybreak! Pour into me your rays of revelation-truth! Let them comfort and gently lead me onto the shining path, showing the way into your burning presence, into your many sanctuaries of holiness” (Ps 43:3 TPT). Help me to present Your truth-in-love (Gospel) to others for the sake of Your Kingdom (2 Co 4:2 TPT, Ti 3:8 TPT). “…Keep me in your truth and let your compassion overflow to me no matter what I face” (Ps 40:11 TPT). Help me to “Hold on to loyal love and” not “let go, and be faithful to all that” I have “been taught. Let my “life be shaped by integrity, with truth written upon” my heart (Pr 3:3 TPT). “I will live enthroned with you forever! Guard me, God, with your unending, unfailing love. Let me live my days walking in grace and truth before you” (Ps 61:7 TPT).

In Jesus’ Mighty Name.


This devo was graciously re-posted by the Salem Web Network, which includes

Remaining Faithful – Part 2

God is abundant in His “stability and faithfulness” (La 3:23).

Psalm 57:10 TPT tells us, “Your love is so extravagant it reaches to the heavens, Your faithfulness so astonishing it stretches to the sky!”

He is unwavering in His truth.

And with God, we can be, too.

Proverbs 14:14 TPT assures us that those who remain in His truth receive “a sweet reward.”

Faithfulness means to be full of faith—truth, confidence, trust and belief.

Some synonyms are loyalty, steadfastness and resoluteness (Webster’s).

As God faithfully delivers us into pinnacles of promise, let’s commit to express faithfulness to Him as willing obedience without limitation.

Psalm 119:133 TPT says, “Prepare before me a path filled with your promises, and don’t allow even one sin to have dominion over me.”

We are able to go the distance because He is able (Lk 24:38). 

Because He is in us.

Surrendering to Him and syncing with Him are paramount, even as we wait for His next steps.

Psalm 72:6-7 TPT say, “Your favor will fall like rain upon our surrendered lives, like showers reviving the earth. In the days of his reign the righteous will spring forth with the abundance of peace and prosperity forevermore.”

So, as we faithfully work God’s plan in this way, we will experience His peace and new life, even as we grow, which is His confirmation to us that He is in it with us and will faithfully help us (Lk 24:37).

As we follow Him all the way to outward fulfillment. 

Isaiah 41:10 TPT offers us God’s strategy, saying, “Do not yield to fear, for I am always near. Never turn your gaze from me, for I am your faithful God. I will infuse you with my strength and help you in every situation. I will hold you firmly with my victorious right hand.”

We can also remember Psalm 112:7 TPT, which says, “They will not live in fear or dread of what may come, for their hearts are firm, ever secure in their faith.”

So, as we go forward, and feel fear in new territory, these are good verses to faithfully repeat back to God in prayer.

God is so faithful that we can put our entire confidence in Him for every moment. Even during times of contending, He will enable us to rule in the midst of our enemies (Ps 110:2 TPT). 

Psalm 20:4 TPT reminds us by saying, “May God give you every desire of your heart and carry out your every plan as you go to battle.”

Luke 12:12 TPT says, “Simply be confident and allow the Spirit of Wisdom access to your heart, and he will reveal in that very moment what you are to say to them.”

This level of truth comes from knowing Holy Spirit, following Him and agreeing with Him intimately. 

So, in our promised land, we can be confident that, although the enemy seeks to outwit us to ultimately defeat us, God offers His wisdom lavishly, as we submit to and follow Him (Lk 21:14-15). 

This obedience to divine wisdom will extend our lives as we enjoy God’s promises, knowing that He, as Holy Spirit living in us, is our only sustainable inner fulfillment and our constant Source outwardly. 

In other words, remaining faithful to Him facilitates abundant life in its many expressions of fruit, including spiritual and material.

So, remaining faithful to Him is everything. 

Jesus’ Words to His disciples in Luke 24:49 TPT assure us of this by saying, “And I will send the fulfillment of the Father’s promise to you. So stay here in the city until the mighty power of heaven falls upon you and wraps around you.”

Our Lord will be with us, and up ahead of us waiting for us, as we become more like Him and head farther into destiny.

I like how the Tyndale Bible Dictionary puts it: “Faithfulness, then, must not be viewed as an isolated act. Rather, it is an attitude that should characterize the entire life of those who say they have faith in God.” 

Psalm 81:13-14, 16 TPT say, “O that my people would once and for all listen to me and walk faithfully in my footsteps, following my ways. Then and only then will I conquer your every foe and tell every one of them, ‘You must go!’ But I will feed you with my spiritual bread. You will feast and be satisfied with me, feeding on my revelation-truth like honey dripping from the cliffs of the high place.”

So, friends, pray with me if you will…

Dear Lord, 

Thank You for Your grace and faithfulness. Deliver us from every ungodly attitude and behavior that tries to hinder our victory through Your great sacrifice for us. We trust You to bring us up higher. Thank You for revealing Your victory strategies to us that help us remain faithful to You in Your Promised Land, as we continue on in the race You have set before us. 

In Jesus’ Mighty Name, 


This video-devo was graciously re-posted by the Salem Web Network, which includes