Healing Power

A couple of weeks ago, after a night of suffering with a high fever, I awakened and immediately heard our Lord speak to me, saying, “Things have a way of working themselves out.”

In my circumstances, God knew that my ailments would be short-lived. God saw the big picture. He knew that my body systems, which He designed, would regulate. He was watching over me. And, yes, my husband and I prayed before we went to sleep.

We know God is our friend and shepherd, who gives us more than enough (Ps 23:1 TPT). His healing power works in many ways. Yes, there are sudden moments, where ailments end, like this morning. But I have experienced that, for every sudden moment, incremental prayers were offered in advance.

Matthew 9:35 TPT tells us that God’s power heals “every kind of disease and illness.” When we look through the Gospels, we find that Jesus demonstrated healing power differently with each person who received His touch. That power is the same today, but the demonstrations still continue to differ, as they are led by Holy Spirit. I have seen healing manifest countless times for others. And you can, too. This can be our normal as disciples of Jesus.

Healing and deliverance is for here and now, not solely in eternity, where we will have glorified bodies. In other words, we can expect and experience God’s eternal touch of healing power while living on earth when we know that healing and deliverance are part of the finished work of the cross. It’s part of our salvation package. Both Isaiah 53:5 and 1 Peter 2:24 tell us that, by His stripes, we have been and are healed. So, no matter what state we’re in, we can choose to believe God’s Word of truth and align accordingly.

I love how St. Peter, the disciple, was so full of this truth that, when he passed by people, they were healed. Acts 5:15 TPT tells us that “In fact, when people knew Peter was going to walk by, they carried the sick out to the streets and laid them down on cots and mats, knowing the incredible power emanating from him would overshadow them and heal them.” I love how the sick people in this scripture chose God’s prevailing power above the dark shadows that tried to overtake them (Jn 1:5). We can do the same for ourselves and others.

Our God is still that amazing, and He lives inside of us for this purpose. God’s truth is that we, as born-again disciples, have the same dynamite healing power to restore life inside of ourselves and others. Jesus, as Holy Spirit, lives in us and can reach multitudes through us, however He decides (Ph 2:13).

Jesus called this a “timeless truth” in John 14:12 TPT. He says, “The person who follows me in faith, believing in me, will do the same mighty miracles that I do—even greater miracles than these because I go to be with my Father!”

It can be as simple as inviting Jesus’ healing touch to overtake us spirit, soul and body. Then go forward from there. We can be sensitive to Holy Spirit’s leading and follow His specific guidance on how to pray and what to declare over ourselves and others (Ps 32:8).

Philippians 4:13 TPT reminds us that “…the strength of Christ’s explosive power infuses me to conquer every difficulty.” So, seeing people healed and delivered only requires our hearts for God to see this come to pass, as well as our trust and obedience, believing that Christ has made a way.

I’ve had the privilege of witnessing God’s healing touch for many, even in impossible situations for “incurable” diseases. I’ve seen people delivered from unholy spirits that afflicted them. This has long become my normal. And it’s for anyone else who is willing.

In Matthew 10:8 TPT, Jesus commands us to “…continually bring healing to lepers and to those who are sick, and make it your habit to break off the demonic presence from people, and raise the dead back to life. Freely you have received the power of the kingdom, so freely release it to others.”

Jesus has commissioned us to go into all the world, share His Good News and make disciples of all nations (Matt 16:15). He also says in Matthew 16:17-18 TPT that “…miracle signs will accompany those who believe…they will lay hands on the sick and heal them.”

When we obey God at His Word, we can be certain He will show up. The more we practice His truth His way, the more we will see it manifest. Faithful God will help us—His believers—break through.

So, pray with me if you will…

Dear Lord,

Thank You for making a way for Your believers to live in shalom-wellness by the finished work of the cross. I ask You to touch me now and heal me of all that ails me. I speak to my body, that You created, and command it to come into alignment with Your perfect will. I say, “Be made whole in Jesus’ powerful Name.” Thank You, Lord, for Your gift of healing for myself and others. I invite You to order my steps and show me who needs Your healing touch and how to pray for them.

In Jesus’ Mighty Name.


This devo was graciously re-posted by the Salem Web Network, which includes iBelieve.com.

Confidence In God: Your Bold Assurance

Hebrews 11:1 TPT says, “Now faith brings our hopes into reality and becomes the foundation needed to acquire the things we long for. It is all the evidence required to prove what is still unseen.”

Friends, faith pleases God.

Faith is a persuasive power that works on our behalf.

God is faith-full. He is full of faith. God actually deposits His faith in His redeemed people as part of the fruit of His Spirit, living on the inside of us. In this way, God’s “substance of things hoped for” is made available to be received in our soul, as we trust Him.

God uses faith’s persuasive power to convince us of His will.

One Bible commentary (HELPS Word-Studies) says, “The Lord persuades the yielded believer to be confident in His preferred-will (Gal 5:10; 2 Tim 1:12).” It involves our “obedience, but it is properly the result of God’s persuasion.”

Philippians 2:13 AMP affirms this by saying, “For it is [not your strength, but it is] God who is effectively at work in you, both to will and to work [that is, strengthening, energizing, and creating in you the longing and the ability to fulfill your purpose] for His good pleasure.”

Friends, as we grow in faith, we walk in God’s higher ways. He gives us everything we need to be successful.

Paul says in Philippians 1:6 TPT “I pray with great faith for you, because I’m fully convinced that the One who began this glorious work in you will faithfully continue the process of maturing you and will put his finishing touches to it until the unveiling of our Lord Jesus Christ!”

So, friends, because of God’s unwavering faithfulness, we can choose to be fully confident in His will, His ways, and His Word.

The question is, “Do we choose obedience to His faithfulness?”

Do we even believe this?

Do we trust God?

Do we hearken to His instructions?

Do we believe He is good and that He desires His best for us?

Or do we shrink back in distrust and fear, and turn to other things for help?

Do we want our way above God’s way?

Confidence in God requires that we first be persuaded by faith that He is trustworthy.

Isaiah 30 illustrates the conflict in value between trusting and distrusting God:

Isaiah 30:7 reveals that the help the Israelites sought from Egypt, which represents wicked bondage in the Bible, is worthless. Consider this compared to the help from The Lord, who is worthy.

The outcome of choosing God’s way is guaranteed victory, whereas by-passing God for sinful bondage will lead to an outcome of disaster that shames and disgraces us, causing us to feel worthless and wanting to give up (Is 3, 5).

Friends, we are worth more than that (1 Jn 4:4).

God calls us His treasure and give us the advantage of holding our head up.

We can be confident and courageous in our decision to follow The Lord. But any action that is not founded on faith is sin and will lead to loss.

This includes fear-based decisions, where we lean toward what’s familiar to us—our own understanding—above God’s instructions.

It all resorts back to what we put our faith in.

When we put our faith in faithful God—the giver and Source of faith—above ourselves, we can rest in knowing that we can trust Him and that He will protect us as we obey Him.

We can have full confidence in our limitless, eternal God to keep us safe all the way to manifest victory.

Hebrews 3:6 TPT assures us by saying, “But Christ is more than a Servant, he was faithful as the Son in charge of God’s house. And now we are part of his house if we continue courageously to hold firmly to our bold confidence and our victorious hope.”

According to Strong’s concordance, Bold confidence, in this verse, makes reference to fearless confidence, cheerful courage, and freedom of speech. Victorious hope in this verse refers to expectation and trust.

To anticipate or welcome what is sure, what is certain (HELPS Word-studies).

Friends, this assurance of victory is our confident hope in Christ.

So, what are you trusting God for?

Is your confidence in Him above your circumstances?

It will be if your faith is in Him.

Pray with me, if you will…

Dear Heavenly Father,

You are my Treasure. Thank You for valuing me as treasure, so much so that You desire Your best for me in life. Lord, I repent of trusting my ways above Yours. I repent of leaning on my understanding, of self-reliance and self-justification. I trade in my self-reliance for Your bold assurance. I repent of all other forms of sinful bondage, and I renounce all agreement with falsehood that has come against my faith and confidence in You. Bring me deeper into Your truth, Lord. I invite You to flood my heart with Your confidence and strength (Pr 14:26). “For you are the confidence of all the earth” (Ps 65:5). Please help me to remain in You so that I “may have a joyful confidence and not be ashamed” (1 Jn 2:28). Thank You, Lord, for Your “confidence in times of crisis” and for keeping my “heart at rest in every situation” (Pr 3:26). Thank You that as I continue to believe, trust, and rely on You, and put my “hope and confident expectation” in You, I will be “blessed with spiritual security” (Jer 17:7).

In Jesus’ Mighty Name.


Friends, I pray that God will persuade you that He is faithful and trustworthy in everything He calls you to. I pray “…that our God may make you worthy of his calling, and that by his power he may bring to fruition your every desire for goodness and your every deed prompted by faith” (2 Th 1:11). I pray that as you continue to run to God, you will experience His “wrap-around presence every moment” and that your “confidence will never be shaken” (Ps 16:8). I pray that others will observe your confidence in The Lord and will be amazed (Acts 4:13). I pray for recompense for every time the enemy of your soul attacked your faith, confidence, trust, and courage in The Lord. I pray that your confident expectations will always be full of truth, faith in our Lord, and manifest victory.

In Jesus’ Mighty Name.

To God be the glory!

This video-devo was graciously re-posted by Salem Web Network, which includes iBelieve.com.