Reset Challenge

The Birds

Three weeks ago, I heard three individual birds sing on three different days. Where we live downtown, this is highly unusual, especially this time of year. 

On the first day, I was working at my desk in the 2 a.m. hour. The birdsong was coming from across the street. I looked out the window but didn’t see a bird in the darkness. Nonetheless, it stopped me in my tracks as I so enjoyed the sweet melody in the stillness of this early morning hour. 

On the second day, a bird sang again, early in the morning, just outside my bedroom window. It awakened me but I didn’t see the bird this time either. However, I enjoyed the melody nonetheless. 

On the third day, in the 7 a.m. hour, while making my bed, I heard a bird sing again, just outside the bedroom window again. This time, I looked out and saw her. It was a little brown bird perched on the branch of a perfectly symmetrical, but leafless, tree alone, singing with her whole heart. Her voice was loud, crystal clear, and her melody was indescribably beautiful. 

Each of these three times, I knew God sent the bird(s) to praise Him and to minister pure sweetness to my heart, which prompted me to praise Him along with them (Rev 4:11 TPT). I knew I was not alone, and I sensed there was more to it. So, I asked Holy Spirit what else He desired I see and know. 

Three Scriptures

First, He highlighted three scriptures. They are:

Luke 1:45 TPT, which says, “Great favor rests upon you, for you have believed every word spoken to you from the Lord.”

Then Psalm 55:22 TPT, which says, “So here’s what I’ve learned through it all: Leave all your cares and anxieties at the feet of the Lord, and measureless grace will strengthen you.”

And lastly, Psalm 72:7 TPT, which says, “In the days of his reign the righteous will spring forth with the abundance of peace and prosperity forevermore.” 

The Message

Holy Spirit then showed me a Word-vision, in which I saw “A New Day” spelled out. As He continued to build His message, this is what I believe it to be for anyone with whom it resonates:

It’s time for your whole heart to awaken and arise with your eyes wide open on Me to receive more of My new glorious day I have brought you to (Is 60). You have seen the beginnings of the manifestations of my greater promises. But there is much more in magnitude (excellence) that is very near. I require you to tangibly receive it as I bring you into it. In other words, there won’t be time for you to process long. I have given you that grace in the past in order to prepare you, in every way necessary, for the now that you see happening. It’s show time, daughter, which is the time I show up for you and align you physically into these greater promises. It’s time for you to receive them in manifest form, to fully step into them with your trust in Me, and not just dream about them anymore. It’s time for your heart to sing again as I make your dreams come true. It may feel like it’s happening fast and, in your face at times, but know that this is My doing and that you are ready. It’s not too much for you to absorb, because I revealed to you what would come to pass well ahead of time and even gave you wisdom and guidance in advance to help you advance now. So, you know what I AM doing and what you are to do. Just continue to faithfully follow My lead, and I will continue to reveal to you how to navigate, even more intricately, this new glorious place that I will continue to bring you into. Remember, I AM with you. I AM God and you cannot fail when you remain close to Me. So, keep stepping with Me, because I AM with you all the way. Remain in this life-giving place with Me, because it’s My time for you to reign with Me in greater, manifest ways and places that will make your heart sing again.

The Challenge

So, friends, God is commanding our attention. In this hour of shift, He is perfecting our hearts to align with His as we receive His invitation to stand alert and march forward with Him (Ep 6:15 TPT). Herein lies our challenge. Are we willing to let go of any old mind-sets, habits and schedules that would burden us in order to take on the new He requires of us? Are we willing to move onward in relationship with Him as light?

We know that God’s best requires a narrow path. And this narrow path may require some resets of attitude and actions of us in order to sustain the fullness of joy in God’s promises. His way of truth is the only way.

Divine resets begin in the heart and are purposed to help establish God’s holy and righteous intent for us in the earth. They are a necessary part of our growth process as they help strengthen us in Him to receive more of His blessings to be a blessing and to build His Kingdom.

So, for those who are willing, pray with me…

Dear Lord, 

Thank You that “You’ve gone into my future to prepare the way, and in kindness…You have laid your hand on me” for victory (Ps 139:5 TPT)! You say that by constantly using my faith, the life of Christ will be released deep inside of me, and the resting place of Your love will become the very source and root of my life (Ep 3:17). You say that then I will be empowered to discover what every holy one experiences—the great magnitude (excellence) of Your astonishing love in all its dimensions (Ep 3:18).

So, Lord, I believe You at Your Word, and I invite You to get me there. Reset my heart to rest in You as You show me the way along Your narrow path. I choose to trust You in this strengthening process.

In Jesus’ Mighty Name,


This video-devo was graciously re-posted by the Salem Web Network, which includes

Great Value

Our Lord is making a way for us to see and apprehend, more fully, our great value of identity in Him and blessings from Him to be a blessing like Him. Our Pearl of Great Price, is revealing that it’s time to more fully believe, or buy into, Him and His ways of redemption for destiny.

Matthew 13:46 NLT says of the merchant that “When he discovered a pearl of great value, he sold everything he owned and bought it!”

So, like this merchant, we must see Jesus as adding value to our lives. We must come to realize, even more, our value in Him and make room for Him.

The written Word of God tells us that:

We are His chosen and blessed beloved.

We are His treasures, His masterpieces, created by Him.

His victorious saints, the body of Christ.

We are forgiven and redeemed.

Where we have valued lesser things in the past, whether it was in our youth or in young adulthood or even in middle age, it’s time to grow in God’s redemption so we can go long and high and wide with Him in this abundant life of Heaven on earth.

Ephesians 3:18-19 TPT reveal that, when faith to believe God’s truth rises, “Then you will be empowered to discover what every holy one experiences—the great magnitude of the astonishing love of Christ in all its dimensions. How deeply intimate and far-reaching is his love! How enduring and inclusive it is! Endless love beyond measurement that transcends our understanding—this extravagant love pours into you until you are filled to overflowing with the fullness of God!”

This is how we grow in faith and holiness to know and own our greater value of identity as we live it out in honor of our Pearl of Great Price, who came to save us.

Colossians 2:10 TPT tells us that “…our own completeness is now found in him. We are completely filled with God as Christ’s fullness overflows within us. He is the Head of every kingdom and authority in the universe!”

So, God is straightening our paths. He is settling some matters in His light of Christ to bring wholeness. He is helping us readjust our values, so we can live in greater oneness of integrity and honor to Him.

God is dealing with the root of broken places. He is exiling the enemy of our souls from old areas of sin that hindered us. He is shutting the old mouth of accusation and re-balancing the scales of liberty and justice on our behalf (Pr 16:11 NLT). Where lesser things once ruled over us, God is now overruling those lies and obstacles, so we can take hold of His true justice and live more justly forward.

In this process, falsehoods that plagued His beloved must be pulled up and replaced by Jesus as our hope, so new life can rise.

Holy Spirit may even convict us to confess a past mistake to those we hurt, so we can be set free to move into greater exploits. In this case, we can expect God to make a time and a way for our true confessions, like He did through Joseph concerning his brothers (Ge 45). We can expect that it won’t be as hard as we may think and that the outcome will be life-changing as our King of Grace, who goes before us, will be there to help us. We can expect that, since this is His will, we’ll see more of His goodness poured into our lives if we don’t shrink back.

It’s time to let go of sorrowful things and for great joy to rise as God more firmly roots us in His light of truth, so “…the life of Christ” can “be released deep inside you, and the resting place of his love” can more fully “become the very source and root of your life” (Ep 3:17).

It’s time to live in our full identity to live out more of the fullness of God’s blessings.

So, pray with me if you will…

Dear Lord,

Thank You for inviting me to come closer to You. Thank You for bringing me into greater authenticity of who I am in You. Thank You for uprooting falsehoods from my heart and restoring me to Your roots of love. If there is anything in my heart I need to repent of or confess to others, please reveal it to me. I trust Your faithfulness, Your righteousness and Your justice on my behalf. Thank You for establishing my soul more in You. May I receive all the life You have for me. Help me keep my heart set on You to “feast on all the treasures of the heavenly realm and fill” my “thoughts with heavenly realities.” (Co 3:2 TPT). Thank You for going before me and for being with me all the way.

In Jesus’ Mighty Name,


This video-devo was graciously re-posted by the Salem Web Network, which includes

Victory Strategy: Be Ready – Part 2

The Lord’s renewed eagles, His transformed ones are to be ready—which means to arise with a disposition of willingness and eagerness—for long-awaited promises to be fulfilled.

God is opening our eyes to see more life in our commitment of faith as He moves us forward in greater peace.

Luke 7:50 TPT tells us that “…Jesus said to the woman, “Your faith in me has given you life. Now you may leave and walk in the ways of peace.”

The Lord has impressed my heart that, because of breakthroughs in our commitment of faith, blessings that were once locked and bound will now be unlocked and loosed.

Those who were once bound in chains can now abound in hope, made stronger in their commitment of faith forward (Ro 15:13).

It’s time to see our holy fire re-ignite from a place of resting in The God of peace during this Isaiah 61 time, which is “The Year of The Lord’s Favor.”

Romans 16:24 TPT says, “May the grace and favor of our Lord Jesus, the Anointed One, continually rest upon you all.”

Especially for those who have been through character-building, it’s time to yield to “a harvest of righteousness and peace” (He 12:11 TPT).

God’s harvest blessings will come into maturity through us as a result of devoting dedicated time with Him, receiving His revelations, then working from a place of peaceful assurance—with no hindrance of anxiety—because we will know God more as trustworthy (Ga 5:22, 1 Jn 4:18). 

In this place of resting in God, He reveals more of Himself, releasing divine purpose and deeply moving us with His wisdom, understanding, strategy, knowledge and reverence (Is 11:2 ESV).

Revelation and peace work together for us to also know His ways more, to establish confidence in our walk and to bring heaven to earth. They offer us understanding of Him as what was, what is and what is to come. 

Have you experienced the sweet Presence of God like this lately?

Like Ruth laying at the feet of Boaz, after laboring, before her divine purpose was fulfilled?

Resting with God is where we see His perspective clearly. It’s where our lives make sense in regards to how He has brought and is bringing all the pieces of our journey together for His glory. It’s where we find significance. God will enable us to experience this deeper turning point, where His revelatory truths alleviate our fears and bring new life of peace and passion. A place of sweet restoration, where we feel more secure at home and “well provided for” (Ru 3:1; De 33:12).

It’s where God breaks through for us, for Kingdom’s sake (Ro 14:17).

For destiny (fulfilled promises).

Keeping our minds stayed upon The Lord, by His grace, is how we find peace.

Romans 8:6 TPT tells us, “For the mind-set of the flesh is death, but the mind-set controlled by the Spirit finds life and peace.”

While resting at the feet of Jesus, our minds sync with His, so our feet can put changes in motion alongside Him. When we know Him at His feet, we experience Him fitting our feet with His peace as He reveals His plan to prosper us to bless others.

Resting in peace at Love’s (God’s) feet makes us ready.

Ephesians 6:15 ESV says, “and, as shoes for your feet, having put on the readiness given by the gospel of peace.”

Being established in His peace is how we get to courageous.

In John 14:27 TPT, Jesus says, “I leave the gift of peace with you—my peace. Not the kind of fragile peace given by the world, but my perfect peace. Don’t yield to fear or be troubled in your hearts—instead, be courageous!”

Constantly using our faith is how we live, rest and remain rooted in our faith (of His love). 

Ephesians 3:17 TPT tells us that “…by constantly using your faith, the life of Christ will be released deep inside you, and the resting place of his love will become the very source and root of your life.”

It’s time to be ready to go the distance and influence the earth anew, by His Spirit.

So, friends, pray with me if you will…

Lord, “illuminate the path that leads to the way of peace” (Lk 1:79). “…I’ll listen carefully for your voice and wait to hear whatever you say. Let me hear your promise of peace—the message every one of your godly lovers longs to hear. Don’t let us in our ignorance turn back from following you” (Ps 85:8 TPT).

In Jesus’ Mighty Name.


“Now may God, the inspiration and fountain of hope, fill you to overflowing with uncontainable joy and perfect peace as you trust in him…” (Ro 15:13 TPT)! “Let your heart be always guided by the peace of the Anointed One, who called you to peace as part of his one body. And always be thankful” (Co 3:15 TPT).

“Finally, beloved friends…Live continually in peace, and God, the source of love and peace, will mingle with you” (2 Co 13:11 TPT).

Even in your long-awaited opportunities.

To God be the glory.

This video-devo was graciously re-posted by the Salem Web Network, which includes