God of Wonder (Awe & Wonder) – Part 3

In Part 2, I talked about how God has many of us in new settings right now—expanded places for His fulfillment of destiny. I described a neighborhood He led me to drive through as a visual of where He has led us and why.

Since having written Part 2, I’ve actually walked through that neighborhood twice. And as I did, God opened my eyes even more to see a message full of metaphors for those who continue to follow Him (2 Co 4:16):

My new walk through this neighborhood was on a mountaintop that is predominately level, revealing a holy ease in this prepared pinnacle of expanse. Sidewalks border streets, many of which are lined with mature, fragrant boxwoods and tall, oversized trees, which reveal a rich history, firmly rooted in fertile soil. 


Over time.

The homes are orderly.

It is a place where generational promises are fulfilled, where we can be strong, firm and lasting, as the houses that surround (De 31:6-7).

Walking here, I knew God set us free from past resistance, even from the immediate past. His light shines brighter here in this glorious place, where He can do greater works through us for greater impact.  

This is a cultivated place, like the gardens of our hearts, where persistence has won (Ps 112:7). We can continue to grow in the beauty of our Lord here, walking out fulfillment. Able to cut through new opportunities before us, having been refined by His fire.

As He has gone before us (De 31:8).

And although we are always learning, God has removed the training wheels in this new level. He has given us eyes through which to see His way with greater clarity, so we can now proceed with greater assurance in Him.

We know we can do the work, because He proved us in the secret place. We can trust that He will continue to enable us by His Spirit of Grace.

As we put our hands to the plow, we will do so in greater authority as God continues to reveal His assignments, purposes and paths. 

God will bring key people to join us on this walk to form an increased convergence of His power to make a bigger, sharper instrument, like an arrowhead, that will hit the mark with tremendous impact.

Multiplicity that will come in and go out. 

By His mercy.

He will continue to give us eyes to see and a heart to know as he fits us together and enables us to occupy at this pinnacle level to achieve much.

As we continue to trust and obey Him, we will experience God finishing what He began in this fitting place of fulfillment.

This new, level place is one of wonders, where we will see God show up in miraculous ways as we co-labor with Him. 

Our victory will be certain as we submit to Him. 

Psalm 139:13-16 reminds us that we are fearfully and wonderfully made and that God’s works are wonderful. 

Psalm 66:3 TPT says, “For he’s the awe-inspiring God, great and glorious in power! We’ve never seen anything like him! Mighty in miracles, you cause your enemies to tremble. No wonder they all surrender and bow before you!”

Isaiah 41:10 offers us a strategy, saying, “Do not yield to fear, for I am always near. Never turn your gaze from me, for I am your faithful God. I will infuse you with my strength and help you in every situation. I will hold you firmly with my victorious right hand.” 

So, friends, God has readied us by leveling hindrances in us to level giants before us, which can be the challenges that come with new opportunities.

God has transformed us to transport us farther into our destiny.

It’s time to go out on assignment with God and experience His power on our behalf and flowing through us as miraculous wonders (Ac 4:30). 

So, let’s thank Him…

Dear Lord, 

Thank You for who You are: Our “one and only God” (Ps 86:10 TPT).

Thank You for Your “forgiving love” that “makes you so wonderful. No wonder you are loved and worshiped” (Ps 130:4 TPT)!

Thank You that Your “unforgettable works of surpassing wonder reveal” Your “grace and tender mercy” (Ps 111:4 TPT).

Thank You for opening our eyes to see “What miracles! What wonders! What greatness belongs to you” (Ps 86:10 TPT)!

Thank You for positioning us in a beautiful setting, a new level of honor made easy by Your prevailing Spirit of Grace. 

Thank You for making us into the virtuous women of Proverbs 31:30 as we live “in the wonder, awe, and” reverential “fear of” You…praised throughout eternity.”

Thank You for helping us walk out the fulfillment You have for us here, seeing Your glory in the midst of this mountaintop experience.

We need You, Lord. Help us to honor You every step of the way.

We beseech Your great wisdom as we head farther with You into this new land of divine promise.

Thank You, Lord, for enabling us to know You more in this. For leading us deeper into our destiny, where we’ll become even more involved in what matters most to Your heart. 

You are our God of breakthrough and follow-through. You are our Finisher, and we love You. 

We thank You for opening this “fountain of life within” us as we worship You “in wonder and awe” (Pr 14:27).

Thank You, Lord, that “to the farthest corners of the planet people will stand in awe, startled and stunned by your signs and wonders. Sunrise brilliance and sunset beauty both take turns singing their songs of joy to you” (Ps 65:8 TPT).

In Jesus’ Mighty Name,


This video-devo was graciously re-posted by the Salem Web Network, which includes iBelieve.com.

God of Wonder (Awe & Wonder) – Part 2

I believe God is restoring us to child-like wonder (Ps 86:10). Leading us to an expanded place of beauty—that which is lovely to us. 

A reflection of treasure as pure gold that blesses us. 

To set us into a place of provision for dreams to come true as He brings us closer to Him. 

God is using the wonder of our new settings (surroundings) as important tools to transplant us from past glory to new glory.

A couple of weeks ago, on January twelfth, I ran an errand on the far end of town. On my way back, I followed GPS, which led me through an alternate route into a beautiful neighborhood that I had only visited once before. 

I didn’t expect GPS to lead me this way. The first time I had visited this particular neighborhood was to look at Christmas lights a couple of weeks earlier, which Holy Spirit prompted me to do. 

Both times, in driving through this neighborhood, I experienced the most wonderful feeling, like God was waiting for me there.

This new-to-me place was a new setting—a visual—of what God is doing and where He’s taking me beyond these drive-by days.  

And God will do the same for you. 

He will cause us to experience awe and wonder that will open us up, refresh us and re-set us to receive His manifest promises He placed in our hearts.

So, the next day after running my errand, during quiet time, Holy Spirit revealed another, more meaningful look at the route He lead me through to arrive at this beautiful place: I had to pass through two circles, through a small downtrodden section and past an old church.

God revealed to me the symbolism and the feeling of awe of how, in my preparation, He led me upward through two cycles of bondage, through a hard place, then beyond lies, into this new beginning of expanded blessings.

I reflected on how God had to uproot ungodly roots before He could progress me along this new route.

In realizing this, even more, He filled my heart anew with gratitude for getting me unstuck, bringing me past former hardships and into child-like wonder of exploring His beauty that He had just for me. 

He enabled me to see the big picture from His perspective and without pain from my past.

He delivered me, transported me, and reset me. 

He positioned me for new growth.

Are you seeing God’s beautiful place in your own life?

How is He bringing you into your bright new year?

What new path is He setting you on?

Are you experiencing gratitude that He will honor?

God is leading us into more of His goodness—past the painful process of reconstruction into the wonder and joy of His completion and expansion phases of restoration. 

He desires to surround us with Him and reflections of His beauty in a new way. 

To enjoy.

Have you asked Him to open your eyes to see and ears to hear His way?

Have you received His faith to believe much more of His best for you?

I have no doubt the beautiful neighborhood is a picture for now of what God has more of forward.

A vision and experience of wonder to establish more wonder. 

Even in the former things, as He makes all things new and opens them up in our lives, like a gift to be unwrapped.

A treasure waiting to be received. Pure gold waiting to be uncovered even more. 

It was part of God’s plan all along, as He brings us into greater fulfillment of His restored, abundant-life cycle with the light of freedom in which to grow.

A place where God can transplant us without killing us, because He has rooted us so deeply in Him. It is a place where He can cause us to flourish faster in His wonder and as His wonder, because He enabled us to experience Him as Love in high Heavenly places.  

This is a place for which our God of wonder has prepared us to grow miraculously in the expanse of having overcome.

This is a place of holy ease, where we can expect to experience wonder after wonder as He has causes us to wonder with Him and realize He has made us into a wonder along the way.

Each of us are a living miracle, who can experience rapid growth as we have crossed over to the sunny side of the mountain, where He continues to warm our hearts again.

Now that He has strengthened us in Him, lifted our burdens and opened our eyes, we can expect to see more of His miracles from this vantage point of victory.

He has positioned us to step into the beginning of the multiplicity that is the wonder of the work that He has been doing behind the scenes all along. 

God is continuing to take the former things of our lives, including relationships and projects, to make them new again. He has removed the pain associated with them and has reformed them. When they come around this time, we will see them in the richness, the fullness of God in it as He intended—to be a true blessing of abundant life.

His higher purposes will prevail. We will receive wonders, as our eyes continue to be fixed and focused on His goodness.

So, pray with me if you will…

Dear Lord, 

Thank you for making me a wonder. As such, enable me to align with Your wonder and receive all the blessings You have for me in this new, beautiful place. Enable me to grow in the direction You desire to lead me. At the rate You desire to grow me to expand Your Kingdom on earth. 

In Jesus’ Mighty Name,


Friends, join me next week for Part 3 of Wonder of God (Awe & Wonder).

This video-devo was graciously re-posted by the Salem Web Network, which includes iBelieve.com.

Wonder of God (Awe & Wonder) – Part 1

I love the story of Elijah at the fire pits (a.k.a. the altars of sacrifice) in 1 Kings 18:37-39 where God’s power, as consuming fire, came down and set water ablaze to make Himself known as authentic in the face of unbelief.

To make Himself known above every false god.

Through this phenomenon, this wonder, God fulfilled His purpose: to reveal Himself with power and authority and to turn hearts back to Him, hearing every tongue confess His Lordship and seeing every knee bow (Philippians 2:8-11).

Face to the ground.

Finally, void of doubt. 

This is the supernatural power and purpose of wonders performed only by God. 

And He is about to increase them in the earth. 

God promises us He will restore hearts and relationships by the same wonder-working, dunamis power of Holy Spirit that worked through Elijah in Malachi 4:5-6 and through John the Baptist in Luke 1:17.

Our wonder-working God is reconnecting people to His righteousness by restoring our reverential fear of Him (Ex 15:11, Is 29:14).

Through wonders that cannot be humanly explained.

Wholeness is key. 

God tells us in Joel 2:12 that as we turn to Him with a whole heart, “every hindrance is removed and broken fellowship is restored.”

God abounds in lovingkindness and revokes evil when we obey Him. He blesses us so we have “the means with which to serve Him” (Jo 2:13-14 AMPC).

In other words, He causes us to be blessed to be a blessing, which expands His Kingdom on earth.

And wonders are His efficient tools to impact many, even simultaneously, in accelerated times.

In short, wonders are God’s powerful causes and effects of miracles only He can perform. 

They are life-changing for those who witness them and are experiential for the soul, affecting the body as well, with lasting impact.  

Wonders are undeniable.

And awe opens the door to wonders, which produces even more awe (Ac 2:43 TPT).

Like for Elijah, the wonders we experience can begin with signs of awesome revelation—the supernatural, insightful understanding of who God is and how He wills to work.  

Elijah knew to instruct people on how to set up the altars as a stage for God to reveal Himself in a mighty way to them. 

The people were instantly delivered from unbelief into God’s truth as they witnessed His astonishing wonders right before their eyes.

This brings us to an important point: Where we set our eyes is where we are positioned to go.

God uses wonders to propel us forward swiftly, which is why we are to look to Him alone (and not our circumstances) for advancement (Is 60:22 NIV).

Knowing this, are you positioned to experience God’s wonders?

What signs (revelation) has He given to you?

Those revelations (signs) contain the dunamis power to produce the fruit of astonishing wonders in and through your life (Ac 4:30). 

On New Year’s Eve, our Lord reminded me that He has pinnacle moments of accomplishment as markers of destiny right before us and that the way there is through His amazing miracle-working power as we willingly go forth with Him. 

As we extend child-like faith, He will bring us into places of achievement we could never do on our own.

Accomplishments where He alone gets the glory. 

A few days later, on January third, our Wonderful Counselor revealed to me that He is taking us back to the wonder and awe that we recognized at a young age to fulfill dreams He placed in our hearts. 

This time around, He is bringing us into His fulfillment with greater wisdom and a sure foundation, having been made stronger in Him to establish His Kingdom on earth.

These dreams and ambitions of our youth, seen from a learned perspective, will produce even greater joy, wonder and awe of knowing God and seeing Him move on our behalf. 

He will do it and, when He does, it will feel like it happened overnight.

He will transport us there.

During this shift, especially, we are to be careful to make decisions based on His high way of righteousness, not turning back to any counterfeits. 

We can know that our best days are before us with Him and that He will take us beyond them into exponential increase. 

So, pray with me if you will…

Dear Lord, 

Thank You for Your miracle-working power that produces wonders in my life. I repent of all my sins and relinquish all bitterness to You. Deliver me from every hindrance and fill me with Your Spirit anew. I invite You to make my heart whole and restore me to youthful wonder. I invite Your signs of revelation. Enable me to receive all You have for me. I wait in wonder (Ps 96:9). Thank You, Lord, for helping me win bigger and better as You make me more like You. 

In Jesus’ Mighty Name.


Friends, join me next week for Part 2 of Awe & Wonder

This video-devo was graciously re-posted by the Salem Web Network, which includes iBelieve.com.