Beautiful Life – Part 3

I am seeing God turn ashes to beauty in my life in every facet big and small as He brings us out of the Coronavirus cocoon. And it’s happening swiftly!

Oppressive weights have lifted. New doors have opened. New beginnings are manifesting. All as beauty.

Even some old things are made new…with more to come!

Are you experiencing this, too?

Recently, God showed me the Word “Distribute” in a Word-vision. He revealed to me that we have entered into a stage of “distribution.” 

About a week later, I was reading 1 Corinthians 12 in the TPT version as part of a homework assignment from my new church. And there, I saw the Word “distribute” four times. So, I dug deeper.

According to Helps Word Study, “distribute” in 1 Corinthians 12 means to “apportion (assign), by the choice of a superior; to divide” spiritual gifts for the purpose of confirming the Word of God, expanding His Kingdom and establishing His righteousness—on earth (1 Co 12:7 TPT study note).

1 Corinthians 12 verses 6 and 11 TPT say, “The same God distributes different kinds of miracles that accomplish different results through each believer’s gift and ministry as he energizes and activates them. Remember, it is the same Holy Spirit who distributes, activates, and operates these different gifts as he chooses for each believer.”

So, we see here that to “distribute” is the first step in Holy Spirit’s empowerment process to accomplish His three-fold purpose of making beautiful Him known in the world in a variety of ways.

This brings us to another definition of the Word “distribute” in regards to the miracle Jesus did (after thanksgiving) in John 6:11, when He distributed the loaves and fishes to those who were seated. 

In this verse, according to Strong’s (# 1239), the Word “distribute” means to divide, to offer, to give throughout a crowd, to hand over, to deliver over as to a successor.

Doesn’t this remind you of Jesus offering Himself up to be our greatest gift, as well as delivering His Word and Spirit to us to become His living, empowered successors?

Psalms 111:3 TPT says, “Everything he does is full of splendor and beauty! Each miracle demonstrates his eternal perfection.”

Titus 2:14 TPT says, “He sacrificed himself for us that he might purchase our freedom from every lawless deed and to purify for himself a people who are his very own, passionate to do what is beautiful in his eyes.”

So, the message is clear: our Lord is inviting us to be empowered as conduits of His miraculous provision to then go and do what He did and even greater exploits as we trust and obey Him.  

1 Corinthians 12:31 TPT says, “…now I will show you a superior way to live that is beyond comparison!”

The Amplified Classic version expands this by commanding us to “…earnestly desire and zealously cultivate the greatest and best gifts and graces (the higher gifts and the choicest graces). And yet I will show you a still more excellent way [one that is better by far and the highest of them all–love].”

Ironically, our Lord led me to this very scripture the morning before He led me to church, where I received my homework assignment. 

God has an intentional plan to work against division as mentioned in 1 Corinthians 12:25 by setting us up to “look after…others with mutual concern.”

So, as we go to serve others, according to His leading, He will continue to take care of what concerns us and also reward us.

Holy Spirit is bringing us out of hibernation more empowered and setting is us on a new trajectory that leads to an explosive convergence—the manifestations of His big promises to us—the fruit of dreams come true (Pr 21:21 TPT). 

Big ones. 

Ones for which He has prepared us over time.

Not only will this happen for us but also for those He reaches through us by His Spirit.

Are you ready for His manifest miracles?

Ephesians 5:27 TPT reminds us “All that he does in us is designed to make us a mature church for his pleasure, until we become a source of praise to him—glorious and radiant, beautiful and holy, without fault or flaw.”

So, no matter what’s going on in our lives, we can choose to move toward His beauty—His justice, honor and praise—and express it outwardly. Remaining in intimacy with Him is key.

We can experience His Glory-Presence and offer, activate and operate in miracles for Kingdom purposes as He leads—all by His Spirit and for His Glory.

Psalms 149:4 TPT says, “For he enjoys his faithful lovers. He adorns the humble with his beauty, and he loves to give them victory.”

Jesus lives a victorious life that He extends to us and through us. So, His greatest beauty is found in the true life of victory-salvation He has offered to us. When we walk in it, we will experience a more beautiful reality. There is no greater adventure. 

Colossians 4:12 TPT encourages us to “…grow and mature, standing complete and perfect in the beauty of God’s plan for your lives…”

1 Corinthians 13:13 TPT reminds us that ” above all else, let love be the beautiful prize for which you run.”

Pray with me if you will…

Dear Lord, 

Thank You for making us complete in Christ (Co 2:10). Thank You that we can lift up our “heads [in joy], because [suffering ends as]” our “redemption is drawing near” (Lk 21:28). Thank You for being our Spirit of Justice, who works on our behalf to bring beauty out of ashes (Is 28). I invite you to equip and empower me in any way that delights You. Thank You for activating Your gifts in me and for operating them through me. Thank You for teaching us Your Word and ways (Ps 119:68, Ep 4:29, 2 Th 2:17, Pr 10:29). Fill our hearts with your “beautiful intentions” (1 Jn 3:22). Here I am, Lord. Send me for Your glory. I trust in You.

In Jesus’ Mighty Name,


This video-devo was graciously re-posted by the Salem Web Network, which includes

Solidarity: Fellowship to Strengthen – Part 2

God is gathering His saints (Christ-followers). 

His powerhouse (Ac 3:7, 16; 16:5, 2 Cor 1:21).

John 11:52 TPT tells us “…Jesus’ death would not be for the Jewish people only, but to gather together God’s children scattered around the world and unite them as one.”

God’s order is coming into place beautifully, being established through His mature bride for His return, by His Spirit. 

Seated (Eph 2:6).

Immovable (1 Pe 5:9).

Undivided and in agreement with Him.

The opposite of the anti-Christ’s one world religion (He 13:9, 2 Pe 3:17).

But to operate in true solidarity—by grace, a strong fellowship of faithful Christ followers who bring Heaven to earth and strengthen others—we must first be faithful in solitude.

Solitude is made of up of the Latin word “soli,” which, according to Webster’s, is plural for “solo” and can mean “accommodating one person.” (For the purpose of this devotion, that One person would be Jesus and in essence, means many serving The Lord and others for His Kingdom.) “Tude” in “solitude” is derived from the Latin word tudo, which means state or condition.

As Christians, we regard ourselves as being set apart from the world unto The Lord. We refer to solitude as our “secret place” with God. Sometimes, we call it our “alone time.” 

It’s where we commune deeply with God and are strengthened by His Presence, often in an attitude of prayer, worship, Bible reading or just being quiet before Him. 

Matthew 6:6 TPT says, “But whenever you pray, go into your innermost chamber and be alone with Father God, praying to him in secret. And your Father, who sees all you do, will reward you openly.”

One of the definitions of solitude that Webster’s uses is “A lonely place (as a desert).” 

This brings to mind Jesus being driven into the desert by Holy Spirit to be tested for forty days, while angels ministered to Him during and after (Mk 1:12-13, Matt 4:11).

Solitude is an arena for desperation. But the irony here is that it’s “also where God richly grants His presence and provision for those seeking Him.” It’s where “the limitless Lord shows Himself strong in the ‘limiting’ (difficult) scenes of life” (HELPS Word-studies).

Solitude is a place of preparation, where God breaks open the way for us to see and receive His higher through revelation and His glorious Presence.

Jesus especially experienced this soon before He was about to be crucified for our redemption. 

Matthew 26:42 TPT tells us, “…he left them for a second time to pray in solitude. He said to God, ‘My Father, if there is not a way that you can deliver me from this suffering, then your will must be done.’”

In-between the desert testing and His crucifixion, Jesus made solitude a practice: 

Luke 6:12 TPT says, “…Jesus went up into the high hills to spend the whole night in prayer to God.

Mark 1:35 TPT reveals, “The next morning, Jesus got up long before daylight, left the house while it was dark, and made his way to a secluded place to give himself to prayer.” 

Jesus also practiced solitude with His team of disciples: 

Mark 6:31 TPT says, “There was such a swirl of activity around Jesus, with so many people coming and going, that they were unable to even eat a meal. So, Jesus said to his disciples, “Come, let’s take a break and find a secluded place where you can rest a while.”

We all need solitude with God to grow and develop in our relationship with Him and get recharged from Kingdom work.

Abiding with Him day and night is the only way we can remain steadfast, wherever He sends us. 

Solitude is a place where our heart is strengthened (Ja 5:8): 

It’s where hope gets renewed, our passion is reignited, mysteries are revealed, healing happens and peace prevails. 

It’s where we exchange our low life for His high life: Our lust for His love. Our carnal appetites for His desires (Ga 6:8). 

It’s where crooked places are made straight in us (1 Th 3:13, 2 Th 2:17).

It’s where we become settled amid sifting (1 Pe 5:10). 

It’s where we are reminded to remain enthroned above the entombment of our past (Ep 2:6, Lk 23:53).

And it’s the only way we can bear good fruit in every season (Ps 1:3).

Psalm 1:3 AMPC says, “And he shall be like a tree firmly planted [and tended] by the streams of water, ready to bring forth its fruit in its season; its leaf also shall not fade or wither; and everything he does shall prosper [and come to maturity]. [Jer. 17:7, 8.]”

1 Corinthians 15:58 TPT encourages us to, “… stand firm, stable, and enduring. Live your lives with an unshakable confidence. We know that we prosper and excel in every season by serving the Lord, because we are assured that our union with the Lord makes our labor productive with fruit that endures.”

Our strong union with God blossoms outwardly and exponentially in union with other believers to extend His love without falter. His Spirit enables us to minister in overflow.

In Colossians 1:23 TPT, Paul encourages us to “…continue to advance in faith, assured of a firm foundation to grow upon. Never be shaken from the hope of the gospel you have believed in…this is the glorious news I preach all over the world.”

So, friends, will you dare to be made more solid (whole) with God for His glory?

He desires a house that will stand (Ma 12:25).

This is my prayer for us…

Dear Lord, 

“Could there be any other god like you? You are the only God to be worshiped, for there is not a more secure foundation to build” our lives “upon than you” (Ps 18:31 TPT). “You’ve set” us “free from captivity and now” we’re “standing complete, ready to fight some more” (Ps 18:36 TPT)! Thank You for comforting and encouraging our “hearts and” strengthening “them” [making “them steadfast and” keeping “them unswerving] in every good work and word” (2 Th 2:17 AMPC). “Through you” we “ascend to the highest peaks of your glory to stand in the heavenly places, strong and secure in you” (Ps 18:33 TPT). Thank You for unseating Your enemies and shoring up breaches, by Your Spirit, and through Your people. Help us to remain in You and honor You—Your Presence and grace of glory-power. Your peace. Thank You for the safety and power in numbers, that “wherever two or three are gathered…in” Your “name, there” You are “in the midst of them” (Ma 18:20 AMPC). Thank You for prospering us everywhere You send us, by Your grace, enabling us to leave “the church stronger and more encouraged than before” (Acts 15:41 TPT).

In Jesus’ Mighty Name,


This video-devo was graciously re-posted by the Salem Web Network, which includes